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Welcome to the Amityville Obsession.

Our story begins at the DeFeo home, 112 Ocean Avenue, in the small town of Amityville, New York. The DeFeo residence is a large, three-story home built in the Dutch Colonial style with two quarter-moon shaped windows on the third-floor which overlooked the large lawn, and the street. In the lawn, there was a sign which read "High Hopes". This sign symbolized the DeFeo family's new life in suburbia. Prior to the house's erection in 1925, another house stood on the exact same plot of land. That house was later moved to a different plot of land but it is unknown why the homeowners moved. Was it due to haunting, or simply just a better plot of land? Many people think that the land the DeFeo home stands on was once Indian Burial grounds. Others say John Ketchum, who was a supposed witch and devil worshipper, was buried on the property and also did many of his rituals there. Both accusations, however, are still being disputed.

The horror began the night of November 13, 1974. Robert "Butch" DeFeo Jr. was becoming fed up with the relations within his family. Fights between family members were an everyday occurrence. On the night of the 13th, Robert "Butch" DeFeo Jr. was up watching war movies, when he heard what he thought was his family conspiring against him. Shortly after, Butch said that a pair of black hands appeared and handed him a Marlin rifle and he heard "KILL!" He then proceeded to his parents’ room where he shot his father and then his mother. He then headed to his brothers' room and shot both of them and then killed his younger sister followed by his older sister.

Later investigations showed that the rifle had no silencer. So why is it that no one was awoken by the gunshots? Parapsychologist Hanz Holtzer stated that sounds might have been inhibited by strong paranormal activity. Robert “Butch” DeFeo Jr. claimed that he was possessed and had accomplices that helped kill his family. He was sentenced to six consecutive 25 years-to-life sentences.

Thirteen months after the DeFeo murders, The Lutz family were looking into buying the home. They absolutely loved the house, even after learning of the events that had occurred a little over a year prior. They purchased the house and moved in. The Lutz family was compiled of George Lutz, a 28 year old ex-marine and his 30 year old wife Cathy. Cathy had three children from a former marriage, Daniel 10, Christopher 7, and Melissa 5. They finally were moved into the home December 18, 1975. Soon after, a friend of George told him to get the house blessed by a priest. He followed his friend’s advice; Father Ralph Peckerarro blessed the house but warned them to stay out of the sewing room. The priest had said he heard a voice saying "Get Out Of This Room!"

The Lutz family had always felt uncomfortable after they moved into the Amityville home. They tried to ignore the many noises, but the banging and scratching were not usual house noises. Cathy Lutz said that she had dreams that she was in Louise DeFeo body, and could see where she had been shot. George Lutz always awoke at 3:15 every morning, which was the time the murders took place. One day Cathy Lutz decided to move around the shelving units in the basement around, she discovered a red room that was not in the original blueprints. A psychic stated that it was a portal to hell.

Soon the 5 year old Lutz daughter, Melissa, began to tell her mother about her “imaginary friend” Jody. ::Who Jody Is:: The Lutz also noticed many strange odors and doors slamming. Soon after they opened all the doors and recited the Lord’s Prayer, they were stopped when a chorus of voices said “Will You Stop?” They finally fled the house January 14, 1976, only 28 days after moving in. They made it to California; George and Cathy decided to get divorced, and no haunting was reported from the either George or Cathy. The house is now re-owned.

To see more information about this story, see our ::Useless Information::

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