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Having A Bad Season?


Dear Friend,

Don't worry about the trials you are going through right now, don't you know that God will use them to make you stronger?  

I've most definitely been through times where I thought that God was just playing with me and having a good show at my misery but He proved me wrong when I realized I had to experience all these hardships to be able to get only closer to Him, we just have to accept it with a thankful heart and worship Him in our troubles because as Tommy Tenney once said : "Circumstances has nothing to do with worship, Your worship determines your destination"

And I believe it does, even though when problems come, I tend to first panic and stress out with all my might and then turn to God...I'm aware that's the wrong way to do things, but like everyone we must learn!

Everyone wants a testimony but how many wants to take the test? 

I know the Lord will sustain you. Psalm 91, and I love this one in Psalm 20:7 and of course remember that:

Job is a man who knows how to survive a Bad day!

So, Be still and know that He is God!!!!!! 

Love ya


P.S. It's finally up and running; "Our Prayer Message Board". Post your prayer needs and by God's Grace you'll be able to have millions praying for whatever difficulty you may be going through. May God Bless You and Keep you protected from the enemy!! 

My Contents: If you need supernatural help with your problem click here to post your prayer request - Home - Kick Back If You Need To Relax- Are Your Ready??? - A Time To Save - Scriptural Strength - Your Purpose

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