The Spanish Inquisition
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As horrible as the Papal Inquisition was (in both of its manifestations), in modern times, the Spanish Inquisition has became almost synonymous with the excesses, violence, and cruelty, and TORTURE of the Inquisition. In 1478 Pope Sixtus IV issued a bull authorizing King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to appoint an inquisitorial board (which occurred in 1480). The express purpose of the Spanish Inquisition was to root out false Christians in Spain – especially Jews and Moslems who claimed to convert to Christianity, but were still secretly practicing their faith.

While the members of this board needed to be approved by the Pope, the fact that the sovereigns of Spain appointed them was a significant departure from the practices of the Papal Inquisition. During the Papal Inquisition, the heads of the mendicant orders typically chose inquisitors (grand inquisitors were chosen by the pope). Another difference between the Papal Inquisition and the Spanish Inquisition was that the Spanish government paid the expenses, and received the net income, of the Inquisition.

Amazingly, the Spanish Inquisition remained intact for 354 years! It wasn’t deactivated until 1834, when the Queen Mother Cristina announced “It is declared that the Tribunal of the Inquisition is definitely suppressed.” (Roth, p. 267) The last recorded death attributed to the Inquisition was in 1826, when a poor schoolmaster, Cayetano Ripoll was garroted to death for allegedly teaching Deist principles.



1391 Mobs murder up to 50,000 Jews throughout the Spanish kingdom
1478 Sixtus IV issues bull authorizing Ferdinand and Isabella to appoint an inquisitorial board
1480 Ferdinand and Isabella appoint first two Inquisitors – for district of Seville
1481 First auto-da-fé occurs – 6 people burned alive in Seville. 298 were burned by the end of the year. (Durant, Reformation, p. 213)
1482 Seven additional Inquisitors named, including Tomas Torquemada
1483 Inquisition put under control of government agency named the Suprema; Tomas Torquemada appointed Inquisitor General for all of Spain
March 30, 1492 All unbaptized Jews ejected from Spain – 50,000 accepted conversion, 100,000-200,000 left
1502 Edict of Expulsion for Moslems – baptism or exile
1519 First Spanish Inquisitors appointed for the American colonies
1528 First Act of Faith in the New World (Mexico City)
1531 Inquisition established in Portugal
1540 First Protestant victim of the Spanish Inquisition, Francisco de San Roman, burned at stake
Sept. 24, 1559 14 Lutherans burned at the stake in Seville
1560 First English subjects brought before the Inquisition
June 17, 1565 22 Lutherans burned in Toledo – 11 alive
1604 Treaty of London forbids subjects of the King of England from being persecuted for matters of conscience within the realm of the King of Spain, provided they did not cause public scandal
1615 Deportation of Moslems completed – estimated at between 300,000 – 3,000,000
1660 Auto-da-fé held in Seville – lasted 3 days, attended by 100,000 people
June 30, 1680 Auto-da-fé held in Madrid – lasted for 14 hours; 50,000 spectators; 51 were relaxed, either in person or effigy
1721 96-year old woman, Maria Barbara Carillo burned alive in Madrid
c. 1815 Famous painter Goya (“first of the moderns”) called before the Inquisition to explain his portrait ‘The Naked Maja’
1821 Inquisition officially ends in Portugal
1826 A schoolmaster, Cayetano Ripoll garroted to death for allegedly teaching Deist principles – the last victim of the Inquisition in Spain
July 15, 1834 Holy Office officially abolished in Spain by the Queen Mother Cristina: “It is declared that the Tribunal of the Inquisition is definitely suppressed.” (Roth, p. 267)
1860 Distinction between “New” and “Old” Christians officially abolished in Spain
1869 Principle of religious toleration incorporated into the Spanish constitution


Use of torture
The First Grand Inquisitor - Torquemada
Victims of the Spanish Inquisition