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DragonBall Items

Artificial Human Blueprints - The plans for android 17 as written by Dr. Gero. Bulma uses these to develop a remote control to stop the androids.
Artificial Human Controller - Different from Bulma’s controller, this was created by Dr. Gero himself to shut down the androids if they rebelled against him. Unfortunately, when push came to shove Dr. Gero lost his head, literally.
Artificial Human Stasis Capsules - These are the pods created by Dr. Gero that housed the androids in suspended animation. He released 17 and 18 from their stasis pods as a last resort.
Basho Fan - A legendary fan that can cause a torrential rain with one swipe. This is another element of Dragon Ball taken directly from the record of the journey west.
Big Brick - A large brick King Kai accelerates as training for Goku to aim his Spirit Bomb attack.
Bulma’s Battle Jacket - a battling suit created by Bulma for use by the Z soldiers during their training before the Cell game. Like the saiyan suits, they’re capable of stretching to fit any size.
Bunny Outfit - A risqué outfit worn by Bulma because Oolong didn’t have any other sets of clothing in his house wagon.
Capsule 115 - Bulma, Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong fly off in this plane after Pilaf was defeated for the first time. It is this point where they part with Goku for the first time.
Capsule 339 - This enormous cargo plane is used to transport the Namekians back to the Capsule Corporation.
Capsule 8 - Bulma’s motorboat is stored in the capsule. She uses it in early Dragon Ball just after teaming up with Oolong.
Capsule 9 - This is the motorcycle Bulma rides off with Goku in the very first episode of Dragon Ball…after he wrecked her car…
Capsule Case - Bulma’s handy carrying case for essential capsules, with a label for each one.
Capsule - Invented by Dr. Briefs, the capsule is a way of life in Dragon Ball. Houses, planes, cars, Time Machines, bikes, boats, and magazines, can be stored in them, and pulled out at any time.
Carrot - This is the carrot Bulma is turned into by Boss Rabbit. The only was she can be turned back is by Boss Rabbit’s magic.
Champion Belt - Mr. Satan’s World Champion Belt that he always wears at prestigious events.
Column - A pillar that Tao Pai Pai uses as a form of transportation, by hurling it into the air and jumping onto it.
Communication Watch - Videl’s watch that the Satan City Police Department can contact her with, whenever the city is in danger.
Dabura’s Spear - Being the one-man arsenal that he is, Dabura of course wields a spear that he hurls at Majin Buu, piercing through his stomach, but doing no damage what so ever to the creature.
Denshi Jar - An electric rice cooking jar used to imprison Piccolo Daimaou by Master Roshi’s Teacher, Mutaito Sennin. He was sealed in here until Emperor Pilaf released him.
Dragon Balls - The seven orange orbs created by Kami that will grant the person skillful enough to gather them together any wish they desire within the power of the dragon, Shenron.
Dragon Radar - A device developed by Bulma that trace the position of the Dragon Balls across the Earth. The only person who is seen capable of creating this in such a small form is Turbo Norimaki.
Dynamite - Another one of Mr. Satan’s objects of mayhem designed to destroy Buu.
Empty Exoskeleton - This is Cell’s empty shell that Gohan discovered in the wilderness. If only they knew what horror inhabited it hours ago.
Energy Meter - A device used by Babidi’s Followers’ that measures energy output. This is used by Supopobichi and Yamuu to measure Gohan’s energy in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Enormous Nimbus - This is the gigantic family of Nimbus, from which Goku’s first Nimbus was only a small part of. A small piece breaks off and becomes his new Nimbus.
Game Boy - You all know what this is. But Hercule’s version is just a bit different. When the game ends, the Game Boy blows up. Hercule try to kill Buu with this tricky device.
Gas Mask - Shoa and Mai use gas masks to retrieve Goku and friends from the trap in the bowels of Pilaf’s castle.
Gi - The special Kame Gi given to Goku and Krillin by Master Roshi as a present, just before they began the Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Ginyu Force Space Pod - A typical space pod graced with the Ginyu Force’s Emblem. Goku uses one of these to escape from the exploding Namek.
Girls Undergarment - The result of Oolong’s wish to Shenron that oddly enough saves the world from Pilaf. He’s strange little pig, but he did save the world so, I guess it evens out in the end.
Gohan’s Sword - The simple sword given to Gohan by Piccolo to use during his 6 month survival training in the wild.
Goku’s Family Car 2 - The car Goku drives his family around in the days just before the Cell Game.
Goku’s Heart Medicine - The priceless Heart Medicine given to Goku by Future Trunks. Despite the fact that it is the only thing capable of saving Goku’s life, it actually gets misplaced and ChiChi spends some time looking for it.
Healing Bed - The hospital bed that Goku is confined to mummy style after the battle with Vegeta on Earth. Because he was so badly injured, he was forced to stay in the hospital until Korin grew more Senzu.
Hercule’s Poisoned Chocolate Candy - Candy laced with poison with the intent to kill Buu. But the big guy just thinks they were delicious and asks for more.
Hidden Katana - A blade hidden in cyborg Tao Pai Pai’s hand that he slashes Tien’s chest with, leaving the warrior with a scar for the rest of his life.
Hourglass - The large hourglass created by Piccolo to keep Buu busy while Goten and Trunks continued to train in the room of Spirit and Time.
Human Candy - This is the candy Buu makes from an entire city and then devours.
Jackie Chun’s Wig - The wig donned by Master Roshi when he portrays Jackie Chun in the Tenkaichi Budoukai. He holds it on with super glue.
