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Song 4
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Tuesday, 29 November 2005
Topic: Song 4

i'm coming back
from the back of the pack
coming to front to speak my opinion
i'll take advantage of freedom of speech cause this is my dominion
i speak for those who are afraid
those who think they'll get laid
flat on the ground
if they spit there shit around
but now i'm coming round
full circle, heres what i got to say
bush why do u keep our troops overseas everyday
when the battle up front is done
we got one terrorist so i say we've one
maybe u should be the one with the gun
over there fighting the terror
but no u let our troops die
the deaths keep increasing and multiply
if only u could see this
this shit isn't nonsense
i'm just here on the defense
standing up for those who feel the same as i do
i'm just asking you
quit this shit
Before there was clinton
then there was something missin
wat it quite was i wasn't gettin
till he had a fuckin affair
he said that he would show some care
but then u go n say u didn’t do it n how dare
He take advantage of wat he was supposed to be
but can't u ppl see in between the lines n wee wat I see
after that huge contraversy
he became more popular then ever
now we got bush in the house
everyone thought he'd get stomped on like a fuckin mouse
but when 9/11 happened he didn’t just walk by and take a piss
he put his foot down and said i won't stand for this
and he began pissing our troops away
over seas, pls listen to wat i say
we thought he'd be the one
to take charge with gun
have some balls and change this country around
but wat he did i believe wasn't sound
wasn’t right or just
he just said we must
keep on sending troops over to iraq
catch this so called man hussein
well mr. bush i think your a little insane
well if i may i'm just trying to be sane
and wat i'm saying
is bring out troops back
quit letting em die for a cause we don't need to fight
we got who we wanted, husseins under the light
now tonight, i'm saying help me with this fight
unless u dont' think its tight or right
then respond let me know
or then this is how the story goes

Posted by crazy/sunnysandler1989 at 12:37 PM
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