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Song 2
Song 3
Song 4
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My Songs
Tuesday, 29 November 2005
Topic: Song 4

i'm coming back
from the back of the pack
coming to front to speak my opinion
i'll take advantage of freedom of speech cause this is my dominion
i speak for those who are afraid
those who think they'll get laid
flat on the ground
if they spit there shit around
but now i'm coming round
full circle, heres what i got to say
bush why do u keep our troops overseas everyday
when the battle up front is done
we got one terrorist so i say we've one
maybe u should be the one with the gun
over there fighting the terror
but no u let our troops die
the deaths keep increasing and multiply
if only u could see this
this shit isn't nonsense
i'm just here on the defense
standing up for those who feel the same as i do
i'm just asking you
quit this shit
Before there was clinton
then there was something missin
wat it quite was i wasn't gettin
till he had a fuckin affair
he said that he would show some care
but then u go n say u didn’t do it n how dare
He take advantage of wat he was supposed to be
but can't u ppl see in between the lines n wee wat I see
after that huge contraversy
he became more popular then ever
now we got bush in the house
everyone thought he'd get stomped on like a fuckin mouse
but when 9/11 happened he didn’t just walk by and take a piss
he put his foot down and said i won't stand for this
and he began pissing our troops away
over seas, pls listen to wat i say
we thought he'd be the one
to take charge with gun
have some balls and change this country around
but wat he did i believe wasn't sound
wasn’t right or just
he just said we must
keep on sending troops over to iraq
catch this so called man hussein
well mr. bush i think your a little insane
well if i may i'm just trying to be sane
and wat i'm saying
is bring out troops back
quit letting em die for a cause we don't need to fight
we got who we wanted, husseins under the light
now tonight, i'm saying help me with this fight
unless u dont' think its tight or right
then respond let me know
or then this is how the story goes

Posted by crazy/sunnysandler1989 at 12:37 PM
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Topic: Song 3

Friends huh…you know who I’m talkin too

Verse 1
Every firned you know
Is prly a secret fo
So why do we call them that
Use this different speech format
When we need them most
Where are they to be found
We’re left here manning our own ground
Circling around going insane
Lost our structural membrane
Now when you don’t get your way
You think the world has gone gay
Well just maybe you should look in front of u
Seeing you got a lot of choosing to do
So here’s the issue you’ve really misconstrued
You had a best friend but the you became glued
To some new person thinking there the shit
Well you should quit that bullshit
And see who really cares for you
Or if they’re just using u
I ain’t trying to be dr. phil
But if I had a anti queer pill
I’d prly give it to you

Everyones got a friend or two
But open your eyes to who would really back you
Not the ones that would stab you
Use u as a last resort, when no ones there
They want u to get up and give a care

Verse 2
Yea I still gotta grow up some
But I ain’t stupid or dumb
When it comes to friends
I’ve had so damn many
I could make my own fuckin city
Wat is the definition of a friend
Is it someone that will lend a hand
Or that would stand up for you
When your getting shit
Yea I’ll speak, it and say shit
Your obviously blind and outta your mind
Cause that part of your body ain’t working
I see other people hurting
My definition of a solder or a friend
Is someone that gots your back
When your under attack and act
With you and support you
They would die for you
Wouldn’t ever lie to you
Yea wat I said is all true
When I’m done and thru
When my life is finally over
Just know my hand is always on your shoulder
Even though the world
Seems like they’re leaning on you
Stand strong, make mom and dad proud
Even when I die and pass away
I’ll be with you every step of the way
Don’t cry for me, but be happy
If you screw up don’t worry
I’ve fucked up plenty of times
But my rhymes never will die
Hope they will live on for generations
Let me clarify to all of you
Who think I shouldn’t say shit like this
I think you should drink piss
Get a fuckin lisp and kiss my ass (chorus)

Verse 3
Enough now its time to act tough
No more bluffs, be rough
Just huff and puff
Theres to damn much drama
Mamma help me please
This ain’t no laguna beach
We can speak, reach, and be stronger
Be the bigger man with armor
Now don’t get bent out of shape
Or I’ll rewind this here tape
And you can here wat I already said
To many people have bled sorrow
Wishing there was no tomorrow
There friend ditch them, left them
Condemned them when in the end
It was them themselves
That have fucked it up
So no more, shut up
Listen to these last few words
I have to say
Don’t throw a punch that’s to low
A remark that’s a low blow
Grow up and be mature
Sure everyone gots some growing up to do
But in the end when said and done
Just look who’s relaly around for fun
Talk that shit out, don’t doubt me
You’ll eventually see I’m right
You’ll finally begin to see the light (chorus)

Posted by crazy/sunnysandler1989 at 12:32 PM
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Monday, 28 November 2005
Here To Stay
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Song 2
Here to Stay

Verse 1
Everyone tries to make fun of me
They try to take my pride and call me crazy
Wanna see me fail and grow a tail
Then watch me nail it to a wall
Wanna see me fall then beg and crawl
Make me feel small
So wat if my mind is messed up
Atleast I don’t grind my teeth and piss in a cup
Maybe I am insane
But before it rains and I lose my brain
Just know this fucker ain’t no clown
So go blow some dude cause I ain’t messin around
Go head get all defensive up in my face
Cause I said something offensive and showed some haste
So go taste some cum
And bash ur head on that drum
You wanna act like my father
You don’t gotta try hard just be gay
Just stay and care bout yourself
Then you can be daddy’s little elf
He acts like the backstreet boys
Trying to comeback and buy our love with toys
For all I care he could go lay on some tracks
Get hit by a train then I could gain
Some happiness know he won’t ruin anyone
Elses lives, no more wives, now he’s done
Hope he rots in hell
Wouldn’t that just be swell
I know that ain’t nice, but I won’t say it twice
Cause that’s the damn truth
I won’t lie or cry bout my past
I’ll blast It out some radio speakers
Get a drug test and piss in some beaker
I’ll spew my youth to you
Won’t hold anything back
So if i get verbally attacked
Cause I said something offensive
And they say I’m whacked, they ain’t no better
There getting bitch slapped, tapped on the shoulder
Then get bashed in the face with a boulder

