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Your Purpose...

As A Young Christian

Joel 2 :28-30

"I will pour out my Spirit on everyone:

Your sons and Daughters will proclaim my message; Your old men will have dreams;

and your YOUNG PEOPLE will see vision.

At that time I will pour out my Spirit even on servants, both men and women" !

You know, as young people, we have a purpose in life for God's work and it needs to be fulfilled.

He saved us from the eternal fires of Hell.

I hope you all know that if it wasn't for His sacrifice on the cross ,when death comes at the end of our life , Hell, would have been our destiny but God loved the world too much to let this happened so he sent His only son to save you from it by setting you onto a road diversion ...And this one leads to HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I urge you to keep this love gift in mind every day of your life and worship Him for He Loves you more than anything and wants to restore and lift you up to a higher level of success and prosperity in this present time and Believe that Jesus is Coming back and prepare His coming by saving more souls in your school and family!!!

He will reward you for it but remember to keep your personal relationship with Him active, even if it means to sacrifice an hour of television a day to talk with Him !!

Love ya

Keep The Faith


My Contents :

Are You Ready???
A Time To Save
Kick Back
Scriptural Strength
Surving Trials
Post Your Prayers & Praises
