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Heres some lyrics. most of these are just unfinished pieces, but its so much better then the crap that was on here..

~untitled piece 1~

its cold outside
my tears now ice
im lost and hurt
paying my own price

so far from home
how do i return
im lost and hurt
my emotions burn

explain to me why suffering gave me joy
was it really worth it to me
did i think benefit would automatically come
actually you were the thing that was worth it to me

~untitled piece 2~

brace yourself for exploding hearts that keep the saddest stories deep inside. hoping its only the rough draft. and wishing that she will re-create this tradgic masterpiece. including herself in her work, let me be your protagonist.

~untitled piece 3~

its the end of something perfect
that never began
and now you plan to leave
as perfection fails again
irealavently perfection fails again

~untitled piece 4~

my head is gorged with dejection
with a variance of emotions
(they run rampant)
cant think straight
or even wait
til all this clears
and all dies
all dies
dies off!

~untitled piece 5~

depression makes me contemplate my existance
as the scrutiny of fidelity continues
i cannon find a single form of vivacity
i only with my anguish would dispose

~eradicate the pattern~
aspirations never acheived
hesitant to fail again
need for alterations rise
prospections of fufillment


possesing all my desires
holding ever perfect trait
culminating of my standard
reasons im drawn to you

ok so yea all those suck too haha i still couldnt find any of my good stuff its in a folder somehwere.. but that was better than the crap that was up! later hoes! ~josh