King Kai’s Sport Car - The classic red car that’s on display in King Kai’s driveway.
King Kai’s Universal Address Book - I suppose you could call this a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Knife - An illegal weapon wielded by the Man-wolf during the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai. Luckily, Jackie Chun easily disarms the vicious opponent.
Knouckout Gas - The gas used by Pilaf to knockout Goku and company when they’re trapped in his castle.
Launch’s Submachine Gun - Whenever she turns into her evil self, Launch utilizes the ever popular anime staple “Hammer Space” and whips out this baby, spraying anybody near her with bullets.
Master Roshi’s Cadillac - The old man’s mint Cadillac, although one might think the sea air would get to it.
Master Roshi’s Hovercraft - Master Roshi uses this to transport Goku, Krillin, and Launch to the island where he trains the two warriors for the Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Master Roshi’s Uniform - Just a pathetic excuse to get Launch into a sexy outfit, his “uniform” is actually lingerie. Unfortunately Goku and Krillin are sucked into wearing it too.
New Model Scouter - The standard Scouter for Frieza’s men that goes up to 22,000.
Nimbus(Kintoun) - Goku’s hovering cloud once owned by Master Roshi. One must be pure of heart to ride this special living transportation.
Nyoibo - Known in America as the Power Pole, this is Goku’s extending pole. Although used as a weapon, it is reveled late in Dragon Ball that the true purpose of the power pole is to link Korin’s Tower to Kami’s Palace.
Old Battle Jacket 1 - A standard pirate jacket worn by those working for Frieza.
Old Battle Jacket 2 - Another form of battle armor without the arm coverings. Vegeta outfits himself in one of these when he sets up base in Frieza’s ship.
Old Scouter - A low-level scouter that has a limit of 8,000.
Oolong’s House Wagon - This cramped but quaint vehicle is a house on wheels.
Ox King’s Axe - An enormous axe used by Ox King. He nearly takes off Bulma’s block with this over sized cleaver.
Pirate Submarine - A large submarine found at the heart of the pirate base during the Red Ribbon saga.
Pirated Scouter - The scouter Bulma creates from Raditz’ destroyed scouter.
Police Computer - A handy palm top that has various uses, including searching for citizens.
Purple Agent’s Shuriken - Throwing shunikens used by Agent Purple, and aimed at Goku.
Refrigerator Capsule - A portable refrigerator with drinks used by Trunks during the wait for Goku’s landing.
Rejuvenation Tank - The standard pirate healing tank capable of healing mortal wounds in due time.
Robber’s Pickup Truck - A getaway car used by thieves that robbed Satan City Bank. Gohan didn’t let them get very far.
Saiba Man Set - Like the Capsule set, this is a little box containing everyone’s favorite “Grow a Monster” Saiba Men! Just add a little bit of special formula after firmly planted in soil, and voila. An instant botanical killer, each with a power level of 1,200.
Satan City Robber’s Bazooka - Nothing special, just your standard issue bazooka. Not even a challenge for the Great Saiya Man.
Scouter Case - The case containing new scouters for Frieza brought to Namek by the Ginyu Force.
Senzu - Special beans grown by Korin atop his tower. Eating one will heal almost any wound and give you 10 days worth of food.
Shenron’s Model - The model of Shenron within Kami’s Palace that contains the Dragon’s spirit. If Shenron is killed, this model will shatter, and Shenron cannot be brought back to life unless it is fixed.
Spaceship Capsule - This modified version of the round pod capsule developed by Dr. Briefs for Goku’s space travel to Namek.
Spacesuit - The spacesuit Bulma begrudgingly wears on the trip to Namek.
Sunglasses - Master Roshi’s signature glasses. He’s only seen without them when he’s Jackie Chun, battling Piccolo Daimaou and the time Goku stole them.
Super God Water - Water in Korin’s tower that will greatly increase the drinkers powers, that is, if they can survive it. Drinking a drop of this water nearly kill Yajirobe.
Super Holy Water - Another one of Korin’s waters, only this water is not special at all. Korin challenges warriors seeking this water’s power to seize it from him. However, it is not the water that makes the warrior stronger and faster, it is the act of battling Korin.
Tenkaichi Budoukai Contestant List - The list of contestants who participated in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai and their locations. This serves as Tambourine’s Hit list.
Tree Camouflage Sheet - A camouflage sheet used by Agent Purple to blend in with the bark of a tree. Unfortunately the numbskull used the wrong side of the flag, easily becoming visible because the tree design was printed on the back of an American flag.
Trunks’ Air Car - A run down air car that Trunks uses in the future.
Ultimate Scouter - The best scouter in the series capable of reading a power level of 180,000.
Uranai Baba’s Crystal Ball - Baba’s infamous crystal ball that is often used during crises to view the battle by friends and family of the Z Soldiers.
Weighted Clothing - Goku and Piccolo are known for wearing these clothes that are extremely heavy in order to constantly train.
Weights - When in the afterlife for the second time, Goku trains with 10 ton weights on his arms and legs as a Super Saiyan.
Yajirobe’s Katana - A holy monk’s sword that Yajirobe kills Cymbal with and severs Vegeta’s tail for good.
Yama’s Book - King Yama’s book that tells him the life story of those who stand before him.
Z Sword - The legendary sword of the Kaioshin’s. The sword is extremely heavy but supposedly has the power to defeat any enemy. The true nature of the sword is found when it is shattered, releasing Ancient Kaioshin.

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