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18 November: Alan Moore's 50th Birthday.
Officially he retires from comic book writing on this date although no doubt there will still be a backlog of of his scripts that need art added to them so expect a few more new titles from him

Happy 50th Birthday to Alan Moore

A couple of good links.
A Long Awaited Party
The Alan Moore Index
and also a brand new interview. It's with John Coulthart
3 November: Minor changes to Issue #1 Annotations
My contribution to the Alan Moore 50th Birthday Present can now be found here
29 October: New Competition with Prizes announced
21 October: Thanks to Miles Kurland for explaining the cow with wings joke in Issue #2 Page 19 and also adding extra information about Munchausens Syndrome in Issue #14 Page 15
Also I'd like to encourage people to join my Promethea group at Yahoo and let you know that if you're interested in how my work on the Promethea book I want to publish is progressing you can read my personal Blog at Eroom Nala's Glob
24 September: Added corrections and additions from Claire Jordan to Issues 13-15, 17 and 18
Thanks Claire. Looking forward to anything you might see in later issues too
23 September: Added Leonardo Rizzi to Interviews
16 September: Added Goddess of the Month to Links Page
Another page added to Issue #3
15 September: Added image of Page 23 to Issue #3 courtesy of Michael Draine. Thanks Michael
10 September: Highlighted people who appear on both Sgt. Pepper Album cover and Promethea #10 cover in green
8 September: Added yet another possibility as to what the red balloon might signify in Issue #22 pg. 21 bottom panel. I hope I'm not boring too many people with all these guesses.
Also added several updates and corrections to various issues sent in by Claire M Jordan with much more to follow. Thanks Claire
4 September: Winners of Promethea Essay Competition finally announced. Details are now given on the Essays Page
1 September: Last 4 entries in my Promethea competition now received. There were 14 entries submitted in total.
27 August: Added Promethea: Comics as Spiritual Tool by Christine Hoff Kraemer to Essays Page
25 August: Added My Comic Book Obsession: PROMETHEA to Essays Page
Added PREVIOUS HOME and NEXT links at start and end of each issue
15 August: Added Flickering Reality to Essays Page
12 August: Added Borges and Frida Kahlo to list of famous people appearing on the cover of Issue #10
Thanks to Fabio Blanco for pointing these two out
11 August: New interview with Todd Klein added to Interviews page
6 August: Congratulations to Alan Moore for winning the 2003 Harvey Award as Best Writer for Promethea. Other awards won by Alan were Best Continuing or Limited Series: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen by Alan Moore and Kevin O"Neill (ABC) Best Single Issue or Story: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume II, #1 by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill (ABC) Congratulations also to Todd Klein who won Best Letterer for Promethea
Added link to Godel, Escher and Bach book in Issue #12 note to Page V
Thanks to Leonardo Rizzi for pointing this out.
5 August: Added 3 Glory covers to page on Other comic books Promethea readers might find interesting page
4 August: Added image of Asmodeus drawn by Alan Moore taken from Arthur Magazine to Issue #18 pgs 8-9 note
Also image of Alan shaking hands with JH Williams at the train station as he greets him and his wife Wendy in Issue #14
30 July: Added Jose Villarubia to Interviews Page
25 July: Added image of cover of Issue #10 before coloring and also links to some people visible I have guessed at.
22 July: New Essay entry called Promethea in...A Story is born by Monte Williams
21 July: Added Issues #19-#25 from Book #4 to Summary page
Added extra names and a link to Mick Gray's page with Issue #10 cover without the coloring.
17-20 July: Anyone who finds themselves near the vicinity of San Diego on these days has a chance to meet JH Williams III, Mick Gray and Jeromy Cox who will all be attending the San Diego Comic Con 2003
JH and Mick can be found in the Artists Alley from Thursday to Saturday where they will be selling original page artwork from Promethea
19 July
12:30 - 1:30
Alan Moore has been praised as today's greatest comics writer. Find out what it's like to work with him, and what's coming up for America's Best Comics, in this panel hosted by Group Editor Scott Dunbier, with writer Peter Hogan, artists Jim Lee, Kevin O'Neill, J.H. Williams III, Arthur Adams and others.
17 July: Added Maxfield Parrish's version of Prometheus to Issue #5
16 July: Book Four hardcover goes on sale.
Added new Essay entry by James Dirig called Holy Socks! It's Promethea!
