Spring 2009
Vol. 17 No. 1

In this issue...

Message from the President

Welcome New Board Members

News from Lansing

Intrepid Pond

Landscaping at Centennial Farm

Hennepin Marsh Clean-up

New Detention Pond

2008 GI Conservationist of the Year Award

In Memorium

Annual Meeting

Earth Day

Honors & Recognitions


Membership Renewals
Memorials & Honorariums


Upcoming Events...

April 26
Earth Day

1PM to 4PM
Centennial Farm

May 2
GINLC Clean Up
Meet 9AM
Centennial Farm

May 9
Intrepid Pond Planting

Come when you can 9AM to 3PM
Meet at Meridian and Intrepid

Date to be announced
Fall Property Tour

November 7
Annual Meeting
10AM to 11:30AM
Centennial Farm


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2008 Grosse Ile Conservationist of the Year - Pam Frucci

President Liz Hugel presents the 2008 Conservationist of the Year Award to Pam Frucci 

Pam Frucci was awarded the 2008 Conservationist of the Year Award for her tireless dedication and outstanding contributions to the preservation and stewardship of the natural resources on Grosse Ile and beyond.  She is an amazing example of “stewardship” in this community, whether it’s working diligently in a high profile position like Township Trustee, a member of the Open Space/Greenways Committee or doing everyday good citizen of the earth activities like picking up roadside trash.  Pam was a founding member of the Island Beautification and Natural Resources Committees and has extended her efforts beyond our island to include serving on SEMCOG committees, the Downriver Recycling Center and Keep Michigan Beautiful.  At home, Pam has guided work by local scouts to build trails through our woods and periodically shares her conservationist principles with the community through the Ile Camera.  In 2008 Pam started the Friends of Westcroft Gardens, a band of volunteers organized to assist the de Beausset family in their efforts to preserve the natural beauty of their property, the oldest working island farm. 

Pam is an excellent example of a conservationist who “walks the talk” with respect and appreciation for our natural environment exemplified in her decisions and actions.  Back in November when we bestowed Pam with this award it was a rather chilly morning and a cold rain was in the forecast.  Nevertheless, Pam saw no need to travel the few miles to the annual meeting by car.  She kept her carbon footprint low by hopping on her bike and using her own energy.  In honoring Pam Frucci as our 2008 Conservationist of the Year, we encourage you to take to heart one of her favorite sayings: The earth is a garden and we are the caretakers.