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November 26, 2005 - Saturday

Sunny day, a bit cool, but very sunny!

A pretty good day. Fumihiko and I went out for breakfast, and then he dropped me off at work. I was busy for a while and then I had nothing to do! I went out for coffee with my hubby. That was nice.

In the later part of the day I worked on making a paper mache pinata. It was interesting. I haven't finished it, but I did do a lot of work on it. I also got flour and water all over my clothes! I hope it'll come out.

Tonight Fumihiko and I went for yakiniku. It was yummy. Then, we came home and he put on one of my dvds of Tru Calling. He seems to like it, although he did fall asleep during one episode. (He said that he didn't but I heard gentle snores from the chesterfield!)

That's about it. It was a good day, but it's later than usual and I'm tired. I think I should get to bed fairly soon. Gotta go. Night!


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