The Heroin Opium
You will be shown who helped the Afghans
develop into the globes largest supplier of Opioids
in just 5 years from 2009 to 2014
Learn how it got out of control
How it is intertwined with Human and Child sex trafficking
getting U.S. soldiers hooked on the drugs
Funding Terrorists Black Lives Matters
Antifa and the other groups
currently attacking our Democracy
You are the
Visitor to this page since it was added online
Dec 2008
It was last updated Apr 1st 2021
I began this page as a warning to parents to
be vigilant with their children as my daughter was a heroin addict
and I had no idea this had happened
As I delved deeper into the problem in late 2009 I began
to find disturbing circumstance surrounding
the opioid crisis in the U.S. and it went
from a page about my daughter to one exposing the
causes and far reaching effects of the crisis.
I sent this info to ALL he MSM and it was completely ignored.
ALL links were working and *** This page is Very long but if you take time to check and double check the info *** Opioids include heroin, opium and morphine Did you know heroin, opium and morphine
The Beautiful Deadly Poppy Flower - *** You will discover how U.S. Aid starting in 2009 Who was in control in 2009
First I offer some easily checked statistics to put *** 40,000 Americans Die from just Heroin, Opium and morphine related use each year 100,000 Russians PER YEAR die from those same drugs ( 273 PER DAY ) 17 Unarmed black American were killed by Police in 2019 200 Police officers died 34,000 deaths by ALL type of firearms Since Aug 2020 over 600,000 "LEGAL" abortions Hundreds of soldiers come back from deployment hooked Of all those statistics the only one It is my hope You will become educated and If so, You will learn about the connection between The profits have resulted in ALL the global attacks ***** In 2008 the Afghans were refining and distributing 15% of the world's total Heroin supply You will understand the import of that info The most shocking irrefutable and easily verified fact is: The exact figures can be found on Government sites Millions of dollars were sent in the first year By sharing our technology it was hoped it would But The corrupt Afghans who are in league with the terrorist groups Do you see the connection between our aid In addition we urge ALL who really want ***** Now read these words carefully *** Since 2009 global Heroin use has risen While Colombia and Mexico still produce much You will be shown how that meteoric rise occurred Its true Heroin has been used for millenniums FACT: Start your education and journey into the deadly heroin culture **** I am positive the victims and families of the continuing terrorist attacks Fact: Please take some time to research the facts on your own : It's time we cut off U.S Funds to the corrupt Afghans +++++ ~~~**~~~ First is a twitter feed - ~~~ Where does ISIS and other groups get some of their Money - From the Afghan Heroin crops - Its indisputable Facts at https://t.co/da6jv4eaOq pic.twitter.com/fwOPElMj7D You have found this page *** I encourage readers to do your own research ++++ This page has been on the web since 2008 They can ALL be attributed to the actions and * Please Click on the You can edit it to send ++++++ If you don't believe the Data presented here ~~~~***~~~~ Afghanistan Produces None of the legal opiates Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton should have had checks in place * After you read this page But the truth MUST be exposed We do NOT claim President Obama Joe Biden Hillary or Joe But Joe Biden Clinton and Obama are responsible It is more proof that they were incompetent and lacking in their duties They were in charge and there should have been oversights in place Additionally, Obama ordered our troops to protect the poppy crops The U.S. still has troops in place in Afghanistan ******* I am sure former Secretary of State and I have repeatedly sent emails, tweets and posted notices I challenge anyone to research my facts presented here ^^^^^ CLICK HERE *** I initially built as a warning to parents Again the reasons why I started researching opioid drugs My daughter had been a heroin addict for many years I had no idea my daughter was a user Tap Here ~~~~~ The Data presented is well documented, **** Press HERE to return to the Beginning of this page Obama Ordered an increase in Aid to Afghans : Again in Jan 2009 President Obama ordered The only flaw in this report is the reference to *** There are many pages providing additional documents on the ____ There were also well hidden ( until recently ) actions by Former President Obama There are online whistle blower accounts I dare anyone to show me Pics of huge Fields on fire - You need to ask - why this was done If you missed the following info above, I will repeat it a few times Soon after the aid started to flow into Afghanistan in late 2009 This bears repeating: Between the end of 2009 and It is apparent there was no system to follow up *** Much of the Afghan Heroin goes to Russia, Iran and Other European and Asian countries But Enough of the Afghan supply gets into the U.S. the street price of "Big H" is now at an ALL time low The latest Russian, U.S. and world wide heroin epidemic *** Iran refuses to give stats but No one would blame the President Vladimir Putin if To any clear thinking person, The connection is obvious ***** U.S. Deaths from overdoses of JUST heroin In 2014 11,600 died in the U.S. from heroin overdoses +++ Heroin abuse has Far Reaching Effects ~~~~~ **~~** Tap your screen HERE to read about ~~~**~~~ Afghanistan poppy fields produce NONE You will be presented with We must demand action Then We must have competent people in place to oversee the operation *** Which brings us to another facet of *** Please read this NEXT Link +++++ My father was a Cleveland Narcotics detective In addition a Friend of mine Those are my reasons for this page ++++ Another addicts father contacted me after **** This page offers information which is NOT political rhetoric It is NOT Black or White ***** Please join me on Twitter *** This page is long so Please Bookmark it so you can This page and the DATA found here -------- There are Billions of websites ~~~
Please Help By OR Use the Twitter Button Donald Trump is considered by many to be **** * Please Click on the You can edit it to send ++++++ ** Can you deny ex-President Obama and Hillary Clinton Only those who can NOT make the connection °°°° °°°° This page is more of an attempt to Now the timing in this next few paragraphs is the key:: How did the increase in aid +++++ If you recall Hillary Clinton Those three opioid drugs are the leading I hope you agree You Must also check these facts: The heroin/opioid epidemic It is the contention of those Their duties require them to be informed °°°° If you are truly serious about The info found here reveals Please Pay Attention to The Afghan poppy growers far surpass That data is undeniable As a result of the Afghans production there was ||| If you don't want to read this page **** If you don't believe the info presented on this page ***** Now the frightening findings Heroin has been around for centuries But recent increases in its use by Americans One problem IS with the reporting The Main Stream Media like CNN, ABC, NBC AND Fox Not one story has mentioned There is no mention of the existing solutions As you are finding out I will wager most of those reading this page They are produced and made through a fairly simple method °°°°°°° It is true we have been sending BUT - again, Starting in 2009 then President Obama directed So as a result of the Obama directive - in 2009 The Obama administration That is a Major lack of planning and leadership It is another easily verified fact Moreover, The U.S. had provided our technology BUT the Afghans used our money and technology I need to get this point across: *** How did such dramatic changes take place *** The effects of the Heroin / Opium / and illegal Afghan Morphine trade More Verified Facts > Just Heroin overdoses (Not including morphine and opium ) 11 of those 32 Americans Do you ever hear anything from Black Lives Matter I would think Black Lives Matter would be outraged Next to guns Heroin, Opium and Morphine drug overdoses Drug use is one of the top causes of death to Blacks This PBS site verifies the above **** One can safely deduce ***** The refinement of the poppy for legal morphine We are not talking about **** Now We suggest how President Trump can stop The Solution He should first stop the flow of money I have stated we have provided the Afghans The transition may be hard for the farmers Once More = On Dec 25th 2016 George Michael died and It was also revealed he had been taken to the hospital I don't recall the Main Stream Media reporting the other incidents Many very famous personalities have died * +++++ George Michaels died Dec 25th 2016 The MSM glorify these misguided idols **++** Where are ALL the friends of George Michaels, Philip Seymour Hoffman's Here are JUST a few other NOTABLES ^^^^^^ Philip Seymour Hoffman and George Michaels Died from an overdose of Heroin
I think Mr Hoffman and Mr Michael would like their legacy to include The death of a celebrity ( Mr Hoffman Michaels, and all the others ) from heroin Philip Seymour Hoffman Left a mark on the world He had been in rehab at least twice I **** George Michael was a proponent for ending aids It is a mystery as to why such successful people +++++ Re: Prince = The illegal use of legally manufactured prescription drugs This next section a was written on April 23rd 2016 The Musician / Singer Prince died from an addiction He somehow was able to get the scripts Yet he is still an idol and looked up to It is proven that with fame In Princes situation the people who supplied him Does having talent give people a free pass to abuse themselves That is not the massage we should be sending Prince chose to partake in drug use and is dead because of his bad choices ++++++++++ UPDATE ON MY above statement -
******************* We can and need to ^^^^^ To recap this Presentation On January 21, 2009, Clinton was confirmed as Secretary Of State You find Those Opioid drugs are refined More on Hillary's State Department The corrupt Afghan leaders distributed Once Again, It should be basic practice and We have heard NOTHING from Hillary or President Obama about They could claim they didn't realize Obama and Clinton have offered no plans It would help the U.S. world image if we would ********* This next section is important I am sure Clinton and President Obama Supporters Some followers have already Click HERE for the ~~~~~ Thus the present Heroin Epidemic is the end result of ***** The most easily verifiable Fact: +++++++++
*** President Barack Obama and his Secretary Hillary Clinton I am not going to waste time and space * As you are finding this page addresses one of Barack and Michelle Obama has been contacted many times too NOT only the drugs but our taxpayer dollars Thus the Opioids, Heroin, Opium and Morphine combined It is also verifiable - Hundreds of millions of dollars A small element of Afghans ***** So, President Obama and Hillary Clinton They are directly responsible for financially and technologically supporting ^^^^^ In addition those drugs from Afghanistan poppy crops
President Barack Obama and #HillaryClinton also provided Which is more important ?: As of Aug 2016, the farmers who grow the poppy plant **** It is worth sayinain ++++ After reading this page come back here Click Here to read and sign the Petition ******** I MUST RESTATE: Pres. Obama, Trump cannot get and cooperation or extra funding from the House Democrats -+-+-+-+- Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton were in a position to advise President Barack Obama Approx 89 Thousands Americans have died in just the last 7 1/2 years 100% of The Afghan Poppy crops supply 93% Afghanistan's Poppy fields supply the world with those three deadly opioid drugs Recall FYI: ++++++++++++++ President Obama has allowed the poppy fields to flourish in Afghanistan Hillary headed the programs which 0% of the additives for Legal Medicinal The production of medicinal pain killers Existing producers of licensed legal opiates — Of course some of the drugs on the street President Obama's goal was to have our troops out Since 2010 the highest number of troops He chose not to take any action ***** All we hear about is the epidemic Here is a websippte For those who may have missed it above: **** I say once more: Much of the illegal supply comes over the ***** It is known and is a certainty They all have the same goal I remind you Fact #2: Poppies are the main crop grown in Afghanistan Fact #3: The U.S. given the Afghans 100's of millions Fact #4: I must repeat: ****** I built this page to I hope no other parent ever has to go through °°°°° When a celebrity dies from an overdose of Heroin The millions of families ----- I want to make my mark and leave an impression °°°°°°°° We now hear about the zika virus President Obama gave the go ahead There have been 4555 have world wide deaths from Ebola since 1976 ( 40 YEARS years ) President Obama was very active during the 2014 Ebola outbreak BUT Obama has looked the other way while During that same time frame ( 40 Years ) A minimum of 11,600 U.S. citizens die EACH YEAR President Obama has done little but give lip service President Obama took an oath to protect ALL Americans I BELIEVE WITHOUT A DOUBT I have been posting this on Face Book and Twitter @theView @Whoopie @theWhiteHouse ^^^^^^^ Don't give me that Bullsh*t about ******, DO YOU AGREE ?: IF not take your dose of heroin I NEED to iterate: President Obama ***^^^*** In the last 70 years For a society of people, most of whom who still live in the 19th century Maybe some of our companies could use their expertise !! Pres. Obama should use any means we have to destroy I know it will cause problems for some of the farmers in Afghanistan Maybe we should use the defoliants we have in our military stockpile And warn them - IF we see they have regrown the poppy crops You have my permission to cut and paste this pages URL CBS 60 Minutes, Dateline and 20/20 have all done reports on heroin use in Ohio As stated earlier, ++++++ This Page is NOT about the they all died from opioid related causes These drugs have been around for ages ***** The next images are of Retrun to section you came from Some of those listed died
Philip Seymour Hoffman Died Feb 2014 Press HERE to return to the section you just came from
Press HERE to return to the section you just came from ~~~~~ This next section reveals how Many missing person cases * Please join me on Twitter Now The connection of Heroin addiction to This section also educates the reader about +++++++++ Manchester England Bombing July 22nd 2017 How many of the 10s of thousands Law Enforcement firmly believes The Numbers are not know One such Missing Person is Jennifer Kesse ~~~~~ Here is another story of a The heroin addict who abducted her Sati was abducted in Los Angeles
Reminders of her captors still mar her skin.