11 July: Added Rob Keery's suggestion that Issue #22 the four mysterious figures on pgs. 16-17 might be a homage to the Fantastic Four
10 July: As of today I now have a weblog or Blog for short which I call Eroom Nala's Glob just to confuse people
Fell free to comment, abuse, praise or whatever about me when you have the free time.
Also check out the Interviews Page for a few new interviews and some nice graphics
9 July: Added Osiris as the probable Egyptian god shown in Issue #17 page 15
3 July: Added note about an earlier appearance of Asmodeus in an Alan Moore story to Issue #18 pages 8-9
2 July Source of X-ray image shown on pgs. 16-17 in Issue #23 is now shown. Thanks to John O'Neil for this information
30 June: My first interview with one of the people who help produced Promethea can now be found on my Interviews Page
It's with Promethea colorist Jeromy Cox
27 June: Added link to Top Shelf Asks the Big Questions to Issue #21 including a link to ordering information. It contains the banned Cobweb Story
20 June: 5th Essay Journey to the Centre of Kabbalah by Andrew Friedenthal received
17 June: Added Joel Biroco's version of how Alan told him about the Fountain to Issue #20
16 June: Happy Bloomsday
Thanks to Fritz Ruehr for pointing out what in retrospect is quite obvious in Issue #21 pages 4 and 5
13 June: Happy Friday the Thirteenth everyone
Have added an extra incentive to get more people to submit entries to Essay Competition. See page for details
Added quote from Alan about Issue #12 taken from Writing for Comics
12 June: Added Barbelith Underground commentaries to issues
24 and
10 June: Added Issues 10-16 to Letters Page
A 4th Essay : Promethea - An Appreciation by Jason Lyte received
6 June: Quick link to this page can now be done by simply typing www.clix.to/Promethea.
Added Promethea Annotations Guestbook to this page. Please sign it at your leisure.
For any future updates about Issues #26-#32 go to my Issues #26-32 Annotations Page
2 June: Added Questions put to JH Williams III between 5 March 2002 and 19 March 2003
26 May: Added image of Helen Cixous Book of Promethea and link to Amazon.com to Issue #5 and to the Character Index
23 May: Old Wildstorm Message Board is now gone. Any new Promethea news can only be found at the New DC Message Board
Added a few more reviews to the Links Page
A 3rd Essay added to the Competition
21 May Book Three released as Trade Paper Back
19 May: Started up a Promethea Group at Yahoo Clubs
WARNING: The old Wildstorm message board is about to close down. New Promethea information can be posted at the New DC Message Board
16 May: Added Alan Moore's description of Asmoday from Arthur Magazine to Issue #18 Page 9
15 May: Added images of triangles and hexagram with links to Dictionary of Symbols to notes in Issue #22
13 May Added Geoff Clock's How to Read Superhero Comics and Why to my Library Page
Also added an interview of me to my Links Page
7 May Added Comixtreme Promethea Thread to my list of Links
So far two essays received in my Essay Competition. To read them just go to my Essays Page
5 May: Added possibility of submitting short story or comic scripts instead of just essay to the competition
1 May: Announcing a new Competition with Prizes
Win one of 3 Alan Moore items and all you have to do is write an Essay on Promethea
Click on Competition for details
29 April: Added diagram of lightning bolt path to Issue #17 pgs 22-23.
Added image of Arthur Magazine #4 which contains an interview with Alan that should be available online soon to my Library Page
23 April: Added Jeromy Cox and Todd Klein to the Other People who have helped produce Promethea page
7 April Astroboy's Birthday. Happy Birthday Tetsuwan Atom
3 April: Added another Essay to Essays Page
2 April: Added a Letters Page
1 April: Happy April Fool's Day to everyone.
Added images of the Promethea Myth pages to Issue #1
Thanks to John Trauger for sending me these.
Added Blank Page
31 March: Added Essays Page beginning with Thomas Lautwein's essay
I was planning to write an essay about Promethea myself but Mr. Lautwein beat me to it.
