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Monday, 24 March 2003
Topic: Philosophy
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01:36 Monday, 24 March, 2003
Ithaca, NY

FidgetLT (01:34:59): beautiful poetry. :)

Auto response from Wired621 (01:35:00):

sleep at home,

in my little bed.

i sort of miss my sister,

love you Bo-beck!

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Posted by comics/fidget at 00:01 EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 February 2005 13:37 EST
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Sunday, 23 March 2003
Topic: Personal
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23:30 Sunday, 23 March, 2003
Ithaca, NY


And hungry.

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Posted by comics/fidget at 00:01 EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 February 2005 13:32 EST
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Friday, 21 March 2003
Gulf Wars Episode II: Clone of the Attack
Topic: Philosophy
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11:14 Friday, 21 March, 2003
Ithaca, NY


In case you can't read the text in the image, this is what it says:

The Bush Administration
in association with
The Other Bush Administration
Gulf Wars
Episode II
Clone of the Attack
starring George W. Bush - Condoleezza Rice - Donald Rumsfeld

reprising their roles from Episode I
Dick Cheney - Saddam Hussein - Colin Powell

and introducing Osama bin Laden as the Phantom Menace

Based on an idea by George Bush, Sr.
Production designed to distract you from the failing economy
Produced by the military industrial complex in association with Exxon, Texaco, Mobil, et al.
Directed by a desire to win the November elections
The success of this military action has not yet been rated

A Mad Magazine poster

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Posted by comics/fidget at 00:01 EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 February 2005 13:36 EST
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Thursday, 20 March 2003
An apology.
Topic: Philosophy
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21:58 Thursday, 20 March, 2003
Ithaca, NY

As a citizen of the United States of America, I sincerely apologize for the decisions of the leaders of my country, who are acting without the support of their people.

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Posted by comics/fidget at 00:01 EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 February 2005 13:32 EST
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Tuesday, 18 March 2003
Spring has sprung.
Topic: Nature
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21:43 Monday, 17 March, 2003
Ithaca, NY

Spring has sprung.
Peterson.jpgMy apartment over-looks a large field that used to be an air-strip. There are a lot of birds around here, with the large field near a lot of forest, offering all different kinds of food and shelter. So the most recent bird to return to the area is the killdeer. I love killdeer. They look a lot like sandpipers, the ones you see scurrying around in the wet sand if you go to the beach. I saw them a lot when I was in college, because a common nesting area for killdeer, in developed areas, is in parking lots. Their eggs look just like small rocks, as a disguise mechanism, so a gravel parking lot is a perfect place for them to 'hide' their eggs. They circle all around in the sky and scurry around the parking lot, crying the whole time, in sharp tones that sound kind of like their name ("Noisy; a loud, insistent kill-deeah, repeated; a plaintive dee-ee (rising), dee-dee-dee, etc. Also a low trill." says Peterson's Field Guide to the Birds). Anyway, I just love having them around. And one thing I especially like is knowing that they're living in their natural habitat here, not just adapting to the environments we've created for our exclusive use. Granted, the airstrip is not perfectly natural, but it is no longer in use, and is a lot more natural than a parking lot.

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Posted by comics/fidget at 00:01 EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 February 2005 13:33 EST
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