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Biography Filmography Multimedia Audio Pictures Links Quiz Guestbook Updates Thank yous


Index Index with the newest news about Ian and this page.
Biology Info on Ian with some pictures.
Filmography Info on shows, movies etc that Ian has been in.
Also links to pictures such as screencaps.
Multimedia Archieve with ads and articles that Ian has been in.
Audio Wavefiles with Ian from Young Americans.
Pictures Archive with links to all pictures of Ian that
in contained on this website.

- Now and Again
- Rules of Attraction
- Mastercard
- X-show
- Passanger show
- Young Americans
- Anatomy of a hate Crime
- Life as a House
- Target

- Model
- Premiere of Scotland, PA
- Other pix
- YA cast pictures
- Wallpapers etc.
- Comic
Here's links to other Ian and Young Americans sites
plus a link to my sitebanners.
Quiz This is my Ian quiz. Why don't you see for yourself
how good your Ian knowledge is.
Guestbook This is my guestbook. About 170 visitors and like five
guestbookentries. Hmm...
That is a hint. Go write in my guestbook!!!
Previous Updates Here you can read about what I have done at my page
the last couple of months.
Thanks Yous Here is a listing of people that helped me with my page
or supported me by being a friend.

Click to vote for my site

Disclaimer: This is just a fansite and I don't own any of the material. If you have any questions e-mail the owner of the site. Therese Skoug aka Peach_Melba, 2001