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Song 2
Song 3
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My Songs
Tuesday, 29 November 2005
Topic: Song 3

Friends huh…you know who I’m talkin too

Verse 1
Every firned you know
Is prly a secret fo
So why do we call them that
Use this different speech format
When we need them most
Where are they to be found
We’re left here manning our own ground
Circling around going insane
Lost our structural membrane
Now when you don’t get your way
You think the world has gone gay
Well just maybe you should look in front of u
Seeing you got a lot of choosing to do
So here’s the issue you’ve really misconstrued
You had a best friend but the you became glued
To some new person thinking there the shit
Well you should quit that bullshit
And see who really cares for you
Or if they’re just using u
I ain’t trying to be dr. phil
But if I had a anti queer pill
I’d prly give it to you

Everyones got a friend or two
But open your eyes to who would really back you
Not the ones that would stab you
Use u as a last resort, when no ones there
They want u to get up and give a care

Verse 2
Yea I still gotta grow up some
But I ain’t stupid or dumb
When it comes to friends
I’ve had so damn many
I could make my own fuckin city
Wat is the definition of a friend
Is it someone that will lend a hand
Or that would stand up for you
When your getting shit
Yea I’ll speak, it and say shit
Your obviously blind and outta your mind
Cause that part of your body ain’t working
I see other people hurting
My definition of a solder or a friend
Is someone that gots your back
When your under attack and act
With you and support you
They would die for you
Wouldn’t ever lie to you
Yea wat I said is all true
When I’m done and thru
When my life is finally over
Just know my hand is always on your shoulder
Even though the world
Seems like they’re leaning on you
Stand strong, make mom and dad proud
Even when I die and pass away
I’ll be with you every step of the way
Don’t cry for me, but be happy
If you screw up don’t worry
I’ve fucked up plenty of times
But my rhymes never will die
Hope they will live on for generations
Let me clarify to all of you
Who think I shouldn’t say shit like this
I think you should drink piss
Get a fuckin lisp and kiss my ass (chorus)

Verse 3
Enough now its time to act tough
No more bluffs, be rough
Just huff and puff
Theres to damn much drama
Mamma help me please
This ain’t no laguna beach
We can speak, reach, and be stronger
Be the bigger man with armor
Now don’t get bent out of shape
Or I’ll rewind this here tape
And you can here wat I already said
To many people have bled sorrow
Wishing there was no tomorrow
There friend ditch them, left them
Condemned them when in the end
It was them themselves
That have fucked it up
So no more, shut up
Listen to these last few words
I have to say
Don’t throw a punch that’s to low
A remark that’s a low blow
Grow up and be mature
Sure everyone gots some growing up to do
But in the end when said and done
Just look who’s relaly around for fun
Talk that shit out, don’t doubt me
You’ll eventually see I’m right
You’ll finally begin to see the light (chorus)

Posted by crazy/sunnysandler1989 at 12:32 PM
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