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November 26, 2006 - Sunday

Clear and sunny.

In a word, OUCH. This morning when I was in bed I did something to my neck. I may have pulled a muscle or something. Anyway, I can barely move my neck and I'm in a lot of pain. I may even go to the doctor tomorrow, because I can't function like this for long. I'm using Tylenol and it's helping a bit, but not as much as I hoped.

We went to Jiro for our brunch this afternoon. We had a lovely meal. After that, I got Fumihiko to bring me home again.

I really needed to do laundry and to get started on my wrapping of Christmas presents. So, that's what I did today. I did three loads of laundry and wrapped tons of presents. In fact, I think I've wrapped them all. I sure hope so! It took me most of the evening.

When Fumihiko dropped me off at home he went to get his hair cut. He got it cut, but not too short. I actually quite like it. Usually he gets a cut that looks like a military cut, but this one is okay. Then, he went to his Mum's house to do some repairs. He came back around 8 pm.

We went out for dinner to Gusto. It was okay. I was in a lot of pain quite honestly and wasn't happy that Fumihiko picked the farthest away Gusto to go to.Every corner that we turned was not fun for me. Oh well, he didn't mean it after all.

We came home and I continued wrapping presents. I finally finished after 2 am. Argh! That wasn't fun. My friend's stuff is all wrapped and ready to go, but my sister's stuff...won't fit in my box! I'll try to get a bigger box at the post office tomorrow, maybe. Still, it's done. Now for the Christmas Cards!

Anyway, that was my day. I hope I can sleep. My neck is very painful. Wish me luck!

Night night.


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