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      Me... Well i guess theres not a whole lot to say about me. If you want the bad opinion you can ask my ex, but if you want the honest truth you can listen to what i have to say so that there are no mistakes. I am tall... for the most part its a good thing. But on the other side the people i normally talk to are just short compared to me and i find myself looking down quite a bit. (Hint: Incase you were planning on growing- It's a huge strain on the neck!!)I'm 6'4" and i weigh 215lbs... I know I know your thinking... "Jeeze he is fat!!" But you have to remember that I am really tall so I'm really not fat at all. I have a family of six and a dog so we're packed in our 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with my mom being the only female around. Boy does she gripe a lot, I mean every 5 seconds another one of us does something wrong and we have to hear it. But don't get me wrong i love my mom more than any other person on earth. Oh... but really we have 8 people in our family, because of my two older brother's girls. They like, never leave! I'm a big piano player, I can't read music and I don't know all the chords or anything. I play by ear, which for all you wierdos out there means i can play what i hear. It doesn't matter if it's the radio or a theme song for a T.V. show i probably know it. I live in Irving Tx some where between Beltline and Vally View where Starplex and Walmart are.... but thats beyond the point.... Acctually that is what this whole page is about lol so I guess it is the point. Ok..... well that concludes the all about me page for now because if I put any more I'll most likely get confused and have a spastic moment then pass out from typing so much... See ya, and dont forget to vizit the other parts of my site, they're Awsome.

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