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This is The Saving Time...

...Are you a Soul Winner?

My Should We Try To Save Others??

This is possibly one of the most needed things we as Christians should do and yet one of the hardest things to accomplish. Whether it's for a family member to a casual friend. Whether it's the fear and reluctance to what they might think once you let the cat out of the bag that you ARE born-Again; It's all the same issue for most New believers.

Let me tell you something... First, there is no need to be ashamed of Christ...If He set YOU free, I bet it's overwhelming and you're jumping for Joy. So, Let the people in your life know who delivered you from: Alcohol, drugs, being suicidal, depressed, anxious, scared or simply but MOST important you had your Soul Saved for Eternity!

Once that is done, you may get Praises or Rejections. If your family is not Born-Again, Relax...Rejection and mockery is common. But Stand firm and strong in your Faith. They didn't set you Free, neither will they Un-Free you. So, be patient and Pray for them. Because it is VERY Important that all Humans must know the ONLY ONE that can get them a ticket to Heaven, which happens to be free!

Of Course taking that step of actually going up to them and say "You need Jesus..or After you die I won't see you again" can get you nervous, especially if they are friends you know you shouldn't hang out with after you made that life-changing decision, I know from my own experience that saying "You have to get saved or I Can't be yor friend anymore" Is also extremely hard to do, if they've had been the ONLY people you hang out with forever.

So, Not only do you risk to be laughed at but could experience loosing and not having any friends for the first time in your life.

Do Not Worry about that!!! Because Real Friends, who really DO care about you and who won't judge you on your decision cause they have made the same one ,are on their way to you right now!!

The Point of this page is to encourage you that with Jesus living in you now and the Holy Spirit walking with you, You've got all the confidence and given protection you need, to walk up to someone and say " I care about you, and I can't sit back and watch you ruin your life, I need to tell you this important thing..." If you need help, go to my Witness Tool Page and look up some examples I have up there.

My Contents:

Scriptural Strength
Kick Back
Are You Ready????
Post Prayers & Praises
Your Purpose
Surving Trials
