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Personal Orbital Drop Platforms

Publicly personnel drop platforms have been mostly noted in use by the military.  They are also
used in emergency evacuations (vs Life Boats) and for recreation.  These devices were accurately
defined in MT. Per T20 groups of individuals may use orbital vehicles at TL7 and grav vehicles at TL10.

1.  Drop Capsule (TL 8...15) Enclosed, environment capsule that allows travel to the surface within 20 minutes
     with hardwired controls.   It also allows evac, transport of food and weapons without a vacc suit.
2. Armoured Drop Capsule (TL8...15) - Drop Capsule computerized and armoured for drop into high tech
    enemy combat positions.
3. Parawing  - (TL8, 10, 13) Maximum mobility drop tool with a 1 hour transit time. Difficult to detect but
    unarmored.  Requires a Vacc Suit but recommend an ablative suit.
4. Grav Chute - (TL 12) Hybrid of gravitics and parachute with a 1 hour transit time. Requires a Vacc Suit but
    recommend an ablative suit.
5. Grav Belt  - (TL 12) High mobility, harness that negates weight and allows a 1 hour transit time. Requires a
   Vacc Suit but recommend an ablative suit.
6. Personal Reentry Kit - (TL8, 10,13) Inflatable, ablative shield mold, cannister of foam, chemical fueld
    attitude/reentry thrusters, hardwired computer controls and softlanding system. Requires a Vacc Suit but
    recommend an ablative suit.
7. Matter Transporter (TL16+) "beam me up, Scotty"

OIP Home Rules:

Half Electronics Suite
Escape Pod Padding
A same size, price alternative to a 1 pilot couch. The interior walls have heavy pads, shocks, and full body straps for 4 passengers.  Each passenger must roll Dex to avoid injury once during re-entry or orbital insertion.