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Monday, 27 October 2003
My First Blog
I started this page over a week ago now. Until now, I was totally uninspired to write. Now, I am alone.

Today was a busy day with Boris and my roomates. I was a bit disorientated today and last night, as well. My behaviour was a bit neurotic -- resembling that of a noctournal cat. I think it had something to do with the weekend sessions, the locked doors at KGIV, and well, interacting and listening to Internship presentations alllll daayyy long.

At this very moment, ahorita, I am listening to Coldplay. I really like this CD. Better late than never. As I write these words, I wonder if they will ever be read. But still, I think I like the idea of trying to journal regularly and since I am Online so often, it makes sense to blog. I miss my country and family and often feel a bit estranged here in Germany. I must admit that I have been lucky to be placed in a great flat with friendly roomates. Also, although my German is still relatively very bad, it has actually been improving a bit. Tomorrow I will begin a proper course. I also have to see my adviser about my Thesis.

I miss Boris, but have to try to spend a bit less time with him. He is my best company, but I cannot accomplish too much when he is around. We are a bit lazy when together. We like to have fun, watch movies, go out or relax, but I realize I have to try to be a bit more disciplined with my research, as does he. I heard from my sisters today. I have so many tasks and a few decisions ahead. Should I fly back to California for Christmas or New Years? I have to talk to Dr. Welz again about my grade and about the PMI.

I am pretty tired and the music has ended, so I think I will try to go to bed. It is 1:20 am here in Freiburg, Baden-Wuttenberg, Germany. This Friday is Halloween and we will have a party here. I think I will use this as a vehicle to write and think about the last year and 1/2 of the GSP (CA, USA-Freiburg-South Africa-Thailand-Cambodia-CA, USA-India-Washington DC-Bulgaria-Freiburg, Germany).

Tell me about it!
The music is back on and I must go to bed!! Maybe next time I can figure out how to post pictures!

Posted by cantina/ericagut at 6:30 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 11 November 2003 5:42 AM EST
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