If anyone else has an essay or knows of one please let me know and I will post it on the Essays Page
28 March: Added link to Aleister Crowley's short story Wakeworld to Issue #23. See just before pg. 24
Also added some links to Library Page
27 March: Added Snakes and Ladders CD to my Library. Also added cover image for Heroes and Monsters
26 March: Added possible source of Jack Faust's name to the Character Index
25 March: Congratulations to JH Williams III for winning Best Penciller/Artist, Todd Klein for Best Letterer and the entire Creative Team of Moore/Williams/Gray/Cox/Klein all winners in the 2002 Squiddies Awards. Information added to my Awards Page
If anyone knows of any other Awards Promethea has won besides the ones I've listed please let me know.
Added photo of Alan Moore showing his rings to Issue #14 Page 21 notes
24 March: Added another quote about the Black Brothers to Issue #20 just before pgs 16-17 annotation.
22 March: Added a couple of quotes about the cynocephalus to Issue #15 pgs 14-15
17 March: Added cover of George Khoury's forthcoming book The Extraordinary Works of Alan Moore to my Library page
Updated Issue #25 with some answers to questions I'd posed to JH Williams
13 March: Minor fixups to annotations of Issue #14
Added another Paradise Bar and Grill story to Links
Added more probably source of Jack Fausts' real surname than Syd Barrett to Issue #25
12 March: Fixing up annotations to Issue #13
Added quote from Pied Piper to Issue #25
11 March: Added quotes to Issues #11 and #13
10 March: Added synopsis and quotes to Issue #25. Also some extra annotations and minor fixups
7 March: Updated Weeping Gorilla Quotes and Character Index
also slight fixups to Issue #25
Added images of page 7 to Issue #19 and page 11 to Issue #22
6 March: first rough draft of annotations for Issue #25 done
5 March: Issue #25 released
Images of pages added to the following issues
4 March: Added French versions of a couple of pages to Issue #1, page 5 and Issue #5, page 7
Also slight additions to annotations for Issues #15, #18 and #25
3 March: Added images of first 4 pages of Issue #25
28 February: Finally found an image (albeit a small one) of the cover of the book Now for Reality by Crowley and Spare which can now be found on Reference Page
Added pre-colorized version of pg. 24 to Issue #19
25 February: Added image and link to Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman to my Library page
24 February: Added a link to a new Brazilian Alam Moore fansite Lord of Chaos
Added images of first 3 pages to Issue #12
21 February: Added extra information about Suffragette City taken from Tom Strong #19 to Issue #7, Page 1 Panel 2
Added images of first 3 pages to Issues
20 February: Added full version of the Austin Osman Spare print seen on Jack Faust's wall on pgs 1-3 of Issue #10
19 February: Added Summary Page for first 18 issues
Added image and link to Comic Book Artist #25 due out in April to my Library Page
18 February: Annotated first page of Issue #25
17 February: Added quotes to Issue #12
Slight updates to References and Library
14 February: Added some links and minor fixups to Issue #12
13 February: Back from holiday refreshed
Added b&w image of Page 1 of Issue #25
Additions to Issues #12, #20 and #23 from extra annotations sent in by Thomas Lautwein
4 February: Added link to 4colorheroes to my Links Page This is a website dedicated entirely to Alan Moore titles. Why didn't someone think of this before?
