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100-91 | 90-81 | 80-71 | 70-61 | 60-51 | 50-41 | 40-31 | 30-21 | 20 - 11 | 10 - 1


60) Fantasia & Fantasia 2000: The Fantasia Anthology
DVD release: 11/14/00, Films: 1940, 2000, Walt Disney Pictures

One of just two animated films to make the American Film Institute's prestigious Top 100 American Films list, Fantasia has come a long way (over sixty years, actually) from its debut at the box office to unfavorable reviews and financial disappointment. Now acclaimed as one of the all-time classics, Disney's fall 2000 DVD release restored the full Roadshow cut of the film (with narration changed due to an irreparably damaged audio track). Also included was the follow-up Fantasia 2000 which is much more upbeat and easier on the viewer's attention span (clocking in at 75 minutes, compared to the original's 125). The two films complement each other nicely along with a 3rd disc of extras in the Fantasia Anthology box set. The restoration efforts on the original are satisfying, but it's the sequel's direct digital transfer and stunning DD and DTS tracks that will really give your setup a workout.
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59) Jurassic Park: Collector's Edition
DVD release: 10/10/00, Film: 1993, Universal Pictures

When it comes to making movies that are both good and popular, few filmmakers can rival Steven Spielberg. Jurassic Park is one of those movies from Mr. Spielberg that was a huge hit at the box-office and is also a quality sci-fi/action film. The two rarely go hand-in-hand nowadays, as seen by the two well-meaning but lacking JP sequels themselves. With effects that look as good and convincing as they did nearly ten years ago, Jurassic Park is one of those movies that home theaters were made for. Intense in sound, a quality anamorphic transfer, and yes, worth noting again, a very good film. Jurassic Park delivers on DVD, no matter which of the many versions you get, provided it's not fullscreen.
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58) The Big Lebowski
DVD release: 10/27/98, Film: 1998, USA Films

One of two Coen brothers films to crack the Top 100, The Big Lebowski falls into the class of DVDs which are here for the entertainment factor of the movie and the repeat value of the DVD. Not loaded with extras or anything, outside of a 30-minute interview with the Coen brothers. The DVD does feature a beautiful anamorphic transfer and a solid 5.1 DD track, it's worth noting, especially for a disc from the early days of DVD. But the attraction here is the movie, and with a retail price of $19.95, you can't go wrong. Admittedly, this movie snuck into the list in the final days of voting.
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57) Vertigo: Collector's Edition
DVD release: 8/29/00, Film: 1958, Universal Pictures

This complex Hitchcock romantic mystery is a mesmerizing work, building to a kaleidoscopic crescendo of duplicity, infatuation and derangement. A detective (James Stewart) whose vertigo seems to have caused not only the death of a fellow officer but also that of a beautiful woman (Kim Novak) whom he had been hired to trail. Feeling responsible for her demise, he withdraws from life until he meets a doppleganger whom he cruelly tries to remodel into the image of the dead woman he had been obsessed with. A sparkling transfer and yet another great documentary make this, Hitch's most compelling and misogynistic piece, a necessary addition to anyone's collection.
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56) Chasing Amy: Criterion Collection
DVD release: 6/6/00, Film: 1997, Miramax Pictures, Criterion Collection

In Kevin Smith's 1997 film Chasing Amy, Joey Lauren Adams plays a lesbian who catches the eye of a comic book artist played by Ben Affleck (pre-"bankable star of schlocky films" Affleck). In the world we live in, Kevin Smith's films are given the ultimate DVD treatment, so naturally a Criterion release is in order for this little comedy/drama. A bunch of extras including the big group commentary that has become a Kevin Smith film tradition. Particularly nice about this release is that a price drop has made this one of the most affordable Criterion releases, which can be had for under $20. (Wow - "Criterion" and "$20" in the same sentence!)
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55) Suspiria: Limited Edition
DVD release: 9/11/01, Film: 1977, Anchor Bay Entertainment

