Topic: Site Features
Our R+D team has finally transmitted to HQ their week-long project, and the results have exceeded the expectations of the board.
In the official TAKOTRON news from yesterday or the other day or whatever you will find the TAKOTRON font, v2.0. It's of course awesome, and we are proud to announce that we were just contacted by the
US DEPT OF THE TREASURY who have bought the rights to use it on every DOLLAR BILL MINTED HENCEFORTH. The amount paid shall not be disclosed, here, but lets just say Comptroller Hotoda will finally be able to afford those Platinum-plated front teeth she has been hankering for.
Interestingly, it happened to be a broken link that has since been fixed. Though we apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused, TAKOTRON refuses to issue an apology or accept responsibility for this tragedy.
Also, please visit the new