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UNDER CONSTRUCTION! be up soon i promise... ok not promise but soon

Josh: 20 years old, umm i love hockey its my fav sport its better if its roller hockey but i love watching ice hockey.. i kinda obsess over hockey..

umm movies theres tons fight club, identidy, memento, the notebook, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, south park, basketball, team america, all 3 scary movies esp #3, shriek if u know what i did last friday the 13th, american history x, godsend, death to smoochy, 25th hour, rounders, (anything with ed norton!) and tons more...

music, im really into the local scene with bands like before i go, ettison clio, the weakend, alucard, only in movies, fordirelifesake, roses are red, chiodos, etc.. as far as the main stream stuff i like everything from story of the year to jack johnson to cake, a few others include system of a down, chevelle, evergreen terrace, hopesfall, posion the well, underoath, hawthorne heights, lost prophets, tons more and my all time fav is LINKIN PARK.. they are tied with our lady peace as well.. and tons more bands..

umm so yea thats some stuff about me u wanna know more im me "--> intheend4 <--" on aim (withouth the arrows haha)

Joel: in progress

Tim: in progress

Rachel: in progress