notes and annotations
Issues 1 - 25

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Please note this page is now duplicated at

Enjolrasworld Alan Moore Annotations site

Last updated 14 January 2004

Promethea is the creation of Alan Moore and JH Williams III (hereinafter referred to as JHW3). Here is a list of other people who have helped to produce Promethea.
Issue 1 dated August 1999 was actually released on 2 June 1999 and issue 25 dated May 2003 was published on 5 March 2003.
The first 25 issues have been collected into 4 Hardcover Books.
The first 3 books are also available as Trade Paper Backs
Books 1 & 2 (Issues #1-#12) deal mainly with Sophie Bangs becoming Promethea and learning how to cope with this mainly in our world but also in the Immateria.
Books 3 & 4 (Issues #13-25) are mainly concerned with Promethea's Kabbalah Road Trip in the Immateria and her return back to our world.
The first three books are also available as Trade PaperBacks
The publisher is Wildstorm.

"With Promethea, when I was coming up with the initial titles for ABC Comics, I thought, well, I want a comic with a strong female character. I'd also like to have a comic where I can release some of the steam of my magical researches."
- Alan Moore from this interview

Announcing a Brand New
Competition with Prizes
Help me to produce my Promethea Guide Book and you could win one of 3 prizes

For future updates about Issues #26-#32 go to my Issues #26-32 Annotations Page

What's New (the latest 7 additions to this site)
14 January: Issue #24 (almost) frozen. Issue #25 frozen
13 January: Issue #23 (almost) frozen.
12 January: Issue #22 (almost) frozen.
9 January: Issue #21 (almost) frozen.
8 January: Issue #20 (almost) frozen.
7 January: Issue #19 (almost) frozen.
5 January: Issues #17 and #18 almost frozen.

24 December: Issue #15 frozen. Issue #16 almost frozen.
23 December: Issue #14 frozen.
22 December: Issue #13 frozen.
19 December: Issue #12 frozen.
15 December: Issue #11 frozen
12 December: My latest intreview with Eric Shanower about Little Margie in Misty Magic Land can now be found here or if that link isn't working try my Promethea Message Board at Yahoo for the non-linked and unillustrated version of the interview.

Also there's still over 4 days of bidding left so if you've got more than $400 US to spare and you would like to own a piece of original Promethea artwork you can bid for Issue 24 pgs 20-10 artwork at ebay
11 December: Issue #10 (almost) frozen
9 December: Issues #8 and #9 frozen.
8 December: Issue #7 frozen.
3 December: Issues #5 and #6 now frozen. Issue #5 still needs to have some more quotes added but apart from that it is now frozen.
2 December: Issues #3 and #4 now frozen.
1 December: Issue #2 now frozen
20 November: In lieu of the Promethea Guide Book I plan to publish in 12 months time I will begin freezing these pages in the near future.
Once an annotation for an issue is frozen I will not be adding anything to it.
Issue #1 has now been frozen and I will be freezing the other 24 throughout December.
You can still send additions and corrections to my annotations after I freeze them but I will not update them online once they are frozen although I will incorporate any additions/corrections you make when I publish my guidebook.

What's Old previous additions made to these pages

Image source


Alan Moore profile at 2000 AD
alt.comics.alan-moore through google entry.
Annotations to other Alan Moore titles can be found here.
Artists :-a list of artists who have inspired Promethea covers with links to webpages about them.
Awards You could win an award
Barbelith Underground Promethea Annotations
Blank Page according to the recommendations of the TPILB-Project.
Character Index Alphabetical listing of all characters who appear or are mentioned in Promethea
Chronology of events occuring in Promethea
Comic Book Resources Forum for Promethea
Comic Book Resources Forum on Promethea losing its' focus. For people who like Issues 1-12 but not 13-24.
Comic Book Resources Forum mourning the fact that Promethea will only have 32 issues
DC Message Board for Promethea
about Promethea
Glob my own personal blog where I keep a diary of my life and tribulations
Interviews with People who help produce Promethea
Letters Pages Readers Letters from the first 9 Issues
Library My entire collection of titles by or about Alan Moore
Links to any web pages about Promethea I have found.
Little Margie in Misty Magic Land
Lord of Chaos - Brazilian fansite. Check Gallery for artwork from Big Numbers #3.
Message Board at Wildstorm sadly no more as of 22 May 2003
Miscellaneous anything not directly connected to Promethea but similar to it.
Other Comic Books that readers of Promethea might enjoy
Polls Participate in a poll
Promethea Image search at
Promethea Picture search at Alltheweb
Questions & Answers to JH Williams III : March 2002 - March 2003
Reference Sources
Release Dates for all 25 issues
Sales Sales figures compiled by JDC for issues 14 onwards.
Summary Page taken from Book collections
This Is Information Alan Moore's reaction to the events of September 11, 2001.
Wallpaper: If you can't get enough of Promethea why not add some Promethea Wallpaper to your PC.
Weeping Gorilla Quotes
What's Alan Moore really like? for people interested in this perenial question this interview might be of some help.