A carefully placed part in her bleached blonde hair,
Sati who spent most of her childhood in Chattanooga She was Injected regularly with heroin by her captor, He told me If I made any attempt to escape
"He wouldn't let me leave. Then After 10 days - she was injected The hospital, at first, thought she was just another overdosed Heroin addict, She is going through rehab and She is one of the thousands of missing person cases She was able to escape How many more who are ~~~~~ We could find some of the missing women children and men Here is how Now here are ways to protect loved ones We use high tech drones for our Military We have recently started using similar drones to protrect our borders Can we Use drones to find missing and abducted ******* An example of this system is seen if you You can read scenarios on how ***** ***** Now read about the V.ALRT The V.ALRT Multi-Purpose is a personal electronic warning and Can be used to find and locate ****** Limit 2 per order Is under $45.00 too much ********** The following video presents info on the V.ALRT system Send a question to me ^^^^ Tap here to go back to the °°°° OR
Press HERE to return to the Beginning of this page how is heroin produced how is morphine produced Manchester England Bombing July 22nd 2017 ^^**^^ Here is a link to Addiction Help in Every State
lists the signs of Heroin use THOSE DRUGS ARE A DEATH THREAT TO BLACKS illegal aliens Donald Trump addresses these drugs as an epidemic. It is called an epidemic but it is more of a terrorist act. WHAT IS #HEROIN where does heroin come FROM. how is heroin made ? Opium and morphine are Illegal Opioids. Barack Obama Ignores the solution. CBS 60 Minutes report on Ohio heroin users was pathetic. Angelfire Heroin Epidemic Hillary 2009 2013. letterto hillary from heroin addicts mother Mrs Michelle Obama knows the facts about Heroin and Opium but refuses to reveal them. They are byproducts of the Poppy Flower> David Muir ABC news Heroin in America the main Afghanistan crop. President Obama and Michelle Obama have ignored the solution to the problem. #Joe Biden Hillary Clinton IS AT THE VERY core of the Heroin epidemic. lists the signs of Heroin use Nancy Grace HLN etc etc Geraldo Rivera Chris Cuomo all have the ability and opportunity to expose the source of the heroin epidemic. Then the opportunity to stop the export and smuggling of heroin from Afghanistan which funds ISIS the Taliban Al Qaeda. Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton State Department agents performer Prince died from drug overdose. Mimi o'donnell. POPPYS POPPIES crops are grown in Afghanistan and are Weapons of Mass Destruction. Taliban al qaeda ISIS Taliban SELL AND EXPORT THE DRUGS TO FUND their murderous agendas. Actors actresses meryl streep Tom Hanks The Huffington Post 4555 have died. As a result of ebola since 1976 ebola outbreak ebola bacteria virus. Melissa donald trump jeb george w. bush 4#Hillary Clinton. death threat to all bill t musician singer super star. Prince died from opioid addiction overdose. #blacklivesmatter Black Lives Matter Opioids are weapons of mass destruction. none is used for the manufacturers of legal pain medications. Philip Seymour Hoffman died and millions are dead around the world in just the last 40 years. From a THE SHOOTINGS AND murder at Pulse Gay Nightclub LGBT club Orlando Florida. Overdoses of Heroin Morphine #Foxnews @realdonaldtrump
were connected to valid pages when they were placed on this page
If any are not working or you get an error message
It seems some of the info is being redacted by the linked website
or possibly hackers accessed my editing program
and changed my html coding
what are they trying to hide ?
you will get an eye opening epiphany about who was
behind the funding of the Afghan poppy farmers
and the far reaching and many faceted devastating effects connected
to the Current Worldwide Opioid Crisis
including child and human sex trafficking
and the poppy fields of Afghanistan
are at the center of the current crisis
are derived from the sap of the bulb of the poppy flower -- verify that fact first
The Source of Illegal Afghan Heroin, Morphine and Opium
which provides 90+% of the global supply of those drugs
funded the Afghan poppy farmers
and see much of the profits were
to Al Qaeda ISIS and the Taliban
President Barack Obama then V.P. Joe Biden and Sec of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
this problem in perspective to other "problems" in the headlines
800,000 Americans go missing every year
99.5% are found safe
some of the remaining 4000 are rescued
and have told frightening
stories of their abductions
the rest are never found
or found dead
it has been documented many of the missing
were taken and sold into
human and child sex trafficking rings
by heroin addicts to raise money to fund their habits
and deeply involved in the
sale of humans for sex trafficking
to fund their efforts are Antifa and Black Lives Matter
- the same groups which are now
destroying our cities
In some cases these miscreants are selling
those that are in union with them
But the main stream media is not reporting these missing persons
and in many cases there is no one to report them missing
because they are estranged from their families
thats 109 PER DAY
Hillary Clinton Joe Biden and OB 44 were in part responsible
for killing them too without firing a shot
but one is too many
in the line of Duty since Aug 2019
( 91 per day )
have been performed in the U.S. alone ( 1640 per day )
on the drugs refined from the poppy plant
to get real media coverage
is the 17 Blacks who died
Where are our priorities ??
be moved to learn more about how the current heroin epidemic
got its start in 2009 and who was behind it
Afghan Heroin and ISIS, Al Qaeda the Taliban
and how the money from the drugs distribution
is indisputably helping fund those terrorists recruiting efforts
and at the time the Afghan farmers were growing diverse and useful food crops
but in 2009 that started to change and by
2014, in just 5 years, poppies became the #1 crop grown in Afghanistan
and they were growing and producing an astonsihing 93% of the globe's total heroin supply
as you read this page --
remember those dates
There is ONLY one way that increase could have occured
and that is with help and aid from outside sources
in January 2009 Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden
were charged to get hundreds of Millions of dollars
to the Afghans in the form of agricultural aid
under orders from Barack Obama
early in 2009 they started to significantly increase U.S. aid to Afghanistan
followed by hundreds of millions in subsequent years
Most was earmarked for agricultural assistance -
in the form of farming subsidies = equipment and supplies
and teaching farming techniques
assist the Afghans in becoming more self sufficient
and increase food crop production per acre and
earn more profits for individual farmers
used the money and began conscripting farmers to grow Poppies
and Afghans going from 15% to 93% of the world's opioid supply in under 5 years
to do something to step up
and help Rid the world of the drugs and make it harder for the terrorists to get funds
use the "Tweet" buttons on this page and Send tweets
to President Trump and request he take action to destroy the heroin crops
Tap on the above image for a quick synopsis
on what this page is about
and Bookmark this page to be able to come back because it is long
dramatically over and above ANY pre 2009 time span
and become the drug of choice in every country
because the dramatic increase in supply
has dramatically reduced the street price making it
far cheaper than before the enormous growth in availability
of the illegal heroin opium and morphine
found on the streets of the U.S.
enough Afghan heroin gets in to keep the price at record lows
And who was mainly responsible
I assure you will be bewildered at what you learn
Afghan Heroin is now killing at a rate NEVER seen in history
- will one of your loved ones be next ?
you'll learn more about heroin and opioids than
you ever could have imagined
in Barcelona in 2017 the Manchester England Bombing - The London Bridge Attack - et al
had no idea they would become caught in the web
of the complicated and deadly heroin epidemic
ISIS Al Qaeda and the Taliban
get some of their Money from those Afghan Heroin crops
they help the poppy farmers with the crop and refining of the heroin, opium and morphine
then use their vast network to distribute them,
they give the farmers enough money to assure
they will have more money than if they grew food crops
and keep the rest
Some of the money from the illegal opioid
is being taken and used by ISIS and the other terrorists groups to fund their deadly agenda
The connection IS there
to any clear thinking human
It is indisputable
and destroy the source of the drugs in the fields of Afghanistan
We can CUT OFF the head of Snake that is opioids and terrorism .
Click on Above thumbnails to see larger images
The info about the images and the cause and source of the
Current Heroin Epidemic which started in 2009
can be found on this page
After reading this long boring page
Please Add you comments to the many posts
on the Afghan Heroin / Isis / U.S. Aid connection
out of the billions of sites on the web
was it fate ?
