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Show Year Ian's part
Now and Again 1999 Brian
Young Americans 2000 Hamilton Fleming
Passanger Show 2002 Himself

Movie Year Ian's part
Anatomy of a Hate Crime 2001 Russell Henderson
Life as a House 2001 Josh
Rules of Attraction 2001 Paul Denton
Colored Eggs 2002 Jason Kelly
Rain Falls 2003 ?

Commercial for Year What's Ian doing?
Target 2001 Being amazed by coffee
Mastercard 2001 He's just sitting someplace and
the voiceover says something
about Prince Charming when
they show him. He sure is!

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Disclaimer: This is just a fansite and I don't own any of the material. If you have any questions e-mail the owner of the site. Therese Skoug aka Peach_Melba, 2001