Minor fixups to Issue #12
Just off for a short holiday. No more updates until February 13th
3 February: Since Promethea #26 takes place 3 years after the events of #25 I have decided to make this page go as far as Issue #25 which is the conclusion of one story arc
Also added picture of Issue #26 cover at the bottom of this page with a link to future annotations
31 January: Updated some annotations to written context of Issue #12. Quotes still to be done
30 January Updated Character Index to include dates for real people. Also found online an English translation of the complete text to Lucian's A True Story
29 January: Added people mentioned in the Promethea Puzzle to Character Index. Also minor corrections
28 January: Character Index completed up to Issue #24 although some are just the names with details to be filled in later
24 January: Character Index completed up to Issue #18
23 January: Character Index completed up to Issue #12
22 January: Character Index completed up to Issue #11
21 January: Character Index completed up to Issue #10
20 January: Character Index completed up to Issue #6
Added one title to Reference Sources
19 January: Character Index completed up to Issue #4
18 January: updated Character Index to include anyone mentioned in Issue #1, except for the Promethea Puzzle
17 January: Annotations for Issue #6 done
Minor additions to Issue #22
16 January: Added Lard Biscuit Achievement Awards for 2001 and 2002 to my Links Page. Promethea won Best Comic in both years
15 January: Annotations for Issue #5 done. Still some fixups on it to be done later
14 January: Issue #12. Added links to anagrams generated from Promethea and Alan Moore (Mae Monroe:-)
Adde JH Williams interview to Links Page. Didn't know he was related to Hank Williams. Maybe the H stands for Hank
13 January: Issue #24. Changed cover image to proper front cover and added artwork for Pages 1-3. All taken from Mile High comics
10 January: Annotations for Issue #4 completed although there might still be minor additions and fixups later on
Also added image of Leyendecker's Weapons for Liberty Poster to Issue #5
9 January: Notes about Cover and Title for Issue #4 added
Also annotated up to pg. 7
7 January: Slight update to annotations for Issue #3
6 January: Minor additions and corrections to Issue #1 thanks to Marc William de Giere for these
ditto for Issue #24 thanks to Thomas Lautwein
3 January: Added quotes to Issue #24
A couple of additions to Reference Sources
2 January: Updated annotations to Issue #2. Still not in their final form but better than they were
Minor updates to Issue #24

31 December: Added synopsis and minor additions to Issue #24
30 December: First rough version of annotations for Issue #24 done
Added Weeping Gorilla Quote
26 December: Issue #24 released
24 December: Added links to TIME.com review of Promethea as one of the 10 best comics of 2002
Most of the annotations for Issue #1 now done but still a few minor additions to do as well as annotating the Promethea Puzzle properly
23 December: Added interior art page to issue #25 taken from Pulse interview
Scroll down a fair bit for full interview
Small fixups to annotations for first 21 pages of Issue #1
19 December: Note subtitle change. Have decided to use this website to only annotate the first 24 issues of Promethea as I might run out of webspace if I do too many more. Will continue to annotate Issues 25 onwards at another site
Added another Link to Mile High Comics from which I borrowed the images of pages 1 and 2 for Issue #19
Updated the Character Index
18 December: Compiled first rough copy of Chronology of events in Promethea
First 4 pages now visible on Issue #18 as well as pages 14-15 without color
Also added images to Issues #2 and #9
17 December: Added a few more Links
Started annotating Issue #12
Added pictures of pages 1-2 to Issue #1
16 December: Notes and Annotations for Issue #11 mostly done but still have to do Quotes for this issue
Minor fixups on Issues 10 and 14
13 December: Happy Friday the 13th
Added another possible meaning for Red Balloon. See pg 21 Issue #22
Issue #10 annotations not totally complete but enough so that I can now go on to do 11 and 12 next. Will fix 10 up properly once I begin proper fixups from Issue 1 onwards
12 December: Started to annotate Issue #10 but haven't got very far
11 December:
Promethea Book Two published in softcover version
Notes about the cover to Issue #25 added
Added Slush Factory interview with JHW3 to my links page
10 December: Almost all of Issue #9 now annotated
9 December: Added a few titles to my Library
Just about finished annotations for Issue #8
6 December: Started proper notes and annotations for Issue #8
4 December: Photo pages done by Jose Villarubia for Issue #7 are now all visible on my notes for that issue, as are Jose's comments about the images.
3 December: Major updates to Issue #7. Still not finished
Small update to Issue #13
2 December: small update to Issue #15. Quote of revelant passage about Odysseus and Moly sent to me by TLsee page 7 panel 2
29 November: Notes and annotations for Issue #13 just about completed. Still have to do quotes
The Cover for Issue #25 due to be published in February 2003 can be seen here
28 November: Cover & Title notes for Issue #13 done
Slight addition to Issue #16 notes
27 November: Added a list of Other Comic Books readers of Promethea might find interesting. Please send me your suggestions for any more titles you would like to add to this list
