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Certifications & Professional Training

What is the Holistic Health Wellness Counseling Approach?


Wellness Counseling

Mind-Body Medicine (Behavioral Medicine)

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

What Is Detoxification and Oral Chelation?

Other Services Offered

*** IMPORTANT *** information
about third party payment & confidentiality

*** IMPORTANT *** Information
(and truths you are never told!)

Who is
Dr. Joseph Riccioli?


Dr. Mercola

The National Health Federation

National Health Freedom Coalition

Do Good People
Go To Heaven?

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Wellness Counseling & Holistic Health Counseling

"Wellness Counseling" is an approach which allows an individual to make positive choices in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It includes a positive approach to life and health that helps to maximize an individual's potential and achieve and maintain a healthy, well balanced healthy state.

"Holistic Health Counseling" integrates counseling with various systems of alternative, natural healing modalities (Nutritional counseling, Therapeutic Herbalism, Homeopathy, Mind-Body Integration, Emotional Freedom Techniques...), to help people achieve and maintain an optimal, balanced, healthy state.

A Wellness / Holistic Health Counselor does not diagnose, treat, prescribe medications, or cure. The body is self-healing, so this approach focuses on helping balance, normalize, detoxify and harmonize the body so that it many return to a healthy functioning state of wellness.


Claims and statements on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Information stated on this website is not to be considered as medical advice for dealing with any given problem, or to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

All information posted on this web site is provided for educational purposes only, and is not to be considered as a medical recommendation, or as professional advice. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other reliable sources and to consult your health care professional for individual guidance for specific health problems.

All contents and design copyright © 2007, Mind-Body Health Christian Counseling. All rights reserved.