Please take the time to find out why you were directed here
But I am sure the info presented here is valid
and is constantly being added to as
more developments occur
You will be shocked at how far the problem reaches and
how many other tragic consequences are connected to heroin
inactions of incompetent politicians
"Tweet" button Below to be
taken to a "Twitter" message
AND add your own #hashtag
you can add or remove
anyone you want to receive your tweet
PLEASE consider sending the Tweet
to President Donald Trump @POTUS
and Vice President Mike Pence @VP
THOSE ID have been propagated for you
you owe it to yourself and your loved ones
to research and check it
used by pharmaceutical companies for medical purposes
and she should have seen the
comet like rise in heroin production
after they arranged for the aid to the Afghans
You will understand why the Mainstream Media refuses to reveal the info
and has been complicit in the cover up
It would destroy the reputations of those involved
and silence many of those who put their faith and support in them
sent the massive Aid knowing it was
going to be distributed to the heroin producers
and resulting in ISIS, and the other groups in Afghanistan
profiting from the money we sent
( for NOT following the money
and recognizing the results of the aid sent
Their failure to track the aid and detect the increase in Production of Afghan Heroin was apparent and
Our leaders failed to see the connection to the aid we provided
that rise in heroin availability
and the fact terrorist groups were benefitting
from U.S. benevolence
to follow up on the aid we sent
which proves he and Clinton knew about the situation
- Shouldn't some be used to help to eradicate
the growth and distribution of killer Heroin, Opium and morphine
NOT protect the drugs
° see the Photo Gallery °
° HERE °
° to see proof °
2016 presidential candidate #Hillary Clinton
Joe Biden and EX-President Obama supporters
will try to debunk and ignore these facts
but they are a matter of Government record
in regards to these unforgivable actions
to many politicians and on 99.9% of the Networks, reporters and anchors pages
( each has been contacted numerous times )
They will NEVER be able to say "I had No Idea
and IF you do and find any which
you believe are wrong
please send them to me and
and supply the source of your info
so I can correct any errors
But I am very positive there are none
To contact the webmaster of this page
Leave "About your Heroin Webpage" in the subject line
it has morphed into a source of information
so Now this page is
for ALL who are looking for facts about the Current Heroin Epidemic
and how they destroy lives
is not politically motivated
it is personal but needs to be presented
so caring people can be educated about
all the far reaching effects of the drugs
she became hooked while in the Marines
Here is a page which lists the signs of Heroin use
Please read the information so your loved ones
can be helped before they are hopelessly hooked
For a link to Addiction Help
In EVERY State
Although some of the proof has been deleted off the web
I have been told by officials for "Security Reasons"
it is my opinion it has been expunged to cover up the facts
Hillary Clinton to substantially increase
the U.S. agriculture AID to the Afghans
through negotiations with the Afghan Agricultural Ministry
with the hopes of getting more cooperation from the Afghan people
to support and assist our troops
tap HERE
for PROOF from an official 2010 Dept Of Agriculture .gov report on the aid sent
a certain province producing less heroin ( poppy crops )
this report was written in 2010
around the same time
the rise in Heroin production was beginning
why no one kept track of the poppy production
after the effects of the aid from 2009 kicked in baffles many
millions in financial aid, technology and equipment
we have sent them
A quick Google search will provide you with ALL info
you will need to convince you of these events
and you will feel more confident in your own searches I am sure
Who ordered U.S. Troops to guard the poppy fields
by actual troops
who provide thousands of images of U.S and Coalition soldiers
providing protection for the poppy crops
There are a few of small piles of poppy bulbs being burned
but none of the huge fires it would require to
make any kind of dent in the supply
IF Obama / Clinton knew nothing about the heroin
Once more it is up to you to investigate the reasons for
U.S. troops guarding the Poppy Fields
It is somehow connected to the CIA and Black Ops
You will be sickened by the results you find
This next section is the most telling DATA = and is indisputable
If you have any doubts fact check it yourself
the Poppy Plant became the #1 crop grown in Afghanistan
the Three Opioids = Heroin, Opium and illegal Morphine
are extracted from the sap of the poppy plant
the start of 2014
a period of just 4 years
the Afghan poppy growers went
from producing 15 % of the world's total
supply of heroin, Opium and Illegal morphine
to supplying 93 % of global supplies of those opioids by 2014
on how the aid we sent was used
which is another indication of the inept leadership of Hillary Clinton
who ran the State Department starting in 2009
No one saw the dramatic increase in Heroin production
coming out of Afghanistan ?
to have an effect on the street price of the other heroin
making it a very cheap drug of choice
increasing the U.S. heroin epidemic
and accompanying plunging street price
coincide EXACTLY with the dramatic increase
in U.S. aid sent to the Afghans starting in 2009
Since the 2009 increase in Afghan poppy crop production
after our aid was delivered
the Drug death toll has tripled in Russia and now
over 100,000 Russian lives are presently lost annually from opioid overdoses:
which equals 273 PER DAY
he would demand an explanation
and an investigation into the reasons
why the aid was not stopped
when the spike in heroin supply was seen
between the 2009 increase in U.S. aid
and the meteoric rise of
in the production and supply of Afghan opioids
But no Media Networks reported on those facts
it does not take a genius
to understand the symbiosis
more than doubled in that same time frame
to unprecedented numbers
that is 32 PER DAY _
11 are Black - yet we hear no protests fro m NFL players or Black Lives Matter
and touches everyone's daily life in some way
and not only Addicts are dying
as seen in the next images
A mother committed suicide after
Her son died from a Heroin Overdose
Read the details of this Tragic Story HERE
Meryl Streep co starred in the movie "Doubt"
with Philip Seymour Hoffman
and chose to support HILLARY^^^^^^
the many celebrities and famous people who have died
from heroin and opioid overdoses over the years
yet Hollywood types like Meryl Streep chose to
ignore the cause of death of many of their fellow celebs
and attack President Trump
instead of addressing the heroin problem
of the the legal morphine
or other pain medications
used in medical treatments
facts about what and who
is to blame For the PRESENT crisis
Let the blame fall where it may
and it will be shocking
And the suspension of ANY money / technology or equipment
/going to Afghanistan unless they
Agree that we have complete control over
how it is disbursed
Missing Persons - law enforcement frequently reports
a missing person had been found
after being taken and sold into a human trafficking ring
by heroin addicts to raise money to fund their habit
Tap here for the stories
to find out how Heroin
affects whole families
A mother committed suicide after
Her son died from a Heroin Overdose
Tap HERE For the Article about this tragedy
in 1956 he was injured
while arresting a heroin dealer
and required an operation
see this next image for the story
Cleveland Police Officer Frederick Vacha
was murdered on duty by a heroin dealer
His story can be read HERE
he wrote a moving letter
to Hillary using the DATA on this page
You can understand why it went unanswered if you read it
You can read that letter at
This Link HERE
is it NOT an attack on Anyone
but presents the hard facts and verified data about
the current Opioid/Heroin Epidemic
with the goal those who are
responsible for the present situation
are exposed for their actions
the outcome affects us all
Tap on the button
Follow @Ifindthemissing
read the entire content at your leisure
may well have affected the outcome of the election
on the internet -Why did you find this one ?
was it fate ? and meant for you to learn
all the VERIFIED facts and DATA about
The Current American Heroin Epidemic
which began in 2009
I have supplied below to Tweet the people
who should be addressing the problem
Hillary Clinton's needs to explain
how she allowed the funds to be misused
too brash BUT people DO hear him
I think he has the ability and where-with-all
AND WILL solve this problem
"Tweet" button Below to be
taken to a "Twitter" message
AND add your own #hashtag
you can add or remove
anyone you want to receive your tweet
PLEASE consider sending the Tweet
to president Donald Trump @POTUS
and Vice President Mike Pence @VP
THOSE ID has been propagated for you
you can add your own hashtag
by increasing aid to Afghanistan
were directly involved in
the causation of the skyrocketing growth
of the present deadly Heroin Epidemic
which is centered in Afghanistan ?