Minor additions to Issue #14 notes and annotations
26 November: Almost all the notes and annotations for Issue #14 now done
Added links to Magic Square webpages to Issue #15
25 November: Started annotation Issue #14. Completed up to page 7.
Minor additions to Issues #20 and #23
22 November: Notes and Annotations for Issue #15 done but not in final format yet.
21 November: Cover and title plus quotes for Issue #15 done but not in completed form yet
Added Making Magic a JHW3 interview to my Links page
20 November: Notes and Annotations for Issue #16 done though not necessarily completed
Added a few Escher images to Issue #15
Sanskrit translations for God prayers in Issue #23 added
19 November: Cover, Title and Quotes done for Issue #16
Added a few References
18 November:
Alan Moore's 49th birthday
Happy Birthday Alan
Minor update to Issue #23 with JHW3's replies to questions about the depiction of the Tree of Life
15 November: Issue #17 mostly annotated but some fixups still to be done on it.
Updated my Alan Moore Library with latest titles added
Also added one quote not found in Promethea comics to my Weeping Gorilla Quotes page
14 November: Added quotes and titles of Dali Paintings to Issue #17
Also added source of Sephiroth images in Issue #23 pages 16-17
13 November: Updated Issue #18 notes. Almost completed now.
Also added a couple of References.
Added alchemical definiton of Gold and some Dali paintings to Issue #17. Some Chinese and Japanese translations added to Issue #23
11 November: Minor updates to Issues #4, #19 and #23
8 November: Minor additions to Issues #21 and #23
Started to fix up annotations to Issue #18 but didn't get very far.
7 November: Issue #20. Added quotes about Promethea made by Melinda Gebbie and Alan Moore found in the new book "I have to live with this guy!" by Blake Bell. See annotations for pg 11 panels 4-5.
6 November: Started guessing as to what the title of Issue #24 might mean.
Also added English quotes to Issue #23 pgs 10-11.
5 November: Added descriptions of all the images I could make out in Issue #23 pages 12-13. Any corrections or additional information would be most welcome.
Also added additional annotations from other people.
4 November: Finnish translations for God prayers in Issue #23 added
Added small note about color red and a link to a page about color symbolism in the bible to Issue #18 notes
1 November: Still have a bit to do but have done most of the annotating of Issue #23.
Added Wikipedia entry for Promethea to Links Page
31 October: Added cover notes and quotes to Issue #23.
Added one Weeping Gorilla Quote
Also added title to Issue #24
Added Al Rio's version of Promethea to my Links page
30 October: Official release date of Issue #23.
Added Fourth Rail Issue review of Issue #23 to Links
Also added note about Cover of Issue #18 as well Quotes
29 October: Added short reviews of Promethea from Comics International to Links section
28 October: Fixing up annotations to Issue #19 although they aren't anywhere near their final form yet.
25 October: Added some notes about the first few pages of Promethea #23, especially the Eye in the Triangle. The issue hasn't been published yet but the first four pages are now visible online at First Look.
Added Mucha to the list of Artists who have inspired Promethea covers
23 October: added notes and annotations for first few pages of issue #19
22 October: added part of Lawrence Sutin's description of the Choronzon working to Issue #20 and a chronology of Crowley passage through the grades on the tree of life to issue #22. Also made a guess as to what the red balloon might signify in this issue.
Added image and picture searches for Promethea to links on this page
Added quotes to Issue #19
21 October: added links to webpages with information about Malkuth through to Kether for Issues #13-#21 just after Notes and Annotations taken from Reality Creator Workbook series and the Hermit's Page
18 October: Minor additions to annotations for Issue #20
Added pictures of Leah Hirsig, Victor Neuberg and a Goetia Book Cover to Issues 21, 20 and 2.
17 October: started proper annotations for Issue #20
16 October: Added Quotes to Issue #20
15 October: Added links to webpages about Daath to my notes & annotation of Issue #20
Added a negative review by Paul O'Brien from Ninth Art to my Links page
14 October: Added Alan Moore quote from Eddie Campbell's Egomania #2 at the end of this page.
Added Release Dates for all comics in case anyone wants to research chronology of publication details
Started to do a bit on annotating Issue #20
Added scans of all the title images to my Little Margie in Misty Magic Land page
11 October: Added image of pg 13 and Photo of Hypnos head statue from panel 2 to Issue #7 and also found source of Watchmen Dialog on page 15 Panel 3
Also updated Issue #23
10 October: Added a few new references to Crowley and Spare and also some notes on Gematria to Issue #21.
9 October: Added notes on title to Issue #19
8 October: a few small changes here and there. The most important one being adding Van Gogh's painting of Starry Night to my notes on Issue #19
Also changed my idea of Issue #6 cover being inspired by Frances Brundage to being inspired by Margaret Brundage. See note in Artists
4 October: added the What's Alan Moore really like? link.
Added picture of pgs XVIII-XIX to Issue #12
Started but not yet finished Quotes for Issue #21. This one is taking a while to finish properly.