Say wat you want to, write me a letter
Just to make yourself feel better
But when tomorrow comes
You better be there or be square
Be a man and say that shit to my face
Then you can see wat blood really tastes like
I’ll shove your face in some mud and call u a dike
Get on your bike and ride away
Cause this asshole is here to stay

Verse 2
Everyone gots a story to tell
Well mine till I was twelve or thirteen
Life was miserable, insane and obscene
So I’ll come clean
Sorry dad but this is for all you put me thru
He gots his religion, no I ain’t dissin
Someone being a christian
But he over did it, started up to much shit
Got kicked out of every church
Casue they said he was crazy
His mind was all fucked up and hazy
So he put us thru hell, was an ass
Now I wish I wouldn’t have to see him
And time would just pass
Cause I’d rather swallow glass
Fall on my ass and eat grass
Yeah I gotta alotta shit in school
But wat else is new
They thought I was a loser
Parents thought I was a drug user
Sometimes I feel like screaming and yelling
And telling the world to fuck off
Go deep throat a pickle and cough
Get your head blown off
You gotta watch who your friends are
Cause they’ll creep up behind you
And stab you in the dark
So right now I gotta leave my mark
Fuck all you posers, know it all cocky losers
Hope you get hooked on crack
Thinking you’re the mac daddy
When really your nose is in a ass crack
Some big fat bitch, gives your dick a twist
Snaps it off, I bet your pissed of (huh?)
So go degrate me, say this and hate me
Make me feel like a tied up eel
But I’ll sing like a bird, using every word
Cause I’m swift as a butterfly
But sting like a bee (chorus)

Verse 3
Yes it is true some ppl really do love you
So if your looking at the knife
Ready to end your life
You better think twice
Cause when you splice yourself open
Everyone else has to be coping with your actions you took
So take a look, at everyone your hurtin
Can someone tell me wat really is love
Is it a one night stand
Or being a groupie in a band
Or getting layed every day
Cause all that his is lame
How bout don’t hate the game
Hate the fuckin player
Yeah those girls are called sluts
Or crack whores so I don’t touch them
I just walk out the door no more
Good god galore they got std’s
Impregnated seeds and done plenty evil deeds
Balls to the wall has a whole new meaning now
Wow I’m gleaming with glamour
Failed English cause I used improper grammar
You think your some pimp
Your prly just limp in your pants
Need some viagra to get that thing to dance
I’ll take my proper stance in life
Just want two kids and a beautiful wife
For the critics and haters
Try and make me miserable, call me a cripple
I’ll let you fuckers suck your mommy’s nipples
While she dibbles cum out of her mouth
Cause your imbred and just did her down south
Save a horse ride your mom
Till the break of dawn
Yea trim her lawn
But I think your satan’s spawn
So from now on, just know
When in doubt and feeling left alone
Go to your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, they’ll listen
And if they don’t
Then it wasn’t meant to be
But if they do listen
Then you’ll see affectionately
Your not by yourself
So just be you, don’t let ne one tell u wat to do
Otherwise that when ur thru and screwed (chorus)

Posted by crazy/sunnysandler1989 at 1:07 PM
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Me and You
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Song
Me and You

Verse 1
When everyone stares at me
Saying that they hate me
Constantly being annoying
But then you come into my life
Make me feel whole
Instead of rotting away in a hole
You make me feel full inside
Of happiness and pride
How did I get your beautiful eyes to look at me?
Is surely a little mystery
But clearly you care for me
I love it how you look at me
I adore every minute I’m with you
Your just so wonderful, tender, and kind
I’m so damn glad your mine
When I’m with you I’m fine
When we’re apart, I’m in the dark
Thinking of you all the time
I’ll never leave you, forget you, or hate you
I’ll be there whenever you need me
I just want u to see
I want to be there for you both mentally and physically
No matter what the situation
Even if theres a complication
I’ll be there smiling baby
Just come to me

When you look at me
And I look at you
We get lost in our own world
Just us two
Where everyday the skies are blue
And everything we do
Leads to something new (x2)

Verse 2
What happens when u find
Someone who gets lost in your mind
Someone you would give your life for
Someone you would take a knife for
Cause you love her so much
And as such anyone who would
Try and hurt her
Your would destroy them just to protect her
I don’t ever want to see you crying
Cause I’d be lieing if I said I didn’t hurt inside
Well here don’t cry come with me for a magical ride
You have so much more going for you
But every night I want to do whats right
Stand up and fight
When everyone says I’m a failure
And I can’t endure what challenges lie ahead of me
Your one of the few that do believe in me
Sometimes I might seem mad or sad
But I promise I’m always glad when I’m with you
I can be a good boyfriend and tend to your every need
I can be an awesome dad
I promise I won’t be just some fad
I’m here to stay and I don’t plan on going away (chorus)

Posted by crazy/sunnysandler1989 at 12:59 PM
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