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The Content and General Layout of the Website
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An Introduction to Russia

An Introduction to Germany

An Introduction to Italy

An Introduction to America

This Website charts the history of the Twentieth Century. It examines key dates and events and looks at them from differing countries interpretation. Historical events such as the Russian Revolution, World War One, World War Two, the Cold War, Watergate and the Cuban Missile Crisis are just a few that this site will seek to investigate.

Each country will have its own layout and colour scheme as to make it easier to understand. The main countries that will be used in this website will be Russia, Italy, Germany and the United States of America. By Clicking on the Link on the left will take the reader naturally onto the first Introduction, Germany. Once on the first introduction you can then follow through the other three introductions. After the fourth introduction - the link will direct the reader to a Signpost Page. This page will allow the reader to study their preferred country's history.

"Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." -George Santayana

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