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For purposes of organization, all contributions are classified as belonging to one of four separate categories:
"Essays" are considered original works by the author.
"Comments" are commentary on other works presented on this site.
"Reviews" are commentary on works not included on this site.
"Works-in-Progess" are uncompleted works presented here by their author's for review and critique.

The collection may be browsed by Title, by Author or by Date.

By Title

E007: A Look at Albanian Nationalism and the KLA, Part I
--Introduction, General Notes about Kosovo and its History, The Birth of Albanian Nationalism
E008: A Look at Albanian Nationalism and the KLA, Part II
-- Ideology of the KLA, History of Albanian Nationalist Violence and the KLA
E009: A Look at Albanian Nationalism and the KLA, Part III
-- The KLA inside Kosovo, The KLA outside of Kosovo, Conclusion
E010: A Look at Albanian Nationalism and the KLA, Part IV
-- Bibliography

E018: Abrahamic Tradition
-- Zionism and Judaism are not the same and the need for real reciprocity between Jews and Arabs.

E012: An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law - Part I
-- Introduction
E013: An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law - Part II
-- Legal Issues Pertaining to the Initiation of the Aggression
E014: An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law - Part III
-- War Crimes Committed During the Aggression
E015: An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law - Part IV
-- Efforts to Bring the War Criminals to Justice
E016: An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law - Part V
-- Conclusion
E017: An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law - Appendix I
-- Appendix I, chronological listing of bombing targets
----- C004: Mr. Rangwala's Comments and Clarifications

E021: Arguments Regarding Sharon's Defense Strategies in Belgium - Part I
-- Introduction - The Charges - The 'Political Case' Argument - Territorial Jurisdiction - The Immunity Defense
E022: Arguments Regarding Sharon's Defense Strategies in Belgium - Part II
-- Double-Jeopardy: The Kahan Commission portrayed as a Court - Is the Belgian Law retroactive? - Belgium's Ratification of the Rome Statute - Conclusion
----- C006: Update on the Sharon Case by the Arab European League

E019: Declaration of the Jewish People's Liberation Organization
E020: Basic Principles of the J PLO

E024: Imperialism; or, incompetance: US Foreign policy in tatters.

E023: Don't Just Stand There
-- Suggestions and opinions on what must be done to revive the peace process between Israel and Palestine, from the perspective of an Israeli peace activist.

E001: On the Applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention
--A brief review and repudiation of Israel's arguments against the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

E002: Origins of the Jewish People, Part 1
-- Historical Origins of the Jews - Difficulties
E003: Origins of the Jewish People, Part 2
-- Origins of the Jews - Revised. The Speculation Proper
E004: Origins of the Jewish People, Part 3
-- Conclusions. Two Types of Monotheisms - Western Semites, Monotheism and the Jews - Ankhenaton, another view

R003: Reflections upon Prof. Chomsky's speech at New York City January 22, 2002

R001: Review of "The End of Zionism and the Liberation of the Jewish People"
-- A review of the anthology, "The End of Zionism and the Liberation of the Jewish People" by Eibie Weizfeld.
----- C002: Mr. Weizfeld's Reply
---------- C003: Mr. Sigler's Reply

R002: Review of Toynbee's "Civilization on Trial" by V.R. Sonti

E006: The Jewish Left Unites by Eibie Weizfeld
----- C005: Mr. Sonti's Comments

R004: Thoughts on President Arafat's "The Palestinian Vision of Peace"

E005: Uighurs, Turks and Magians
----- C007: Mr. Sigler's comments, Part I
----- C008: Addendum on Magian Culture
----- C009: Mr. Sigler's comments, Part II
---------- C012: Mr. Sonti's Reply
---------- C013: Mr. Sonti's annotated response
----- C010: Mr. Sonti replies
----- C011: Mr Sigler's comments, Part III
---------- C014: Mr. Sonti's Annotated response
----- C015: Mr. Sonti's further Comments

E011:Zionism as Standard European Ethnocentrism
----- C001: Mr. Sonti's Comments

By Author

Isseroff, Ami
----- E023: Don't Just Stand There

Rangwala, Glen
----- C004: Mr. Rangwala's comments on "An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law"

Sigler, John
----- E007-E010: A Look at Albanian Nationalism and the KLA, Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV.
----- E012-E017: An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law, Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Appendix I
----- E021-E022: Arguments Regarding Sharon's Defense Strategies in Belgium, Part I and Part II
----- E001: On the Applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention
----- R001: Review of "The End of Zionism and the Liberation of the Jewish People"
----- E011: Zionism as Standard European Ethnocentrism
----- C007: Comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part I
----- C009: Comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part II
----- C011: Comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part III
----- C003: Reply to Mr. Weizfeld's reply to R001
----- R004: Thoughts on President Arafat's "The Palestinian Vision for Peace"

Sonti, V.R.

