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Road to Armageddon

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On the Road to Armageddon
The world of Armageddon is one that is almost familiar to all of us -- it is our earth and our continents, but changed by the passage of 25000 years.
The World of the Far Future

Global Warming, Ice Ages and other, more expected, natural forces of wind and water -- as well as the gradual drift of crustal plates -- have changed the face of the planet.

Subtly in some places, grossly in others.

On top of the natural changes, there are some that are almost certainly man-made -- some where actual physical remains make this a certainty, and others where the siting of the changed features make it seem likely to those with the right knowledge.

The sites of several ancient cities are now circular lakes or depressions of considerable size -- probably asteroid strikes, and likely directed asteroid strikes.

Whatever caused this, war or something else, it also caused massive depopulation -- so massive that it is only within the last millennia or so that human populations have reached those of Medieval Europe.

The Exiles
Into this "new world" a few score thousand (effective) exiles from the 20th and early 21st century have been dumped by some sort of unexpected time warp -- soldiers and civilians from WW1, WW2 and even WW3 -- Germans (Imperial and Nazi), Americans, British, French, Israelis and some other mixed odds and sods.

Needless to say, the tensions between (and even within) these groups is at least as much a source of adventure as is their relationship with the locals.

The situation they find themselves dropped in is not one they would have chosen -- the locals are involved in a long and, quite obviously, genocidal war against an enemy that is not quite human, and certainly one that has no trace of human feeling or morality.

The Enemy

Advanced technology and something very much like magic vie with entities that simply refuse to die -- and rise from the "dead" after anything but the most grossly lethal wounds.

The locals simply have not been able to hold them off -- after all, even if they win a battle, the next day the bulk of the "dead" (both enemy and friends) rise and continue the attack!

Their technology -- basically pre-gunpowder -- simply does not provide them with the firepower to withstand their enemies.

The Problem

Of course, the modern exiles simply do not have the massive industrial and logistic base to rely entirely on firepower, either -- though they do have the means to move in this direction.

In the meantime, the characters will have to face an inimicable enemy with skill and wits to supplement the not-always-available high tech firepower that they theoretically possess.

Just remember, Surrender is NOT an option!


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