If you like that sort of thing you can even get toy action figures of the two main characters

The Actual Issues

notes about issues published so far

Format Page What each page should look like when annotations are completed.

A quote from JHW3:
Todd [Klein] is the main person responsible for the great cover ideas. He suggests an idea to everyone and we go from there. He designs it all. The main thing I want to see with the covers to Promethea is that we tribute them in some way to another artist or artistic style.
Quote taken from this interview

Et in Arcadia Ego The Serpent and the Dove Cross, Moon, Star, Shapes in the Sand A Higher Court

Format Page What each page should look like when annotations are completed.

  1. The Radiant Heavenly City
  2. The Judgement of Solomon
  3. Misty Magic Land
  4. A Faerie Romance (after Morris)
  5. No Man's Land (after Leyen-Decker)
  6. A Warrior Princess of Hy Brasil (after Brundage)
  7. Rocks and Hard Places
  8. Guys and Dolls (thank you Terry Gilliam)
  9. Bringing Down the Temple
  10. Sex, Stars and Serpents
  11. Pseunami
  12. Metaphore (after Maclean)
  13. The Fields we know (after Parrish)
  14. Moon River (attempting Virgil Finlay)
  15. Mercury Rising (thanks Escher)
  16. Love and the Law (thanks Peter Max)
  17. Gold (after Dali)
  18. Life on Mars (after Frazetta)
  19. Fatherland (for love of Van Gogh)
  20. The Stars are but Thistles (after Richard Upton Pickman)
  21. The Wine of her Fornications
  22. Et in Arcadia Ego
  23. The Serpent and the Dove (inspired by Mucha)
  24. Cross, Moon, Star, Shapes in the Sand
  25. A Higher Court (inspired by McCay)
Issues #26-32

4color heroes
Alan Moore Store

"As far as I can remember, the original idea behind Promethea was to come up with something that worked as a mainstream superhero character, maybe looked a bit like Wonder Woman or Doctor Strange in a weak light, and which would enable me to explore the magical concepts that I was interested in before a mainstream comics audience that may never have encountered these ideas before (and may very possibly never have wanted to). It seemed to make sense that we should start at the shallow end, with inflatable arm-bands, so as not to alienate the readership from the very outset (the plan was to wait for about twelve issues and then alienate them). [...] Eventually I decided that the only thing to do would be to at least attempt it and let the chips fall as they may: as it turns out we have lost several thousand readers over the course of this saga, not as many as I'd expected, and the ones that remain are either dedicated and firm in their resolve, or else have had their cerebral cortex so badly damaged by the last four or five issues that they are no longer capable of formulating a complaint, or any other sort of sentence for that matter.

"And speaking for me and Jim and Mick and Jeromy and Todd, I think we're all rather smug about how well the piece had turned out artistically. The strict kaballistic colour schemes, as an example, while they looked very dubious and unworkable on paper, have turned up some beautiful and often startling effects in practice. Issue 23, the issue dedicated to Kether, the godhead of the kaballistic system, had a magical palette of four colours, these colours being "White", "Brilliant White", "White-flecked-with-gold", and most unhelpful of all, "Brilliance". Despite how hopeless this sounded, we decided to stick to our guns and attempt the issue using only white and gold, and apparently the first few coloured pages do indeed look celestially beautiful." - Alan Moore from an interview in Eddie Campbell publication Egomania #2

I always look like a sulky crack addict
- Alan Moore pg. 15
Distributed in the USA by Topshelf Comics
click on image for Moore information

Acknowledgements: thank you to the following individuals for contributing to these pages: Altar(sic.) Ego, Gordon Amnot, Anonymous, Jay Babcock, Charles Baldock, Bad-Candle Jack, Joel Biroco, Fabio Blanco, Dave Clark, John D. Coyle, Marc William de Giere, the Despoiler, Michael Draine, Rodolphe Duhil, Damian Gordon, Philip Graves, Greybird of Starhaven, Ng Kiat Han, hermes, Impulsivelad2, jhagglun, Claire M Jordan, JDC, Johan Kaikkonen, Peter Karpas, Rob Keery, Craig Klotz, Christine Hoff Kraemer, Miles Kurland, Thomas Lautwein, Gabriel McCann, Paul McFedries, Angel Mirou, mr.miracle, Mrrutsala, Jose Carlos Neves, John O'Neil, Saajan Patel, Irv Pinsky, Chad Raymond, Leonardo Rizzi, Fritz Ruehr, ryc, Armando Salinas, Doug Scott, Yim Onn Siong, Sabine Stalmann, the owner of, Jose Crisanto Tano, John Trauger and vorlon.
Special thanks to JH Williams III for answering my questions so promptly at the Wildstorm Promethea Message Board, Eddie Campbell for letting me quote from Egomania #2 and to Jose Villarubia for volunteering information about his photographic pages in Issue #7.

Annotations #26-32

Contents Copyright : © Eroom Nala 2002-2004 All Rights reserved
Contents may be used for reference purposes, as long as credit is duly given

Publications, titles of publications and characters appearing therein are ©, ® and/or ™ of their respective publishers, authors or creators.