forceful.    evil.    scheming.

Elkanah Bent, son of the Congressman, but raised by foster parents. He was George and Orry's drill master and fellow cadet at West Point, whom everyone learned to hate and fear. Bent's tacticts for learning were unmercyful, and this was noticed by the older cadets who put a stop to them. Always looking for a way to get Orry and George in trouble and kicked out, he followed them to a local bar in the winter, but instead had them save him when he fell into the frozen lake. At the battle of Cherbusco in the Mexican War, he pulled some strings after being expelled from the academy (due to the plan of George, Orry, and other classmates), and became the superior officer of Orry and George. He sent them on a deadly charge where Orry got injured by a cannon shell. Bent is known as "Butcher Bent". He makes it the rest of his life to terrorize both families.

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