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100-91 | 90-81 | 80-71 | 70-61 | 60-51 | 50-41 | 40-31 | 30-21 | 20 - 11 | 10 - 1


70) Casablanca
DVD release: 11/23/99, Film: 1943, Warner Bros. Pictures

You just kind of know that when a DVD comes in a snapper and is in the top 70, it's got to be a good movie. Especially if it's not even anamorphic widescreen or 5.1, or COLOR for that matter! Snapper and old movie jokes aside, Casablanca is widely considered a landmark in cinema history. A wartime movie that actually was made during wartime, Casablanca is suspenseful and endearing and the second greatest film of all-time, according to the American Film Institute.
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69) Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn - Limited Edition
DVD release: 8/29/00, Film: 1987, Anchor Bay Entertainment

August 29, 2000 was a momentous day for DVD releases. Six DVDs released that day made the list, four of which are in the Top 35 of all-time. This past October 9 gave us two of the all-time biggest releases, which was pretty momentous itself, but we've yet to see a date match the sheer quantity of huge DVD title releases as that last Tuesday of August 2000. But enough about that day, Evil Dead II is the second film in the Bruce Campbell series which started as horror films and eventually progressed into straight out comedies. Like Army of Darkness, this is a cult favorite, although not as loved. The DVD has a couple of audio commentaries.
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68) The Passion of Joan of Arc: Criterion Collection
DVD release: 10/24/00, Film: 1928, Criterion

The oldest film to make the cut, The Passion of Joan of Arc is also the only silent film among the Top 100s. Criterion does proper DVD treatment for this film, which was lost for about fifty years before an intact copy was discovered in the 1980s. Carl Dreyer's film still holds up today with its artistic vision strongly present on DVD. The central performance alone (Maria Falconetti as Joan) is remarkable by itself.
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67) Braveheart
DVD release: 8/29/00, Film: 1995, Paramount Pictures

The 1995 Best Picture Oscar winner, Braveheart is one of the most praised films of the past decade. Paramount's DVD provides a stunningly good video transfer, a nice surround track, and a handful of interesting extras. And that's good enough for people who like this movie, since the movie is that good, in their opinion, anyway.
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66) Army of Darkness: Limited Edition (Director's Cut)
DVD release: 7/3/01, Film: 1993, Columbia TriStar

Army of Darkness is a cult favorite from Bruce Campbell. Only a campy horror/comedy film with such a large following would merit five (no, really FIVE!) separate, distinct DVD releases. So for the diehard Ash fans with a completist nature, every new release is just another blow to the wallet. The version that was voted was this version - the Unrated Limited Edition Director's Cut, at least I think this is it. Boy, this is difficult.
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65) The Wicker Man: Limited Edition
DVD release: 8/21/01, Film: 1974, Anchor Bay Entertainment

The Wicker Man is a deep, dark disturbing sexual parable from Sleuth scribe Anthony Shaffer about a puritanical police officer investigating a child's disappearance on a remote Scottish island only to discover a pagan society that manipulate him for their own freakishly wanton ends. A provocative and bizarre cult shocker, unlike anything you've ever seen, presented in a unique wooden box edition from Anchor Bay. Decent transfer and extras including a great 50 minutes documentary.
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64) The Decalogue
DVD release: 4/18/00, Film: 1988, Image Entertainment

Krzysztof Kieslowski's ten hour-long TV films based on the Ten Commandments are presented here in a definitive collection. Still slightly grainy, but a considerable improvement over VHS, original 1:33:1 aspect ratio and native Polish, this is Euro-Arthouse at its peak. Bleakest humor, savage irony and perfect delineation of character, circumstance and location through highly stylized filtered/vignette'd cinematography. No extras as such but a highly recommended compilation, nonetheless.
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63) Rear Window: Collector's Edition
DVD release: 7/3/01, Film: 1954, Universal Pictures

A full digital makeover for Hitchcock's greatest and darkest movie. Rear Window is a classic study in voyeurism, where 'Everyman' James Stewart - debilitated by a broken leg - spies on his neighbors through a telephoto lens. Each of the windows contains a mini-drama and we are drawn into his obsession, like him, becoming convinced that one neighbor who lives opposite has murdered his wife and chopped her into disposable pieces. The intricacies of the amazing back-lot set are seen in rich detail for the first time on this sparkling transfer. Also contains yet another superb in-depth documentary from Universal, featuring many of the key players.
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62) Do the Right Thing: Criterion Collection
DVD release: 2/20/01, Film: 1989, Home Vision, Criterion

Let's do a syllogism.
Criterion releases DVDs that are good but overpriced. Criterion released Do the Right Thing earlier this year. Therefore, Do the Right Thing is good but overpriced.
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61) A Bug's Life: Collector's Edition
DVD release: 11/23/01, Film: 1998, Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios
The day before the spectacular box office hit Toy Story 2 came to theaters, Pixar delivered something special to the homes as well - the 2-disc Collector's Edition of A Bug's Life, their successful 1998 hit. When released two years ago, 2-disc sets were not the norm as they are now. In fact, A Bug's Life was the first Disney Collector's Edition, a collection which grows every few months now. Featuring a wonderful anamorphic direct digital widescreen transfer (which improves even over the near-flawless original release), a 5.1 Dolby Digital track that will bring down the house, a sound effects-only track, a track of Randy Newman's score isolated, and one of the most entertaining audio commentaries out there. The second disc is the part that gives it that "Super Genius" kick - the supplements go inside Pixar to show how enthusiastic the studio is about making movies that are fun for both kids and adults. A delightful Christmas present indeed, and a good precursor to the following year's Ultimate Toy Box release, A Bug's Life is rarely matched in the spectacular audio and video departments.
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100-91 | 90-81 | 80-71 | 70-61 | 60-51 | 50-41 | 40-31 | 30-21 | 20 - 11 | 10 - 1
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