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THE TOP 100 DVDs CENSUS: What is this all about?

What started out as an interesting little project at one DVD discussion forum by an interesting character named darktrippers turned into a larger-scale attempt by us to determine what the most beloved all-time DVD releases are. In an attempt to reach the entire online DVD community, the survey was posted at several DVD forums such as Home Theater Forum and DVD File.

The question posed was what are the TEN greatest DVD releases in your collection, taking into account the quality of the movie AND the quality of the DVD (audio/video and supplements). Points were assigned to people's votes based upon the order they put the titles in their list.

The original idea was to build robots to count the people's votes, but I then decided if I counted the votes by myself, it would probably save time needed to build robots and facilitate subsequent "hanging chad" debates. So I took the several hours needed to calculate results and with the help of certain excellent programs, came up with the results.

Now as fun as lists are, I thought it would be better to make a countdown website listing the results. Why not include a little information on the releases too? That way, people wouldn't ask why a certain South American nation qualified as one of the top 10 all-time DVDs. So when the time came to actually do the write-ups, again I thought: robots. But alas, the robots were neither witty nor all-knowing when it came to DVDs. So the two of us who put together this whole thing instead were forced to make the DVDs that everyone always talks about interesting in a new way for those to read about. And if you just wanted the results and no talk, sorry about that. At least you can try not to read about the DVDs you don't care about.*

So here it is, the DVD Community's Top 100 DVD List Countdown site, providing the definitive compilation of the best DVDs as voted by the public, or at least those who are online. Hope you enjoy it and that the time that went into doing this wasn't wasted.

Note: this complete list of the top 100 DVDs cannot be used anywhere else EXCEPT as a link to this page.

* - P.S. I've also included an alphabetical listing of all the Top 100, so you can quickly find what ranking your favorites got.

100-91 | 90-81 | 80-71 | 70-61 | 60-51 | 50-41 | 40-31 | 30-21 | 20 - 11 | 10 - 1
Alphabetical Listing of Top 100 DVDs
Discuss the Results on the Message Board
Email me with questions and/or comments

This site was published online December 17, 2001. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.