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Figure Skating

Life Experiences


    So, I see you've wandered your way up here. This is a little website maintained by Anita Cheng, your normal college student. Well, I would like to picture myself as a hard-working ideal student like everyone thinks I am. I consider myself a hard school, that is, LOL. At home I'm a hopeless procrastinator (I cram well, LOL, and I'm so glad that I'm able to!) and a self-proclaimed Internet addict. So I suppose the only way to go is making my own website, eh? It's kind  of a long story, how I got here. I first started with Angelfire's Basic Editor, and then after the pre-made layouts drove me batty, I turned to the Advanced Editor. It was fun for a while, and I got accustomed enough with HTML to make tables and crank out page after page, but I wanted something more. I never thought in a million years that my dad would have Microsoft Frontpage hidden in the realms of the study, LOL, but he found it one day and so now I'm here. And I'm still not finished, LOL; I'm still trying to make things better-looking and yadda. Still gotta learn that CSS, Java, and gosh-knows-what-else.
   This is so addicting, but at least it's better than sitting in front of the TV playing video games. Now mostly I do pages for the people at the Alexei Yagudin Discussion Group who have gone to competitions and have the urge to gush. It was our thing; they go see the skating, and they send me the whatever they feel like. Hey, if I can't go to the competitions, getting to see the pictures first is the next best thing, ain't it? LOL!

   Well, since you're here, I might as well entice you with the other things I have stowed away in my little corner. My very first webpage is about the Summer Nights on Ice shows that took place in Germany in August 2000. I won't drastically revamp this page like I'm doing with all the others, since this is how it all started, so I'm keeping it in its close-to-original form for nostalgic reasons. No, I did not get these screen stills myself, Ritti had to send them to me.  He didn't have web space to host them himself, so I volunteered too. In that case, it's all kind of his fault, LOL. And my advertising pitch for the whole thing is this:

I've got screen stills of cutie Russian skater (and Olympics champion to boot!) Alexei Yagudin without a shirt on! 

   Am I sad? Hmm...maybe, LOL. At his discussion group, where I'm known as the "decorum judge" and the innocent one, that may prove embarrassing. Oh well, just see it!  I guess it won't really make a difference in the end, since NBC gave us those, um, revealing shots of him changing outfits backstage in the Olympic gala....But here's where it all started, folks!

   I'll spend my "aagh-I-don't-feel-like-doing-anything-else" time revamping all of my websites to make them more visually pleasing. I happen to be an artsy person and I'm extremely irked if I don't get things the way I want them to. That's just me. 

Update on 1/31/2005: Yeah promise of updating these pages seems pretty fruitless right now. I'll try my best to at least fix up the skating page about the scoring system (cause it's been totally overhauled) but otherwise, drop by at my blog instead. It's less mess for me to edit that than go through all this Angelfire Webshell stuff, LOL.)

My Life (in a Nutshell)
  • School (oh man, halfway through my junior year of college ALREADY?!?!) 
  • Figure skating (the most perfect interpretation of music that I've ever come across - with the right skater, of course!)
  • Internet (for my figure skating fix, mostly)
  • Tori Amos (her music gets me through things where I can't imagine anything would help me through)

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