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Dad Pillow

She tells him she wants to be a fireman - just like he is.
She says she wants to drive a truck - just like he does.
She asks if he wasn't already married to mommy, would he
marry her...

Maybe she'll marry someone just like Dad someday ... 
if he will ever let her date! 

Dad pillow

Dad, Daddy, PaPa, Father, etc.

Specify fabric type:

Mom Pillow

As a child I adored her beauty.  As a teenager, despised
her rules.  I'm not her little girl anymore.  I have my own now.  Now the lady who taught me how to act in church, the very same one who wouldn't let me date Jimmy, is now showing me how to be the grandmother of my dreams.  Tell her.  She was right about Jimmy.

Mom pillow

Grandma, Memommy, Grammy, Nanna, etc.

Specify fabric type:


Grandma's Sweeties pillow

Click photo to enlarge

Choose big boy, big girl, baby boy, baby girl designs.

Pillow will fit up to 8 children/grandchildren. 


Grandma's sweeties  Pillow

Type child and name in box below. 

Remember to state if big or baby design and girl or boy.

List names in the order you would like them to appear from left to right

(usually oldest to youngest)

If you would like to say something other than "Grandma's Sweeties",

Please specify in this box.


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