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ok finnaly updated 12/10/04!!!
ignore everything under this becuase its all old new but im leaving it here because its funny!!!!
BUT... the good news is we just got a singer!!!!
her name is rachel and shes awesome! and shes loves olp
so that makes her ever more awesome!! everyone.. lets here it for rachel!!

contact josh on aim... "intheend4"

Garage is currently doing absolutely nothing! no practice... we suck!

ok so peep bailed cuz we suck so bad.... back to the original three... (2 of them are gone)

good news is... we have finaly picked a style of music to play...
and yes! we can do it with the 3 peep we have.
its kinda like a mellow relaxing jack johnson type of deal...
so we are gunna have to redo our 1 song.. thats right only 1 song...
haha o well... its still fun

maybe next year gArAge will have a song or 2. who knows..

the music video for josh and levis side project went well talk to levi if u wanna see it. his aim sn is "eat a pigeon 4"

becuz my computer is lame i cant do any updating on this page. so i have to do it at other locations. therefore this could take a while b4 everything is setled. bios and more pics and updated lyrics will come soon.. i promise ~joshy

gArAge is estate