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2) I'm not into BDSM, I have my personal sex fetishes but thats not one of them.
3) I do not enjoy torturing animals, I could not even imagine hurting anything ... other than rodents.
4) I'm not a fanatical christian, actually I'm about at the end of the belief spectrum.
5) I'm not a Satan Worshiper, Pagan, Wiccan, Druid, Shaman, Voo-Doo Priest, etc etc.
Hmmm... Why did I make this website? How did I get into torture? In all seriousness I woke up one day , hoped into the shower (I always think while i'm in the shower), and it popped into my head. I studied it for a while, and with my html knowledge, formed the webpage your viewing now.
Nothings really copyrighted on this page exept for the original artwork and basic webpage. Other than that, steal away!
You can either e-mail me at Beginning_Or_End@att.net or Wrath_and_Rebirth@yahoo.com. |