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This page gives the details
on the disappearnace of
Sarah Lee Stern
Her Body is still missing but
2 close Friends Laim McAtasney and Preston Taylor are in custody

The details of the arrest are found further down on the page


There is a reward -
Minimum of $5.000.00 -- which may grow
to anyone supplying info on Sarah 's whereabouts
info to send tips further down on page


We also educate the public on how to protect your loved ones
and about existing technology to find
missing, abducted persons quickly



Please Follow Me ( @ifindthemissing ) on Twitter
( @ifindthemissing )

and share the word about Missing Persons
by clicking the Button below


Tap Here
to read more about how Missing Person cases
and Human Sex Trafficking
is connected to the Heroin Epidemic
find out who was responsible for
the skyrocketing heroin supply
you will be shocked the info
has been kept from you

You can help bring other Missing Persons home

Please Follow Me on Face Book And Twitter
and share the word about
Missing, Abducted women, children and men
Help Find Missing Women, Men and Children
by clicking the Twitter and Face Book Buttons below

First is the Face Book button - just tap on it

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Just TAP on the Tweet Button Below
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And follow me ( ifindthemissing ) on Twitter


We Will Build
a Page for Your
Missing Person Case

Tap Image
For more pages we have built


Sarah Lee Stern is Missing from Neptune New Jersey
since Dec 2nd 2016

Please contact the tip line
Text "Monmouth" and send your tip to 274637
If you have any info

I received an email from Skye Tripp requesting I build
A page this Sarah
if you are going to submit a case to me
for a missing person case
Please use the guides found on
the designated links seen on this page
add pictures as attachments to your email
Skye Tripps's submission needed no additional emails from me
it was thorough and complete


Contact me HERE

You are the

visitor to this page
since it was activated DEC 8th 2016


Just Tap the button below to instantly share this
page on Face Book
And use the Twitter Button to Post it there immediatelt also

YOU can help immensely
PLEASE SHARE this page with your friends
ON Face Book

Click HERE
to Share instantly on Facebook

The Gay - Lesbian community is invloved in searches
look for Sarah's Face Book page
for vigils and searches

There is a reward - Minimum of $5.000.00 which may grow
For info about Sarah_Lee_Stern 's whereabouts
Text "Monmouth" and the tip to 274637

* LAST NAME: Stern
* GENDER: Female
* HEIGHT: 5'5"
* WEIGHT: 130lbs
* HAIR: Black
* EYES: Brown
* AGE: 19

* Sarah Lee Stern Lives with her father and grandmother in Neptune City, New Jersey.

* LAST SEEN: Friday 02 December 2016 at 11:45PM

Sarah Stern was believed to be wearing a red long sleeved top,
black or blue jeans, and black shoes.
She wears contacts but may have been wearing her glasses.

* CAR *:

This is not the actual car -
it is still impounded
Hope to have images of actual car this weekend

Sarah Lee Stern was driving a
a 1994 Silver Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale
(Owned by her grandmother, but she was driving it)
Keys were it when found and it was drivable
it has been reported her cell phone
and driver's license were not found in the car

if you saw the car that evening into the next day at 2:45 a.m. Dec 3rd
please contact the tip line
Text "Monmouth" and send your tip to 274637

* Sarah Lee Stern Left home at 11:45PM.
Car was found abandoned on the Route 35 Bridge in Belmar at 2:45AM.
This bridge is busy at midnight on a Friday,
which is when she would have been driving on it.

Tap on the above image to see a larger pic of the Bridge

Someone must have seen something.

* Search teams (Coast Guard and Local PD)
initially thought she may have jumped off the bridge
but they found absolutely nothing.
The search was called off
and she was instead ruled as a Missing Person.
(She definitely wouldn't just run off
without telling someone first.)

* OCCUPATION: Aspiring artist
* Sarah Lee Stern Has family in Florida. She spent Thanksgiving there with them.
* TRAVEL: She often visits Toronto. Sometimes New York.

Sarah Lee Stern graduated from Neptune High School
(played on the softball team for 3 years)
studied art and TV production at Brookdale Community College for a year


The creator of this page is aware
that some missing persons
do not want to be found
and have gone incommunicado for various reasons

Please contact your family
They need to know what is going on

Send Messages HERE



Now other cases and
info on how you can protect your loved ones and
other existing technology we can use to Find the Missing quickly

Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons

Join Our Prayer Group


We Will Build
a Page for Your
Missing Person Case

HERE are more pages we have built


Kristi Merill has been found safe


Michelle Parker is Still Missing


Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen




Now More cases I have built a page for:


Ember Graham missing
July 2nd 2015
Click HERE for more Details

Help the Family Find Ember


Diana Zacarias
Missing since April 2 nd 2016

Diana Zacarias 's Case Needs to be solved
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information

Help the Family Solve this case



Jose Caballero
since Aug 18th 2016
Help the Family Find Jose

Now here are ways to protect loved ones
And Find the Missing Quickly Would drones Help find the Missing
Heres data suggesting they would

We use high tech drones for our Military
Many of those are being phased out
should they just be thrown in a junk pile?

We have recently started using similar drones to protrect our borders
and they are proving to be effective

Can we Use drones to find missing and abducted
women, men and children quickly ?

TAP HERE to be educated
and look for the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place


The next photo is an example of what a Drone system
is capable of

Click on the Image

to see a close up version of the above picture of the area
where Caylee Anthony's Body was found ( taken from space )

the picture has been altered to show what is possible

You can read scenarios on how
The drones might work
TAP HERE to read that info


Now read about the V-ALRT
and watch the Video about it below too

The V-ALRT Multi-Purpose is a personal electronic warning and
notification system

It can be used to immediately find and locate
a lost, missing or abducted person
summon help instantly for a person who needs any type of help
like and elderly or invalid person who has fallen


Limit 2 per order

Is under $45.00 too much
to help protect your family and loved ones ?

Get the unique V-ALRT
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details

Your Loved Ones need this


The following video presents info on the V-ALRT system
which can help find a loved one who may have been abducted
needs some other type of help

Send a question to me
if you are not sure how the V-ALRT works


And Follow me On Face BOOK too


Sarah Lee Stern missing Neptune NJ teenager Needs to be found Now
Sarah Lee Stern is Missing

Help find Missing woman Sarah Lee Stern
#SarahLeeStern @ifindthemissing
find the missing Sarah_Lee_Stern