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Hey Everyone this is me, Mydnyte. Trying to put this site
Back up and running to the extent of what I can do for it.

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Here you will find poems I've written some older & some newer. Hope you
enjoy. I'll try to keep this as up to date as possible, don't want
it crashing like my first page which sadly to say is still viewable..

That's my little graphic I dinked around with in MS Paint
Along with that here is another one that I was working on
I know it isn't much but it was fun just messin' around
In the program. Who knows maybe someday I'll produce something
That actually looks creative compared to these pictures

Now, onto the rest of the stuff that's posted on my site
And none of these are in specific order I just put them up as I write them
Or add some of my older ones I've done just click on the pictures
below They should take you to writings Which of course, each one
is a different one Currently, none of the writings posted on here
Date back past June of 2003 & Thanks for stopping by *waves to everyone*


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Thank you all for stopping by! Please bare with me as I
Go through some major overhaul and updates on this page
I have so many things I'm looking to do to this site
Maybe spice it up a little bit or something creative
My good friend MD recommended doing back links and roll
Overs so that will be my next task, along with maybe
Making a set page for all my writings I put up.. he asked
Me if I was putting up all my writings but I have over 35
So I told him I didn't know for sure but I may just do that
Check back soon for more updates... Thanx again!