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Easy tutorial for making detailed, color Text Images

  1. Find a picture you would like to make the text image of on the internet
  2. Save the picture on your hard drive
  3. Open up Outlook Express
  4. Start a new message to send to whoever you want. (Your self if no one else)
  5. Go to Format, Background (After making sure Rich Text HTML is on), picture and brouse for the pic. you saved
  6. Choose a font and font size (Smaller and closer the letters are to eachother the better for detail)
  7. Type over the background with the corisponding color with appropriate symbols to cover the area of the pic you are on
  8. When you are done, go to format, stationary, no stationary, and then again to format, background
    choose a color to be the background (Black is the most useful unless the picture is mostly dark colors).
Note: To make custom colors, highlight the part you want as that color, right click on it, click font, color, custom color, and play with it until it is the color you want!
Note 2: Holding shift and moving the arrow keys around may be helpful in highlighting parts precisely!
Note 3: If a Link shows up from you typing and you didn't want it, you can right click and delete the link, Or you can shut off the thing that automaticly makes links.

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