----- E024: Imperialism; or, incompetance: US Foreign policy in tatters.
----- E002-E004: Origins of the Jewish People, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
----- C001: Mr. Sonti's Comments on "Zionism as Standard European Ethnocentrism"
----- C005: Mr. Sonti's Comments on :The Jewish Left Unites"
----- R002: Review of Toynbee's "Civilization on Trial"
----- R003: Reflections upon Prof. Chomsky's speech at New York City January 22, 2002
----- E005: Uighurs,Turks and Magians;
----- C008: Addendum on Magian Culture
----- C010: Comments on Parts 1 and 2 of Mr. Sigler's Reply to his "Uighurs, Turks and Magians"
----- C012: Reply to Mr. Sigler's Comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part II
----- C013: Annotated Reply to Mr. Sigler's comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part II
----- C014: Annotated Reply to Mr. Sigler's comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part III
----- C015: Further Comments on the Discussion, so far.

Weizfeld, Abraham (Eibie)
----- E018: The Abrahamic Tradition
----- E019: Declaration of the Jewish People's Liberation Organization (J PLO)
----- E020: Basic Principles of the J PLO
----- E006: The Jewish Left Unites
----- C002: Reply to Review of "The End of Zionism and the Liberation of the Jewish People" (R001)

By Date

1988, January 1, Declaration of the Jewish People's Liberation Organization (J PLO)
1998, March 10, Basic Principles of the J PLO
1998, April, The Abrahamic Tradition
1998, July 5, Mr. Sigler's comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part I
1998, July 7, Addendum on Magian Culture
1998, July 11, Mr. Sigler's comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part II
1998, July 11, Mr. Sigler's comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part III
1998, July 29, Mr. Sonti's Reply to Mr. Sigler's comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part II
1998, August 23, Mr. Sonti's annotated reply to Mr. Sigler's comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part II
1998, August 23, Mr. Sonti's annotated reply to Mr. Sigler's comments on "Uighurs, Turks, and Magians" Part III
1999, August 1, An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law (Parts I-VI)
1999, November 16 & 27, Mr. Rangwala's comments on "An Appeal for the Honest Application of International Law"
2000, March 8, Review of "The End of Zionism and the Liberation of the Jewish People"
2000, March 9, Mr. Weizfeld's Reply to the Review of "The End of Zionism and the Liberation of the Jewish People"
2000, March 13, Mr. Sigler's comments on Mr. Weizfeld's reply
2000, April 24, Zionism as Standard European Ethnocentrism
2000, June 11 Mr. Sonti's Comments on "Zionism as Standard European Ethnocentrism"
2000, June 12 Origins of the Jewish People, Part 1
2000, June 20 A Look at Albanian Nationalism and the KLA (Part I-IV)
2000, July 13 Origins of the Jewish People, Part 2
2000, August 23 Origins of the Jewish People, Part 3
2000, December 20 On the Applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention
2000, December 24: Review of Toynbee's "Civilization on Trial"
2001, May 27: The Jewish Left Unites
2001, December 27: Uighurs,Turks and Magians;
2002, January 4, Mr. Sonti's Comments on "The Jewish Left Unites"
2002, January 5, Arguments Regarding Sharon's Defense Strategies in Belgium, Part I & Part II
2002, January 10, Update on the Sharon Case by the Arab European League
2002, January 17, Reply to Mr. Sigler's Comments on "Uighurs, Turks and magians"
2002, January 29, Mr. Sonti's further comments
2002, January 31, Reflections upon Prof. Chomsky's speech at New York City January 22, 2002
2002, February 3, Thoughts on President Arafat's "The Palestinian Vision for Peace"
2002, February 7, Don't Just Stand There
2002, February 12, Imperialism; or, incompetance: US Foreign policy in tatters.

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