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ADC1 - Armoured Drop Capsule

Designed by: Admiral Savage
2-ton Hull (Cone) - Streamlined
AC: 12.5 (13 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 0.5 (TL-14)   SI: 52.5   Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Tiny   Cost: 2.719 MCr (3.399 MCr without discount)
Model/1 (PP: 28/11) Computer   Avionics: Less than 600-ton  
Sensors: Close Range   Communications: Close Range
Cargo: 0.13-tons,
Extra Ship's Stores (.025t,.00135Mcr): 2 person/weeks of Medium Passage Stores (MREs),
Annual Maintenance = .272 KCr (.136 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = .068 KCr/Month (.68 KCr per year)
Acceleration: 1-G   Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion ( EP output, enough fuel for 0.01 weeks)
Active Defenses:
Hardpoints: 1
Ship's Vehicles:


Accomodations & Fittings:
1x Small Craft Couch (1 Crew)
1x Airlock
Crew Details:
1x Pilot

The Armoured Drop Capsule is a standard Drop Troop Insertion Platform with several additions including
computer controls, hardpoint, . They are usually designated by "ADC-number of pod-id number on the ship". 
It normally contains two 2 weeks worth of MREs, weapons cargo, and 1.6 hours of fuel.
These capsules are capable of surface evac and recovery by their vessels.

Also see, Orbital Insertion Platforms for alternatives.

Home Rules version of Drop Capsule:

Contains a model 1/2 computer (1h) for very small spacecraft only (<20t). Sensor package is refined to extremely close range.

ADC1 - Armoured Drop Capsule

Designed by: Admiral Savage
2-ton Hull (Cone) - Streamlined, TL 15
AC: 13 (13 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 1 (TL-14)   SI: 52.5   Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Tiny   Cost: 1.794 MCr (2.242 MCr without discount)
Model/1H (PP: 14/5) Computer  
Avionics:  Less than 20-ton   Sensors: Extremely Close Range   Communications: Locator Beacon-Close Range
Cargo: 0.82-tons  
Extra Ship's Stores(.025t,.00135Mcr): 2 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = .179 KCr (.09 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = .045 KCr/Month (.449 KCr per year)
Acceleration: 1-G   Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion ( EP output, enough fuel for 0.01 weeks)
Atmospheric Speeds:   NOE = 875kph   Cruising = 2,625kph   Maximum = 3,500kph
Active Defenses:
Hardpoints: 1
1x Single Sandcaster Turret TL-15, +3 AC, Ammo: 4 sand canisters
Ship's Vehicles:
Accomodations & Fittings:
1x Small Craft Couch (1 Crew)
1x Airlock
Crew Details:
1x Pilot

The Armoured Drop Capsule is a standard Drop Troop Insertion weapon. They are usually designated by the
ADC, number of pod, and then number on the ship.  These are generally removed for covert ops missions.  It
normally has 2 weeks worth of MREs and weapons cargo  And 1.6 hours of fuel.

The Drop Capsule is one of the standard Drop Troop Insertion platforms. Armoured Drop Capsules are usually
designated  by "ADC-number of pod-id number on the ship". 
It normally contains 2 weeks worth of MREs, weapons cargo, and 1.6 hours of fuel. These capsules are
capable of surface evac and recovery by their vessels.

Half Electronics Suite - Implemented
  • Half model/1 computer ( 1H) -half size, half price and half functionality. For Tiny craft.
  • Half sensor - half size and price, non-interactive passive sensor. Objective is to define and select geographic    settings (land not water, etc) and close activity (250m).
  • Half communicator - half size and price, a close range locator beacon with extremely close range communications.
Escape Pod Padding - Optional
A same size, price alternative to a 1 pilot couch. The interior walls have heavy pads, shocks, and full body straps
for 4 passengers.  Each passenger must roll Dex to avoid injury once during re-entry or orbital insertion.

Alternative insertion platforms include:
1. Armoured Drop Capsules
2. Parawing
3. Grav Chutes
4. Grav Belts
5. Personal reentry Kit
6. Matter Transporters