will refuse to admit who is at fault
ask the next President to rectify the mistakes
and failures of previous and current leaders
to stop the heroin trafficking at it's source
and cut off the head of the snake
in the poppy fields of Afghanistan
in Jan 2009 Hillary took over the State Department
and under orders from former Pres Obama
began programs to increase the amount of aid
to the Afghans, with the hopes of winning
more support for our troops from the populace
and staggering jump in the supply of Heroin go unnoticed
is one question addressed on this page
had the mother of a heroin addict
speak at her convention
she said she had
NO idea her daughter was a user
I can relate to that
It can happen to ANYONE
death threat to Millions around the world
Illegal Heroin, Opium and morphine
can and should be classified as
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Heroin overdoses alone
kill 32 Americans PER DAY
One of those could easily be a
loved one of yours
The 32 deaths from HEROIN alone
are more than any other Drug
and almost exactly the same number
of those who are murdered by guns Each Day
11 of those are
our Black brothers and sisters
do we hear protests from football players
OR Black Live Matters
about those 11 Blacks dying EVERY DAY ? -
can be dealt with and stopped
if our leaders would just take action
I offer one solution later on the page
familiar with the Heroin epidemic
Joe Biden Hillary Clinton and ex-President Obama are so disconnected
they have no idea their actions resulted in
the availability, supply
and the scope of the Heroin Epidemic
of all aspects, operations and problems
which face our country
the heroin epidemic is near the top
our leaders have failed to do that
read on to find how they were
involved in the Heroin Crisis
it is incomprehensible but verified
getting ALL the Facts about
those Deadly Drugs and their source and
how we can eradicate that source
You will take the time to read
this page, the links and
Look at the images found here
and do some research of your own
those responsible for the current drug situation
These Next few paragraphs
they reveal the basic info about the Heroin Epidemic
the combined total global output of all
the other illegal top heroin suppliers
Mexico, - Colombia - Turkey and Pakistan
and Venezuela -
an extreme drop in street price around the globe
making heroin cheaper than other street drugs
I have placed a video on this page
Tap HERE to Be Moved to the video
maybe you would rather get the DATA
by watching it
then read the page
Don't take my word
read the proof HERE
has a root cause which can be stopped
on the current opioid epidemic
I am referring to the hard drugs
but the illegal use of legal prescription opioids
is a majopr problem too
I offer data on the prescription drug problem
near the bottom of this presentation
never mention the source of the Illegal Opioids
I have seen numerous specials
on their networks
they go on and on
about the programs in place
to give addicts other drugs
to ease the rehab process
and tell us stories of parents who
are distraught with their addict children
the aid we have sent to Afghanistan
which was diverted to the
production of the poppy crops
This page gives you the info
about how the Illegal Opioid Epidemic
grew so quickly as pointed out above
since 2009 the main source of the global supply
of those deadly drugs
is now the Afghan Poppy Farmers
do NOT know how Heroin, Opium and Morphine are made
from the Poppy Flower Plant
the method is Described HERE
assistance to Afghanistan for a few decades
even before the Russian occupation started in 1979
the Head of U.S. State Department, Hillary Clinton
through it's USAID program
to increase the amount of "FOREIGN AID"
going to the Afghans
to win over the people of that country
with the hopes of them
not turning against our soldiers
through the Clinton State Department
the Afghans have received millions in foreign aid subsidies
in addition to our advanced agricultural techniques
and farming equipment
which included tractors, plows, harvester and More
with no control over where the money was distributed
Even a small business has to show
the money flow of any investments, loans or aid
given to the business
and Clinton Department of State
had no such system in place for following
the cash flow
and shows Clinton was not able to handle
the directive she was given by President Obama
Pay attention, It is inexplicable and obvious
corrupt Afghan officials funneled to the poppy growers
that is the ONLY explanation
for the 15% to 93% INCREASE in Afghan opioid production
right after the Money
and other agricultural assistance
was delivered starting in 2009
If Hillary had put in place
a checks system She should have been aware of the
enormous change in production of the poppy crops
and hopefully would have cut off the funds
her failure to do so is Just another indication
of her incompetence and ability to manage her duties
U.S. troops are still - as of Dec 2016 -
protecting the poppy fields and crops
( see the Photo Gallery to see proof HERE )
and knowledge to improve the Afghan farmers ability
to produce better yielding crops
on less land
not to grow productive food crops
to feed their people
but to expand their poppy production
and grow more potent opioids
and present it once more:
It is not by chance
and it is fully documented
since the foreign aid and agriculture assistance
was initiated in 2009 there
has been
a huge rise in the production
and world-wide availability of
Illegal Afghan Heroin, Opium and Morphine
without Hillary Clinton Joe Biden and Pres Obama
not being aware of that information ?
That question needs to be answered
hits every state from New Hampshire to Hawaii
Alaska to Florida
and all areas in between
and recent reports detail a disturbing number
of soldiers are returning from Afghanistan
hooked on the plentiful and cheap heroin
kill 32 Americans EACH DAY that's over 11,600 per year
or over 4000 per year are black
protesting our leaders giving money to Afghan Drug Farmers ?
are one of the biggest death threats
to our fellow citizens
More Blacks die ( I repeat - 11 Blacks PER DAY )
from using those drugs
than from ANY other cause except from all types of gun violence
including death by police
the actions of Hillary Clinton
are at least in part responsible
for the current heroin crisis in America
NOW - what are her plans
to put an end to it ?
