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The Greater Washington Association of Student Development Professionals

          P.O. Box 2314 Montgomery Village, MD 20886


History     Mission     Values     Membership     Steering Committee     Calendar     Links     Recent Events


A Brief History of GWASDP

GWASDP is the Greater Washington Association of Student Development Professionals. It is a membership organization started in 2003 by graduates of Trinity College (DC)'s Master of Arts in Counseling: Student Development in Higher Education Program.

The Association was started primarily because the graduates of Trinity's program thrived in an environment which valued multiculturalism, gender equality and a mix of newer and more seasoned professionals.  Not seeing a similar venue in the region, and knowing that this kind of environment was crucial for their continue professional and personal success, a small group of student development professionals began meeting in early 2003 to discuss starting an organization with a similar mission.  Out of these meetings grew the organization you see here, the Greater Washington Association of Student Development Professionals, or GWASDP.

The Association's first event, a Symposium on issues facing Student Development professionals,
in November of 2003.