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About Me


Well, that wasn't such a bad picture, was it? LOL! I always look better in candid photos anyway. I guess everyone does.

I could turn this into a big thing about my life, but that would be too boring and too bothersome! Yes, I am lazy, but I suppose writing about myself would get tedious rather quickly. So instead, I'll be using up more of my web space by providing photos and anecdotes from my life experiences. Or at least the ones I remember much of, LOL. I've finally succeeded in badgering my dad for a scanner and will be constantly visiting it from here on in. Or until my web space runs out, which could take a while, LOL...I have my ways, hehe..

Some pages are still a work in progress, since I get carried away easily...

  England - Summer 2000 France - Summer 2000 Our fuzzy Goldie My Life

Our family fuzzy - Goldie! Click on the thumbnail to experience all of his cute fuzzy glory! I'll have a web page hopefully soon all about him!