2 October: added the image you see on this page after What's Old
1 October: a few more pages in Issue #21 annotated including adding images of the City of Pyramids and the Seal of Truth taken from John Dee websites
30 September Notes & Annotations up to pg. 8 done for Issue #21
27 September First proper rough draft of Notes & Annotations for Issue #22 now done.
26 September completed quotes for Issue #22. Let me know if I've left out one of your favorites
also added Heroines of the Golden Age and links to pages on Crowley, Dee and Spare to my list of Reference Sources
25 September have decided to start up fixing my annotations and notes, etc working backwards from Issues #22 to #13 (ie from Chokmah back to Malkuth). Bit busy today so only fixed up Cover and Title notes for Issue #22

to my reference sources for Promethea.
24 September - added original artwork for Issue #15 to my list of Links
Also added Apocrypha (Tobit), Bible (Revelations) and Lawrence Sutin's biography of Crowley to my list of good reference sources for Promethea.
23 September - added format page to show what issues should look like when I've almost completed annotated them
20 September - added rough transcript for the Promethea Puzzle in Issue #1.
Also added Jose Villarubia notes to Issue #7 and finally added Little Margie In Mystic Magic Land panels of page to my information about Little Margie.
19 September - rough transcript and some links to information about Issue #22 done
Please let me know if you think I've left out something important
18 September - Official release date of Issue #22
17 September - added a Library link which list all the Alan Moore titles I have
Tritto for Issues # 19 , #20 and #21.
PHEW!!! finally finished rough notes. Now after reading #22 tomorrow all I have to do is go back and fix them all up properly.
also added link to Message Board at Wildstorm and Cover scan of Issue #24
16 September - added a miscellaneous links page.
Ditto what I wrote on the 13th for Issues #16, #17 and #18.
13 September - Friday the 13th. Added front cover of issue #22.
Even by my low standards extremely rough versions of notes for issues #13, #14 and #15 done. Basically just abbreviated transcripts of these issues with links and proper notes to be added at a later date. Will I make the September 17 deadline for issue #21? Stay tuned
11 September - A year ago today. Alan Moore's reaction is called This is Information.
10 September - very rough version of notes for issues #11 and #12 . Quotes still to be done.
Sorry they're just basic skeletons at the moment but I'm hoping to have all 21 done in rough versions by the time #22 comes out on September 18th.
Extremely rough version of Quotes and Notes, etc done for issue #10.
9 September - added publication dates after images for first 22 issues on the individual issue webpages.
6 September - added Reference Sources. Plan to add more titles to it later
5 September - added a couple more wallpapers from Suffering Saphos Website
Very rough notes for Issue #9 done but quotes still have to be added.
4 September - resized front covers to make downloading 1st page faster.
Rough Quotes and Notes for Issue #8 done.
Added Sales Figures compiled by JDC.
3 September - rough Quotes and Notes, etc for Issue #7 done.
2 September - completed rough synopses of all 21 issues published so far.
30 August - very rough draft of Notes for Issue #5 and slightly better rough draft for Issue #6 now done.
29 August - rough draft of Quotes and Notes for Issue #4 completed
27 August - added other people besides Moore and Williams who help produce Promethea
Completed rough draft of quotes and Notes for Issue #3
26 August - completed quotes and Notes & Annotations in rough draft for Issue #2. Once again let me know if there's anything you think I've missed.
Also added a page about Little Margie in Misty Magic Land.
Also also added Promethea Wallpaper taken from Suffering Sappho's Website
23 August - changed servers from Geocities to Angelfire
22 August - added a movie question to the Polls
21 August - completed listing my favourite quotes from Issue #1 and also first rough draft of Notes & Annotations. If anyone thinks I've left anything important please let me know.
19 August - to try and stir up a bit of interest in this site and get people contributing a bit I've decided to run some Polls and allow people to nominate themselves for some awards. click on the links for details.
17 August added one Chucklin' Duck quote to all the Weeping Gorilla ones.
16 August finished Weeping Gorilla Quotes up to Issue 21.
15 August rough synopses of first 12 issued now finished.
14 August Weeping Gorilla Quotes completed up to Issue 12.
13 August completed rough synopses of first 5 issues
12 August Weeping Gorilla Quotes completed up to Issue 6