She has offered none
used for medicinal pain control
is strictly controlled and there are
very few countries from which legal morphine
can be supplied through
none of the medicinal variant
comes from the Afghanistan Poppy fields
illegal use of Legal prescriptions
That is referred to later on this page
the production and trafficking of these drugs
His goal must be to stop
the flow of these drugs
at their source and that is fairly simple
and it will be imperative President Trump
do what is needed to end this
to the Afghans which in 2009
the Obama Administration through
Hillary Rodham Clintons Department of State
increased tremendously over previous foreign aid bequests
Then send the Afghans a message stating
they stop growing these crops
if they refuse he should give them ONE FINAL WARNING
that he will napalm the poppy fields
and if they try to replant them
he will do it again
And tell if our satellites or unmanned drones
detect any new poppy crop areas anywhere
we'll render those fields unusable for any crops
with technology and implements to grow other crops
and should insist they use that knowledge
to grow crops which will feed their people
thereby making them more self sufficient
resulting in lowering our need
to send food and humanitarian aid to them
but that is not our main concern
our concern is to stop the supply of Heroin
and saving 11,000 lives PER YEAR in the U.S. alone
it was soon released he had been
using heroin frequently
George Michael Died from
heroin connected use
Christmas Day 2016
numerous times in the past
two years for drug related issues
But they are ALL reporting his death
more proof of the journalistic practice of
"Do nothing to harm a superstars image
from overdoses
of these Illegal drugs
you know many of them but
I am sure some will be a surprise -
I included a photo gallery of just a few
Tap HERE to go to that section of the page
Philip Seymour Hoffman Died Feb 2014 from an illegal opioid overdose
All the news networks covered the stories
BUT none addressed the source of the #drugproblem
why do we always pay tribute to those
who die by their own bad judgement
and the dozens of other celebrities who have died from Heroin overdoses
their fellow entertainers, actors and actresses, and
the loud mouthed Hollywood activist who jump
on the band wagon for
Every cause imaginable
to eradicate the source of the drugs
that so often kill their friends
who have died as a result of heroin
Lenny Bruce: The standup comedian died in 1966,
Jim Morrison: The Doors frontman died on July 3, 1971, at age 27
John Belushi: expired March 5, 1982
The list goes on and on
and these drugs have claimed millions
worldwide in just the past few decades
and many of those who have died have been U.S. citizens
* thier death helped stop others from drug addiction *
is always news for a few days then forgotten
he was remembered during the 2014 Oscars
In an interview a few years before his death
he joked about his drug and alcohol use
It was no laughing matter
he was a homosexual and gave much of his fortune and time
to assist the research of that deadly disease
with so much to offer
die so young because of
causes which could have been controlled
is what killed him
that is another problem and referred to NEXT
FYI: (( .ed ** the correct spelling for the word IS prescription **
the correct pronunciation is "PRE"-scription NOT "PER-scription ))
I need to make an observation on a recent death
Mark my words - I will go out on a limb
and predict the Super Star Musician Singer Prince
who died two days ago on April 21, 2016
will be found to have had a prescription opioid drug addiction
and was given the drugs by illegal means
Once more it is the people in the celebs inner circle
who like George Michaels, Philip Hoffman, Michael Jackson etc etc allowed them to
indulge in this fatal behavior
to legally manufactured pain killers like percocet or oxy
for large quantities of those drugs
and abused them and died from his inability to control their use
by almost everyone
comes tremendous pressures which many
can not deal with
with his drug supply,
I am positive is at the moment I am writing this
- trying to cover his tracks
and I am sure the entertainer known as Prince
would not like his legacy to be
his being responsible for others thinking
drug abuse is acceptable
God Bless him and keep him
I never like to say I told you so
but to the many friends of the entertainer Prince
who have adamantly stated
Prince did not have a drug problem
will now eat crow because Breaking News indicates
he was using large quantities
of illegally obtained prescription drugs
How foolish do those people look now
cut off the head of the snake at its source
in the poppy fields of Afghanistan
and see to it the crops ARE destroyed
and then remain that way
And took the oath of office that same day
since 2009 the U.S. has sent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars
to subsidize and show Afghan farmers how to produce more
but the money and info
was funneled to Poppy Farmers
who grow the poppy plant
from which the three illegal opioid drugs
heroin opium and morphine are made
from the sap of the poppy flower
Which is documented as the number 1 crop grown in Afghanistan
It bears saying again:
The most glaring fact is:
It is no coincidence
the entire world's supply
of Afghan heroin, opium and morphine
began its skyrocket assent
from 15% of the worlds total in 2009
and by 2013 this 93% in 2013
That stunning growth is a direct result of
the actions of Pres Obama and
Hillary Clinton's State Department's USAID program
setting up the subsidies to the Afghans
Joe Biden was supposed to work with Hillary
to put Checks in the money to
to keep track if it but
the money as they saw fit
without any input from the U.S.
does not take a Rhodes Scholar to understand
there should have been some checks and balances
built into the agreement for the funds
admitting they made a mistake and
AND revealing they played a major part
in the dynamic jump in the Opioid Supply
the money was going the poppy farmers
or Hillary was given
bad advice by her advisors
or she was unaware of the situation
because her underlings failed to report to her
but those are not acceptable excuses
she was the head of State Department
and as the head was supposed to
have complete knowledge of what others under her
supervision were doing and oversee their activities
Then report to the President
her failure to do so speaks volumes about her
to rid the scourge of heroin from the globe
It offers information about Hillary's Duties as Secretary of State
will try to debunk and ignore these facts
but they are a matter of Government record
and it is too late for them
to cover up these actions
erroneously claimed that her duties
do NOT include assisting foreign agriculture
Thats is not the case
Here is the proof they do
and Here is the the actual government page
laying out the State Departments job
presenting the reason they are in operation
and outlines the USAID Division
WHICH sets up financial and agricultural subsidies
it is under the control of the Secretary of State
State Departments Official Agricultural Policy Page
Hillary Clinton and Pres Obama
sending money to Afghalns which wound up
financing their poppy crops
Since 2009 when Hillary Clinton and
President Obama initiated the largest
foreign agricultural subsidy program since WWII
the supply and deaths
from Heroin and other opioid overdoses
have jumped to records highs
have failed us in so many ways
presenting the obvious about the many ways
they have undermined our daily lives
President Obama's Joe Bidens 's and Hillary Clinton's failures which is:
after assisting Afghanistan
they did not take the steps
to rectify their error and stop
the #Heroin / #Opium & #Morphine opioid epidemic at its source
which you can NOT dispute is Afghanistan
but have ignored our attempts to
get answers as well
are Killing 100s of thousands PER Year worldwide
and since the 2009 increase in production
32 American EACH DAY are dying
contribute to major related crimes committed
to pay for user's habits
generated from the AFGHAN drug trade
wind up in the coffers of ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban
so we are in essence financing the terrorists
who are trying to destroy us
are against the cultivation of the poppy plant
google that fact: it too is public record:
and the facts revealed will dumbfound you
ONCE AGAIN our troops are protecting the drug crops
just look at ONLINE PICTURES pictures HERE showing
U.S. soldiers standing guard over the poppy crops
Aa the heads of the government
should have been aware how the money
we sent was being used
and should have recognized the connection
between the 2009 extreme jump in Afghan heroin
and then receiving the aid
the Poppy Farmers in Afghanistan who produce
the illegal Heroin, Opium and Morphine
are one of the main funding sources of ISIS
and the other terrorist groups based there
who use the money to enlist their fanatical followers
one ISIS fanatic killed 49 Americans
in the Orlando Florida Pulse Night Club
Afghan agriculture leaders additional resources and
we taught them our techniques
to achieve more efficient useful crop productive
thus we have shown them and even helped them
develop more poppy plants on less ground
as a result the drug producers
are now able to grow more and
increased potency opioid plants
The livelihood and pockets
of Afghan Farmers who grow the deadly crops
and those who benefit from them OR
saving the lives of fellow Americans ?
from which Heroin, Opium and Morphine are derived
are still receiving U.S. funds, aid
equipment and agricultural help from the U.S.
