River Edge Transect #4,

Going west from transect #3 on river edge trail plants were surveyed every 5 meters from trail to water. The distance from the trail to the water varied from 10 to 50 meters since flooding required us to move continually further south.

Key to Common Names

Key to Scientific Names

605m CSB,TT, W

645m M, DUD,CSB, MF, W

685m WD, PB,Chr, M, F, TT

725m gr, W

765m Chr, ChB, CSB

610m LW,ChB, CBS, W MF

650m DUD, CSB, W

690m TAM, Chr, ChB, LS, W

730m Chr, W

770m Chr, ChB

615m M, CSB, ChB, W

655m CSB, M,ChB, W

695m ChR, ChB, LS, W

735m Chr, W

Byers Blvd BRIDGE

620m PB, CSB, M, MF

660m PB, CSB,M, BP, W

700m Chr, MF, LS

740m Chr, CAB, W

625m BP, CSB, LS, W

665m CSB, M, BP, MF, W

705m Chr, ChB, MF, W

745m Chr, ChB, PP, CAB, GB,ChB, W

630m PB, CSB, CAB, W, MF,W


710m ChB, F,W

750m Chr, DW, F, CAB, LB

635m WD, M, CSB, W

675m M, CSB, BP, LS, W

715m Chr, F,W

755m Chr, COY, F, AC, W

640m M, CSB,DUD, W

680m PB, Chr, M, ChB, LS, W

720m Chr, CSB, CAB, ChB, MF

760m Chr

SUMMARY:      native plants,102     non-native plants37

   different species of native plants, 15       different species of non-native plants, 8

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