this is just the beginning


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the radio show.


write. Guestbook by GuestWorld read.

email: kelly.

i was last here -- 28 jan 01.

-- back to school --

i am
according to my boyfriend.

kelly is a certified cunt.

p r e v i o u s | r a n d o m | l i s t | n e x t

try to shut me up
put hole shut-me-ups on your own page!

ooh cinderella, they aren't sluts like you.

this lil' fellow damon and i found this summer down in new orleans..notice the very spindly arm holding up, miraculously, what appears to be a very heavy septer..regal yams are good for barrels of laughs..damon says i bear a strange likeness to the jaundiced lil' apple of the earth..

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i love mail..and you: kelly.