those farmers could in reality produce food crops
and reduce the need for the U.S. to provide the Afghans
with millions in food aid we now send
But that would not be nearly as lucrative for the Afghans
in 2009 WE BROUGHT THEIR Agriculture Secretary
and a host of others of their leading agricultural leaders
to the U.S ( on our dime ) and we Gave them hundreds of millions
and taught them how to grow more productive food crops
this just resulted in the farmers using our info to grow
MORE productive Poppy crops on their land
NOT other food crops Many try to blame George W. Bush but that
argument is not based on real circumstances
He was too busy trying
to get our military established in Afghanistan
to expend man power on the drug problem
But he did say He would address it in the future
He just ran out of time
and his successor Obama did nothing to
stop the source of the opioids
and sign the petition to ask our leaders
to stop the supply of these drugs
into the U.S. and around d the globe
and instead from 2009
Bush's successors did everything to
help the spread of the Heroin Epidemic
And share it Please
had the opportunity
to destroy the poppy fields
no other president has EVER had that
except for George W - and Donald Trump
and for Bush the troops were too busy
getting the "opposition under control"
to direct any efforts to the drug problem.
on this situation and they chose to continue
to give money to the Afghan Farmers to produce more crops
as a result of their inaction
of the entire global Illegal Opioids
and the Mexican Drug Cartel's mules ( Illegal aliens )
are one of the main links in the supply line
carrying those drugs into the U.S. across our open borders
The #1 crop grown in Afghanistan is the Poppy Flower
Heroin Morphine Opium are derived
from the sap of the Poppy Plant
processing it is NOT a very complex operation
I won't clutter this very long page with that into again
funded the #Afghanistan poppy crops
opiates / pain killer drugs like Morphine
come from Afghan grown poppy plants
does NOT rely on
the success or availability of ANY part of the Afghan poppy crops
the U.S., Australia, Turkey, India, France, Pakistan
strongly oppose allowing Afghanistan to become a competitor
on the licensed, legal market.
are from the legal manufacturers and
prescription drug abuse has killed many
but the major problem is the illegal opioids
by the end of 2015
in Dec 2015 President Obama issued orders to keep
as many as 9850 troops in that country
Why ? to save the poppy crops ???
deployed at any one time in Afghanistan
was over 140,000 - during Obama's watch
some of whom could have been used too destroy those crops
which could have made tremendous headway
in the war on drugs, and
gave orders for U.S. troops to protect the poppy crops
and Not One news show
has presented the info on the source
Which I offer Here
providing proof the source
of Illegal opioids = heroin, opium and morphine
is the Afghan poppy plant
Afghan's Poppy crop does NOT contribute ANY opiates
for the worlds production of legal pain medications
used by the medical community
Mexican border on the backs of illegal aliens
paid by the Mexican Drug cartels
part of the 100's of Billion of Dollars
worth of the drugs
produced and smuggled out of Afghanistan is helping fund
the Taliban, Al Qaeda
- to destroy the U.S.
and harm all decent people wherever they can
Fact 1: Heroin and Opium and Morphine
are derived from the Poppy Flower Plant
and our know how to grow more productive food crops
but the farmers in turn
used that info to grow more poppy crops
President Obama ordered and authorized
U.S. troops to stand guard
over many of the poppy fields to protect them
from being destroyed by a very small element
of the Afghan population
which is against the cultivation of the plant
educate anyone honestly interested
in helping solving the Heroin / Opium and Morphine problem
It is my prayer everyone who reads this presentation
Posts notices on FaceBook using the
"Share on Face Book" link on this page
it is news for a few days, then forgotten.
who have lost a member to Heroin - Opium or Morphine
will live with their loss everyday, forever
Help me do that
but there have not been ANY deaths reported
as a result of that disease
to spend dollars
to battle the Zika virus
compared to the more than 450,000 documented U.S. deaths
from Heroin and Opium and Morphine in that same period
he initiated programs to protect us from the infection
these precautions cost us taxpayers an esimate $1.9 Bilion dollars
Only a handful of U.S. citizens died during the outbreak of Ebola
32 of his countrymen die
from heroin and opium or morphine Each day
since the end of the Vietnam war in 1974
Around the world = Millions have died from Heroin & Opium and illegal Afghan morphine
Some estimate the number at 4 to 5.5 million worldwide
from heroin overdoses alone
= again, that's 32 Per day
to the " War on Drugs"
from All threats, domestic and foreign
failed to do that
and not one news anchor has ever asked him about it
Mike Pence or Donald Trump will tell the Afghans
"We will destroy the poppy crops
If you don't stop growing the plant"
Yet the message has been ignored by President Obama
@POTUS @FLOTUS CNN And the Main stream media
have all ignored my attempts to find out why
they whitewash this enormous problem
and refuse to respond to my communications
The drug users made the choice to use etc.
Our Government and the President has a sworn duty
to use their power to help solve these types of problems
The Beautiful BUT DEADLY Poppy Flower
should see to it before ALL our troops leave Afghanistan
they completely destroy all the Poppy crops and make it clear
if they are regrown we will continue to bomb the fields
The backwards 3rd world country ( Afghanistan )
has exported trillions of dollars
of the deadly drugs out of their country around the world
- the AFGHANS seem to have mastered exporting and smuggling.
the drug producing crops BEFORE we get out of Afghanistan
but they have killed millions
to kill the poppy crops
without rendering their fields completely useless
we will fire bomb them
onto any other sites you deem fit
and they ALL failed to mention anything about the
source of the #heroin -- the Poppy Fields of Afghanistan
I built this page for my daughter **
who was caught in the clutches of Heroin
super star singer George Michaels, actor Philip Seymour Hoffman
who died from illegal Heroin use
or musician Prince
who died from misuse of illegally obtained legal opioids
this page is about
the drugs that killed them
and how the United States of America was involved in the
enormous increase in supply of Opioids from Afghanistan
BUT STILL has a chance to end the supply of those drugs
and again our President and Ms Clinton did nothing to stop
the flow of illegal heroin & opium and Morphine out of Afghanistan
and it is easily verified they have ordered out troops to protect
the poppy fields from those in Afghanistan who would want to destroy them
EMAIL the webmaster HERE
see picture below FROM 1955
The Smoking Gun
there are thousands of such
images easily found with an online image search
Tap the images to see a larger Picture
Tap the image to see a larger Picture
Tap the image to see a larger Picture
some of the equipment
Joe Biden Hillary Clinton's State Dept sent to Afghanistan
Tap the image to see a larger Picture
Tap the image to see a larger Picture
Tap the image to see a larger Picture
You must take into account because of their fame
to protect their image
many of those listed in the following section
who died from Heroin overdoses
the cause of death was NOT recorded as heroin related
just "Drug Overdose"
from Abuse of illegally Obtained
LEGAL prescription Drugs
such as the opioid Morphine
Legal Morphine provided by authorized production is NOT in any way
refined from Afghan Poppy Plants
Now -- for the names and details of famous people
who have died from heroin connected overdoses
Over time --- among the hundreds of names
you will find
George Michaels
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Elvis Presley - John Belushi - Amy Winehouse
Chris Farley - Janis Joplin, and many dozens more.
from an overdose of the new supply of Heroin
Which Hillary Clinton is in oart responsible
for putting on our streets
are part of the heroin culture
Tap on the button
Follow @Ifindthemissing
Missing Person cases and Human Sex Trafficking
is real - and more prevalent than you can imagine
ways to protect your loved ones
from being abducted
And gives Info on How we can Find victims Quickly
of Women, Men and Children
listed in active and cold Missing Persons Cases
were abducted, sold
and are actually being held captive and used
for child Sex Trafficking ?
many abduction victims and missing persons
are delivered to human and child sex traffickers
by heroin addicts to
help fund their addictions
Missing from Orlando Florida Since Jan 2006
Her family is sure
that is what happened to their daughter
Jennifer Keese's case
is Profiled HERE
Missing Person who was abducted and was about to sold
into the world wide Human Sex Trafficking system
to get money to fund his habit
for some reason let her go after she
was tortured and held captive for over a week
Her last name has been removed to
protect her identity
after she went to seek a career in Films
she was held against her will and given heroin
to keep her disoriented.
