3.01 What videos have the band done?
"Even Flow"
"Oceans" (Europe only)
"Do The Evolution"

3.02 What awards have the band received?

3.03 I was watching the movie Singles and I thought I saw Pearl Jam. Are they in it?
Yes. Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament, and "Drummer" Eddie Vedder make up Matt Dillon's backing band Citizen Dick.

3.04 Are their any video tapes of the band available?
Yes. They released a video called "Single Video Theory". The title is a poke at the "Single Bullet Theory" that some believe was the way JFK was killed. The video is the band recording the album Yield which happened to feature a song called "Brain Of J". Also, there are tons of video bootlegs out there of live stuff. There is an excellent listing of these unofficial live videos called the "Concert Video Guide" (Video Discography) that can be found on the Pearl Jam web pages. It has ratings on camera work, set lists, etc., location, running time of several of the bootleg live videos that are traded between Pearl Jam fans. Remember, TRADE, DON'T PAY!

3.05 Where can I find the Concert Video Guide?
The Concert Video Guide is maintained by Chris Mansfield. It can be found at

3.06 What does Eddie Vedder say at the end of the Even Flow video?
"I died, I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched me. I died and you walked by and said, 'No, I'm dead'."

3.07 Where was [VIDEO NAME] shot?
"Alive" - RCKCNDY (Rock Candy), Seattle, WA.
"Even Flow" - Moore Theater, Seattle, WA.
"Oceans" - Hawaii
"Jeremy" - London, England -- Shot in a warehouse in Kings Cross (an area of central London - famed for it's prostitutes) in early 1992. In an old interview at the time of the British tour, the interviewer went to this warehouse to interview Eddie.
"Do The Evolution" - Cartoon created by the animator / creator of the comic book Spawn.

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