Dario Argento's stylish 1977 masterpiece Suspiria, classified as one of the best horror films of all time by the general public and filmmakers themselves, hit the DVD format earlier this year thanks to Anchor Bay. The studio Bay knew there was a big fan base for the film, and they have put together a nice 3-disc limited edition set for this title. Disc one includes a gorgeous 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer along with a Dolby Digital 5.1 EX, DTS-ES 6.1, and the original Dolby Surround soundtracks (all being THX-certified). Extras on the first disc include the original trailers, television spots, radio spots, music videos, and a nice in-depth photo gallery. Disc two of the set includes a newly made hour documentary going in-depth into the film with interviews from key cast and crew members. The final disc of the set includes the original soundtrack. Even if you never heard of this film, it's a must-buy for true horror movie fans. Inconceivable!
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54) The Sopranos: The Complete First Season
DVD release: 12/12/00, Show: 1998, HBO Television

Bada-bing, bada-boom. 4-disc set of the first season of HBO's hit mafia series "The Sopranos"? Fuggheddaboudit!

Television's favorite family (that is involved with the mob, anyway) appears in these episodes, the first 13 of the show. The pilot episode contains audio commentary from the show's creator David Chase and actor/director Peter Bogdanovich. On disc 4, Bogdanovich interviews Chase for 77 minutes in Tony's kitchen. Also included are two featurettes. Plus, what's good is all the episodes are in anamorphic widescreen, even though HBO didn't make the move to air the series in original aspect ratio until this year. A nice set for the Sopranos fan.
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53) Cast Away: Special Edition
DVD release: 6/12/01, Film: 2000, 20th Century Fox
At the box office, movies starring Tom Hanks are pretty much guaranteed to be financially successful. Likewise, a solid Hanks performance is a sure thing, and a Best Actor nomination is darn close to it. Cast Away grossed more domestically than every film but one released in 2000, and what had been a risky project turned into a phenomenon which totalled more than $400 million worldwide. The 2-disc set from Fox contains everything you could want - THX certification with Optimode tests, a commentary, 5.1 DD-EX AND DTS-ES tracks and an audio commentary. And then there's Disc 2, with several hours of extras, including an engaging Charlie Rose interview with the star (Hanks, not the volleyball), featurettes (the volleyball gets props in one of these), storyboards, and a slew of TV ads and spoiler-filled trailers. To sum up, how on earth did Russell Crowe win Best Actor?!
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52) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
DVD release: 6/5/01, Film: 2000, Columbia TriStar, Sony Classics

One of 2000's most-talked about films, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was a great success story. Heralded by critics, welcomed by audiences (who normally are not so open-minded), and even given a nomination for the Best Picture Oscar, Ang Lee's film opened the eyes of a new generation of moviegoers to world cinema. A movie's effect is often seen when the material is parodied again and again by various sources (Blair Witch Project, The Matrix, etc.) and CTHD's style has already been spoofed in films and on television - a sign that it's truly made it. The DVD from Columbia TriStar contains the original Mandarin audio track with English subtitles, or an English dub for those so inclined. Some had hoped for more extras, but the disc as is, is far from barebones and a welcome addition to any collection for its bravado filmmaking.
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51) L.A. Confidential
DVD release: 4/21/98, Film: 1997, Warner Bros. Pictures
The saying goes, good things come in small packages. Well in the case of L.A. Confidential, a good thing comes in a crappy snapper case. Perhaps it is JUST a coincidence, but L.A. Confidential is the third highest-rated title (and not even in the Top 50 at that) to come in the dreaded cardboard Warner case, and Warner releases more titles on DVD than any other studio. To quote Dale Putley, "how richly bizzarre."
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100-91 | 90-81 | 80-71 | 70-61 | 60-51 | 50-41 | 40-31 | 30-21 | 20 - 11 | 10 - 1
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