A bite mark -- on her shoulder
each tooth easily seen
Circular burn marks from cigarettes
run up and down her pale, thin arms.
Needle marks from heroin shoot-ups --
forced on her by her captors --
dot her upper arms.
which normally frames her doll-like face,
conceals her healing scalp where hair
was ripped out in clumps.
and whose mother still lives here,
has come back home to recover after being
kept captive in the rear apartment of a
Santa Monica Boulevard business in Los Angeles
for 10 days while
she was being prepared to be sold to a Human Sex Trafficking dealer
he would kill me and my Family
There was a tiny room.
"I would cry and he would gag me
he put me into a hole in the wall
when people would come around
so people wouldn't know I was there.
He would beat me, burn me,"
Sati says in an emotionless, monotone voice
I tried to make myself as troublesome as I thought I could
Asking for food and drinks
I am sure my captor got tired of me doing this
and I hope that is why he decided to let me go
with a large quantity of heroin.
She was dropped off
by her captor
at the emergency room at
Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Medical Cente
BUT she was saying
she wanted her mom.
Police were called and after they interviewed her
They realized she had been abducted
They contacted her mother
who travelled from Tennessee to
bring her daughter home
psychological help to get her life back on track
reported EACH DAY in the U.S.
considered missing or dead are out there
who have been sold into
the huge Human and child Trafficking operation
and are in need of help
to get home ?
if we really wanted to
And Find the Missing Quickly
Many of those are being phased out
should they just be thrown in a junk pile?
and they are proving to be effective
women, men and children quickly
and solve most other crimes
We believe we can >
To sign the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place
Click here to see a close up version of the above picture of the area
where Caylee Anthony's Body was found ( taken from space )
the picture has been altered to show what is possible
The drones might work
TAP HERE to read that info
and watch the Video about it below too
notification system
a lost, missing or abducted person IMMEDIATELY
summon help for a person who needs any type of help
like and elderly or invalid person who has fallen
to help protect your family and loved ones ?
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details
which can help find a loved one who may have been abducted
needs some other type of help
if you are not sure how this works
Read this linked Page and sign the petition PLEASE
the section you were reading
how is heroin made can you make heroin
Tap HERE to be taken to the Addiction Help Page
how is heroin produced how is morphine produced
how is heroin made can you make heroin 95 % of the world's supply of illegal #heroin #opium and #morphine
comes from #Afghanistan #HillaryClinton President Barack Obama subsidized funded the Afghan farmers growers.
They had the power to destroy the poppy crops
crossing from Connected to the Orlando Pulse nightclub Massacre Mexico.
Our troops while they are still in that country CAN ERADICATE THE CROPS.
George Michaels Philip seymour hoffman Meryl Streep #MerylStreep #Cher @Cher
Heroin Addicts #donlemon #AC360 Anderson Cooper CNN #CNN.
Manchester England Bombing July 22nd 2017
how is heroin produced how is morphine produced
how is heroin made can you make heroin
murder at Pulse Gay Nightclub LGBT club Orlando
Donald trump TED CRUZ address the hroin epidemic
#Heroin is a weapon of mass destruction -
President #Obama ignores the solution Philip Seymour Hoffman
is dead from an overdose of #heroin - AC360 ignores the solution to the problem as does Nancy Grace etc etc all the way to Obama
has the opportunity to stop the #export of heroin
from #Afghanistan with our troops while they are still in that
country mimi o'donnell POPPYS POPPIES crops are grown in Afghanistan and are Weapons of Mass Destruction
Heroin is a weapon of mass destruction -
President Obama ignores the solution Philip Seymour Hoffman is dead from an overdose of Heroin - #donlemon #AC360 Anderson Cooper CNN #CNN
ignores the solution to the problem as does Nancy Grace etc etc
#realdonaldtrump and Obama have the opportunity to stop the export of heroin from Afghanistan
with our troops while they are still in that country mimi o'donnell
POPPYS POPPIES crops are grown in Afghanistan and are Weapons of Mass Destruction
ISIS / ISIL Are funded by these crops heroin.2FEAR.COM
#heroin #opium #poppy #drugcrops
a major epidemic is more like a major fatal insurgency
of lack of action by Barack Obama, Michelle Obama
does not care about the little guy David Muir ABC news Heroin in America David Muir ABC news Heroin in America
called an epidemic but it is more of a terrorist act
WHAT IS HEROIN where does heroin come from how is heroin mad
50 murdered at the Pulse Gay Nightclub LGBT club Orlando
#Foxnews @realdonaldtrump #donlemon #AC360 Anderson Cooper
CNN #CNN President Obama and Michelle Obama have ignored the solution
to the problem as does Nancy Grace HLN
etc etc Geraldo Rivera #ChrisCuomo Barack President Obama
#blacklivesmatter #heroin #Hillary #Donlemom #CNN
93% of the world's supply of illegal #heroin #opium and #morphine
comes from #Afghanistan #HillaryClinton President Barack Obama subsidized the Afghan farmers growers.
They had the power to destroy the crops
crossing from Connected to the Orlando Pulsa Massacre Mexico.
Donald Trump addresses these drugs as an epidemic.
It is called an epidemic but it is more of a terrorist act.
WHAT IS #HEROIN where does heroin come FROM.
how is heroin made ?
Opium and morphine are Illegal Opioids.
Barack Obama Ignores the solution.
CBS 60 Minutes report on Ohio heroin users was pathetic.
Mrs Michelle Obama also knows the facts about
Heroin and Opium but refuses to reveal them.
They are byproducts of the Poppy Flower>
David Muir ABC news Heroin in America the main Afghanistan crop.
Opioids are weapons of mass destruction.
none is used for the manufacturers of legal pain medications.
Philip Seymour Hoffman died and millions are dead around the world in just the last 40 years.
From a THE SHOOTINGS AND murder at Pulse Gay Nightclub LGBT club Orlando Florida.
The Current Opioid Crisis is at epidemic levels President Trump must start at the source of the drugs
Angelfire Heroin Epidemic Hillary Clinton 2009 2013 2016
Angelfire Heroin Epidemic Hillary 2009 2013 2016
angelfire Heroin epidemic Hillary Clinton 2009 2013 2016
Fact Check Fact checker Fact Checker
Get a cool web address!
Free SubDomains from
George Michael Dies from heroin connected use Christmas Day 2016 Heroin Epidemic Hillary Clinton 2009 to 2013
Manchester England Bombing July 22nd 2017
Barcelona Spain Attack 2017
32 die per day from heroin overdoses and opioid
die per day from heroin and opioid overdoses epidemic