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Rants of a crazy person
Monday, 8 December 2003
Wow Im Moody!

I have noticed that in these entrys Im mad one day and happy the next. Is it just me or is that weird? I dont know....but dont really dont care! I just noticed that...(Im completely random too! lol)

Yesterday it was really funny,(didnt put this on yesterday because I was still kindof heated for Sat.)
my dad was fixing the drip in our bathroom sink.My mom and I went to drop Emily off at her house. When we got back we went into the bathroom to see how he was doing on the sinks. When we went into our bathroom my dad had his shirt off, it looked like he just got hot or something, but then we notice the ceiling was dripping! The hole bathroom was soked! He was like "I was yelling for help and no one came!!! Where were you!!??". We just started laughing. So now our whole bathroom smells like And my dad keeps on saying "Im not a plumer!!" I just have one thing to say, Well duh!! lol. I just thought that was funny. (Im random, I know)

Posted by dragon2/gazing_star04 at 11:46 AM
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