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Talk in Navajo: Navajo Nation fairs
for conversational Navajo
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   Navajo Fairs
This page has a few phrases translated into Navajo to provide a few phrases that can be used in conversational Navajo to use to talk about fairs. Keep in mind the below phrases are suggested phrases. Different parts of the Navajo reservation talk differently.

Not all the details of the phrases are given and an understanding of elementary Navajo (i.e. colors, numbers, etc.) is expected in terms of knowing how to use the phrases properly.

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Option 1: Naa’ah00hai
(Note: This word also means "chicken" in Navajo).

Option 2: Ah00hai
(Note:Some Navajos use this word instead of the above word).

Navajo Nation Fair
Option 1: Naa’ah00hai Ntsaa7g77
Option 2: Ah00hai Ntsaa7g77

Naa’ah00hai n1’1dleeh7gi
When did you guys get here?
H3hd33’7sh kwe’4 nihi[ 7lwod?
We got here at 10 last night.
Neezn1adi y6ed33’ kwe’4 nihi[ 7lwod.

Neezn1adi y6ed33’ daats’7 kwe’4 nihi[ 7lwod?
(Literally: We got here about 10:00 last night.)

For the following phrases, the English name of the event can be inserted, such as parade, rodeo, baby contest, frybread contest, etc. More Navajos speak Nav-lish than speaking purely in Navajo, so inserting the English name sounds more natural to native speakers. Where you see the * indicates that the English event name can be inserted here or be lefft out entirely.
          When does (event name) start?
Hahoosh (event name) baa ha’ald44h?
          It is about to start.
Hod77n1ago * baa ha’ald44h.
          It's starting now.
K’ad * baa ha’ald44h.
          It already started.
T’11 77d11’ * baa ha’ooldee’.
          What day is * being held?
Option 1: H2hgosh2’ * aleeh?
Option 2: H2hgosh2’ * baa ha’ald44h?
          * is being held on Thursday.
Option 1: Thursday g0ne’4 * aleeh.
Option 2: Thursday g0ne’4 * baa ha’ald44h.
Bull Riding is being held tonight.
D77 t[‘44’ d0ola naalgeedii yii’aah doo.
Who is running for Miss Navajo?
Two candidates: H17l3 Miss Navajo yiniy4 ahi’noo[ch44[?
Three or more candidates: H17l3 Miss Navajo yiniy4 deiy7jeeh?
When is the Miss Navajo Coronation?
Option 1: H2hgosh2’ Miss Navajo n7didoolt44[?
(Literally: When will Miss Navajo be chosen?)

Option 2: H2hgosh2’ Miss Navajo bik’ihodidoonih?
(Literally: When will Miss Navajo be appointed?)

Note: Option 2 is less preferred because the term bik’ihodidoonih refers to being appointed to a committee. Being voted into office is seen as winning an office.

Yolanda Charley was chosen to be Miss Navajo.
Option 1: Yolanda Charley 47 Miss Navajo honeesn1?
(Literally: Yolanda Charley won Miss Navajo?)

Option 2: Yolanda Charley 47 Miss Navajo bik'ihodiinii'?
(Literally: Yolanda Charley was appointed as Miss Navajo?)

Note: Option 2 is less preferred because the term bik'ihodiinii' refers to being appointed to a committee. Being voted into office is seen as winning an office.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

...a time to weap and a time to laugh..."

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4