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Biography Filmography Multimedia Audio Pictures Links Quiz Guestbook Updates Thank yous

6 January 2002
Added two pics of the Young Americans Cast.

8 January 2002
Added pix from Guess and Seventeen. And also a pic from Habitat for Humanity. And don't forget to check out the new pix from Life as a House.

10 January 2002
Added two pix of the cast of YA. On the Rules of Attraction there is a new pic of Ian.

15 January 2002
Added six pix from Guess?. Added some Young Americans screencaps.

18 January 2002
Changed the icons of the site...hope ya like!!! Please write a mess in the guestbook 'bout what ya think.

22 January 2002
Added this update section. Added pics from Winning isn't everything and Will Bella Scout her mum?.

24 January 2002
Added two pics from Ocean Drive.

30 January 2002
Added the site to a webring...okay, maybe it's not so normal to have a webring with just sites by yourself, but I was really bored... I have also added two pics from YA106-Gone.

2 February 2002
Added four screencaps from Life as a House.

4 February 2002
Added four pix from YA101-Pilot, four from YA104-Cinderbella
and four from YA107-Free Will. Also added two pics from Elle.

6 February 2002
Added pics from Rules of Attraction of James van der Beek and Shannon Sossamon.
Changed the pics archieve a bit and added one pic from Seventeen.

14 February 2002
Happy Valentin's day everyone. Here in Sweden we call it All heart's day (Alla hjärtans dag) and I think it sounds much sweeter than Valentin's day... I have also added pics from the premiere of PA, Scotland where Ian showed up.

17 February 2002
Added more wonderful pics from Scotland, PA and a screen cap from the Passengers show. Also check out my Quiz !

20 February 2002
Added pics from the Target commercial.

27 February 2002
Added screencaps from Kiss and Tell.

4 March 2002
Added pics from Passanger Show, and more will come soon! Thanks to Debi for the caps!!!
Also added some modeling pics.

10 March 2002
Added an article from a Swedish magazine.

13 March 2002
Changed my host from geocities to angelfire. If you are at the geocities site then please go to the other one since the geocitiessite is no longer updated.
Added wallpapers, hotbarskins and icons. Also check out my banner page if you want to add my site as your link.

21 March 2002
Changed the layout of the multimediapage and added some to it. Don't forget to write in my guestbook!

Vot for my site by clicking here

Therese's websites

[ Piercing Eyes | Young Americans | peach melba ]

This site is a member of the Therese webring

[ Birmingham blue | Trollmoon | Therese-the site ]

Disclaimer: This is just a fansite and I don't own any of the material. If you have any questions e-mail the owner of the site. Therese Skoug aka Peach_Melba, 2001