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What do we do?
Phalanx Games Design has been designing role playing games and supplements for the discerning public since 1977 or so – in the sense that its CEO, CFO, Chief Cook and Bottlewasher, and Head Designer, Phil McGregor, has been designing them since then.
Who is this guy?
My first game design project was to luck into a chance at assisting in the design of the well known (if you’re old enough) SF role playing game, Space Opera, from Fantasy Games Unlimited. The project was co-ordinated by Ed Simbalist (author of Chivalry and Sorcery) and Mark Ratner and I assisted him.
What has he done?

The next several projects I had a hand in were also for FGU – a couple of Staratlases and an adventure for Space Opera, a supplement for Chivalry and Sorcery and two Campaign Packs for Aftermath.

At the time FGU more or less self-destructed (it’s a long story), I was working on a historical background supplement for Chivalry and Sorcery based on Republican and Imperial Rome, tentatively entitled SPQR (“Senatus Populusque Romanus” = Senate and People of Rome).

Since then the main project that I was involved in that has been published was Rigger Black Book #1 for FASA – which was fun. However, the subsequent RBBs have virtually nothing I wrote included in them – mainly because of the changed rule systems.

When Chivalry & Sorcery 3rd Edition was released by Highlander Games, I was asked to redo SPQR for the new game system and had done so just about the time that Highlander also self-destructed.

With the appearance of Chivalry & Sorcery: The Rebirth (effectively Chivalry & Sorcery 4th Edition) the folks at Britannia Games approached me to rewrite SPQR for the new edition – and, at present, they have the completed first draft of the manuscript (and have had for a couple of years) and it is being desultorily proof-read and playtested.

The Secret Service Connection

Somewhere in there, I had submitted a proposal for a Cliffhangers campaign supplement to Steve Jackson Games, and I received a letter from them saying that a contract would follow “in a few days” … dated, literally, less than a week before they were raided by the US Secret Service. That disaster caused them to reassess their publication policy and they decided that they didn’t make enough money out of adventures … so there went my chance at doing work for SJG!

Recent Developments

Still, I tried again with an early version of what finally developed into Road to Armageddon, but, sadly, they also decided that it didn’t meet their requirements either. One of these days I’ll try again with something they’ll consider to be more mainstream and, who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky?

Anyway, not giving up on Armageddon, I eventually added a lot of material and worked up my own game system – Standard Roleplaying – and for the last several years it has been available through Hyperbooks ( as an eBook.

The very latest

However, most recently, the publication (in eBook form) of EABA by Greg Porter of BTRC (which I had a small hand in playtesting) impressed me so much with the simplicity and expansiveness of the system that I abandoned a complete update of Armageddon to completely rewrite the core elements of the game to work with the EABA rules as Road to Armageddon.


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