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     Well like I said, I have a family of six. Four boys my mom, and dad who is currently kicked out might I add. Anyway, we all still live under the same roof, you know that 3 bedroom 2 bathroom hunka junka thang... Well my dad, he is kicked out because he won't quit smoking. My mom and he have tried every thing in their power to get him to quit, but we're on low budget right now so we can't put him through any of those therapy things like we all want to or anything. He is a good man to try his best to raise us all, but lately he has been the biggest of jerks to us all. He makes all the money in the family and spends a fortune on himself and his motor cycle CRAP. Sorry it just really makes me mad, yet he cant spare a penney when we need something. My mom (who has to beg him for any money so we can live) is a hard working woman and she doesnt even have a paying job. The only thing we are able to pay her with is love and respect which might I add she doesn't get as much as she deserves. She has the hardest job of all, taking care of us. Take it or leave it its not an easy job, she has to cook, clean, pick up our stuff, wash our clothes, which we should do but you know how it is. I'm still in school and my brothers aren't even supposed to be living with us cuz they're both over 21 years old so she is doing them a big favor by giving them a home, food, and a bed to sleep in. Other than that, my older brothers are a whole other story. They went to the same high school as me, and they have moved out of the house twice and came back. They had a band called Ragged Release, but they broke up a few months ago after renaming themselves "Banned." My little brother is getting there. He was a fat little turd a while back but now hes catching up with me and I'm the tallest one in the family. He is a freshman this year at my high school so i get to have fun picking on him lol. He is the only blonde person in my family and for a while we thought he was gonna be the shortest but hes already passed my oldest brother up by 1/2 an inch. Well thats all I have to say about my family.... Acctually I lied, my dog Shepp. She's a German Sheppard hince the name lol. We've had her for about 4 years now and she seems to be the best dog we've had yet. Well there we have it, my family in a nutshell or... at least a webshell!!

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